I live near Abbey Road.

Every day I see little groups of Japanese or Spanish tourists make their pilgrimage to Abbey Road studios and stand on the famous zebra crossing.

They often take the 189 bus to their destination. Abbey Road is a fairly long road, however and they sometimes make the mistake of excitedly jumping off the bus as soon as they see the first street sign, and then proceed to walk to the studios, singing Beatles songs in broken English as they go.

Many people write messages on the whitewashed walls at the entrance, but even the Great Wall of China couldn't hold all the comments left behind by Beatles fans.

The walls are therefore whitewashed every few days to provide a blank canvas for the next group of devotees.

I often wonder whether people realise that the ode to their hero, which they might have spent their lives wanting to put on that wall, will last only a few days.

But they seem to go home happy.