June 20, 2024 thru July 15, 2024

Side Quest 2024:
an Epilogue

Hear ye, hear ye! Let it be known that the relevant votes are in and tabulated, GP totals have been submitted for distribution by the gracious and respected Tem42, and so it must be time for the rest of the recognitions! (Am sure there are still upvotes and C!s on the way as well.)

<insert trumpet flourish here>

1 - Honestly, it was mostly my self and I. Me kept voting for writeups that were mine.

"I believe we can call your quest a success. I've seen some good content as a result."
-- wertperch

I agree, another successful E2 Quest under my belt, only this time as both quest runner and sole judge. And speaking of, judging from the feedback I've received (and more is welcomed, by the way, critical or otherwise), I've (so far) fulfilled the responsibilities thereof. Another one of the E2 Rites Of Passage done and done. Well, except for more feedback I've yet to receive, that is.

Some of the additional criteria to help me judge the success of this quest follow. As mentioned on July 1, 2024, there were 22 submissions to the quest in June. This helped push June 2024's new writeups to 57, an increase of 30 over June 2023. Thank you, one and all, for more than doubling last June's number of new writeups, per data supplied by the site trajectory. As for July, 19 writeups were submitted to the quest, bringing July's number of new writeups, so far, to 66, an increase over July 2023's new writeups of 39. During the posted dates for the quest, quest writeups accounted for 42.7 percent of all new writeups per my calculations. Very nice, and the month ain't over, so keep on noding! Additionally, 13 nodeshells were filled, one was unlocked, and another was retitled but left empty; a handful were added to; and over 1024 links were created, both hard and soft. Link and link we did, so thank you again as the residents of the nodegel are pleased with all the newly created digital information pathways, not to mention the predominance of factual writeups.

Personally, my goals were my usual. Level up, which I did, and am over two-thirds of the way to the one after, where I'll gain cloaking. I also unlocked another achievement and received a real sanctification. Also hit the magical number of 155 writeups, as of this one, in the last twelve months (actually, since September 7, 2023).

So, in summation, cheers and a round of drinks to all of us! And many, many, many thanks! Thank you to Tem42 for being the staff sponsor and quest advisor extraordinaire. Thank yous to etouffee, Jet-Poop, and wertperch for msgs of support, as well as their submissions, while I was determining if the proposed quest would pan out, as well as all those who voted on the original proposal. But, of utmost importance, thank you to all those who contributed writeups, votes, C!s, encouragement, editorial advice, and moral support to not only my self but also to one another. Thank you to those who went about their everyday noding activities. None of us could do it without one another, or at least not do it as well. Seriously, truly, honestly, and humbly: Thank you. Thank you all, with gratitude and appreciation.

Oh, and we established the benchmarks for the next Side Quest…

Now, back to your main quest nodings, whatever they may be, please, and thank you again!

Full list of this quest's entrants and number of submissions:

Posted this Sweetmorn, the 55th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3190