My hellish weekend is receding from my being like a nightmare fading away. The events of the weekend are still resonating around my place of employment like the hum of a Tibetan bell. My metaphors are coming out as fruity as jaypea's infamous Frooty Frooty Muffins.

St Valentine's day. Gemma and I have been together for 12 years, and I'm very happy to wish for another 12. I gave her the new Sade CD last night, and I recieved a funky e-card of two peanuts dancing and smooching. I think I got the better of the exchange! She's started a new job today, so it's just me and Molly in the home office. I must take some time out later to think of a really nice meal to cook for her tonight.

So I called a headhunter. I'm not paid enough at this current job for the responsibility I carry and the ahem awesome strategy I provide. IBM here I come, ready or not.

I was intrigued to read some postings from the Whiz-Bang Atlanta Party on the weekend last, so I tracked down the photos of the weekend. What fun to see actual pictures of everythingians! I've been pondering E2's evolution, with what seems to me to be an increasing number of IRL get-togethers. I'm thinking of organising one for .au nodists in late March, have compiled a list of 8 or 10 locals to invite....

Yay! I don't have to go to the stupid industry group board meeting in Queensland tomorrow. I was roped-into giving a talk on the new Aussie online privacy legislation by my boss (who's on the board), but couldn't understand the connection to this particular group. And he's no bloody use, being an unashamed "big-picture man" /me chuckles. So I had a chat with the exec director of the group and we both agreed that my boss is either on drugs or should seriously consider getting onto drugs. So, I'm off the hook. Another two days at home rescued from the embers!

The best thing about Cow of Doom's online E2 Node Tracker, for me, is that I can see which of my writeups have been downvoted. I like following the link back to the downvoted writeup and doing some better work to improve it. I'm feeling a sense of satisfaction when I find that many downvotes I attract are justified, and that it's in my power to rectify writeups that suck. Kudos to the contributors to the various E2 Node Tracker projects.

For those who've not seen it, check it out! The trick is to log-in, check out your results, and then click the update button to clear those results. Next time you log into the Node Tracker, you'll get the latest ups and downs on your nodage. At least that's how I'm using it.