After discussing the title of the 1991 thriller movie, The Silence of the Lambs, we came down to some solutions to the meaning of the title.

Do not read below if you haven't seen the movie

(there may be a few spoilers)

In the film, there is a serial killer named "Buffalo Bill." The killer would kill his victims, which were all women, and then skin them (hence the nickname). The killer was denied the request to receieve a sex change operation, which lead him to kill the innocent. Killing and then skinning his victims served the purpose of creating a new skin, which the killer could create a female looking body for him to wear.

Now on to the meanings...

The lamb represented the victims, because lamb are metaphors used to represent the innocent, such as Jesus and his lamb (the lamb being his innocent sinless children - the followers). In the film, the innocent were being killed and skinned such as the lamb is usually skinned for it valuable wool.

In the end the Lambs (innocent) were being silenced (killed) and skinned for their wool (skin), which in turn covered up the skinner and altered his appearance (poor man's sex change).