A manga-style comic created by Buzz Dixon and Min Kwon in 2005, Serenity depicts the life of a teenage girl named Serenity Harper who moves from Los Angeles to a seemingly unspecified town somewhere in the United States, and on enrolling at James A. Madison High School in this settlement ends up associating with members of the Prayer Club and gradually adopts Christianity as her faith.
So far there are six volumes in the series:
The sales figures were less than spectacular, with fewer comic geeks buying it than expected. The first six volumes were published by Barbour, but the rights have passed to Thomas Nelson Publishing, who plan to release four further volumes in January 2008:
The writing is not as bad as some might expect in a work of Christian fiction (such as, for example, the TV series 7th Heaven), but not of the standard one typically expects of more mainstream comic writers such as Brian K. Vaughan.
Why Serenity is good:
- Serenity doesn't convert to Christianity immediately; Dixon teases out the issue gradually so that Serenity has still not fully converted by the end of volume 6.
- There is a surprisingly nuanced presentation on the moral rectitude of a Christian life.
Why Serenity is not so good:
There is no connection to any space westerns of any kind.