Imbolc (a.k.a. Candlemas, Imbolg, St. Brighid's Day, et cetera)

(February 2--some traditions, February 1)

Imbolc is a Pagan Sabbat: a holiday celebrated by Wiccans, Witches, and many others whose religions fall under the umbrella of Earth spirituality and Paganism. It's a Goddess-honoring holiday that usually coincided with the first lactations of the livestock. This is the opening of spring and the origin of the popular "Groundhog Day."

Imbolc lore:

The Goddess recovers from the birth and the God is young. Imbolc is a purification, and a festival of light and fertility. It is a time to honor the Maiden aspect of life and to help call back the light to springtime.

Imbolc sentiments:

This is a time to celebrate the light and to honor the Maiden aspect of the Goddess, as well as the child aspect of the God. It is a time to purify, of new beginnings and such. It is a very joyous time, with much in the future to look forward to and sort of a playful feeling in the air. This is a time for making plans for the future, which will be encouraged to develop in future Sabbats.

Imbolc practices:

Imbolc is celebrated with symbolic new beginnings and sweeping out of the old. Many like to have self-dedication rituals and reinitiations at this time. Traditional activities are making candles, lighting a candle in a window and burning it until morning, using candles in magick and divination, doing a "spring cleaning" of the house, blessing seeds that are hoped to produce good plants for food and other things, re-stocking the magickal cabinet, and going out looking for signs of spring, collecting pebbles and other natural trinkets. Some people like to put a wheel symbol on their altar at this time of the year.

Some Imbolc Recipes:

Check out other Sabbats: Ostara¤Beltane¤Litha¤Lughnasadh¤Mabon¤Samhain¤Yule