Today, a return to Everything2, in desperation.

A pile of work, a long list of tasks to complete, a letter saying "As yet, we have not received your form." Personal achievements to be accomplished.

This is the daunting hurdle, steep climb and precipitous cliff that faces me this day. I'm weary I tell myself. Does sleep count? For lack of sleep I have plenty. 1am a child's crying comforted. 4am, a cat cries wickedly from the balcony, the child awakes at the sound again to be comforted. At 5am, crying again, comforted. It is 6am, and we joyfully greet the day along with the crying child, vainly struggling to assemble clothes, and breakfast. Along the journey the child struggles against fatigue, and cries some more. I reach behind my seat holding sultanas out as solace, my arm twisted backwards, half an eye glancing on the road before me.

At my desk, I long for those close to my heart, to hold and cherish them. What comfort do I have? The list of ten tasks I drew up yesterday has had only two items drawn through. I remind myself of the scale of things, but my confidence is undermined.

"It is now a matter of urgency that you complete the form and return it by post as soon as possible."

See also Bubble Cup.