<< week | June 4, 2000 | June 5, 2000 | June 6, 2000 | week >>

Everything's Best Users Snapshot

Users                  XP wa7 inc   l_XP l_wa7
Pseudo_Intellectual 13449 132  28  13421 149
jessicapierce       11325  70  25  11300  78
dem bones           11159  40   1  11158  46
DMan                10331 179   5  10326 208
pukesick             8737  42   5   8732  48
Saige                8342  81   3   8339  94
RockLobster          3113  69   0   3113  81
Lord Brawl           3064  17   2   3062  20
sabre23t             3020  61  60   2960  61
artfuldodger         2930  23  57   2873  17
Xamot                2870  13   0   2870  15
Wintersweet          2793   4   4   2789   4
EBU #50              2793  38   4   2789  44 

Server time: 01:14 Mon Jun 5 2000 TZ +0100 not UTC since May 26, 2000

Note Last value was taken less than a day earlier on
Server time: 15:52 Sun Jun 4 2000

l_ = last (previous) value; inc = increase in stats value
wa7 = ((stats + (6 * l_wa7))/7) = weighted average with denominator 7

sabre23t: Random Nodes

I missed one day of the EBU Snapshot for June 3, 2000 and late snapshot for June 4, 2000. There are a number of ways for me to take that into account.

I took the last option, the easier one. However, if I miss more than 2 or 3 days, I'll have to consider the first option.

Update June 5, 2000 04:36 UTC. Would the downvoter care to explain why he downvoted, where as I've clearly noted that this writeup was a "to do"? That it will be updated with the calculated stats, as just been done now. Please /msg or email me.

sabre23t: Nodes to node