While I watched the leaves get caught in her hair
The stick up kids kept their guns in their belts
With string ties. Bullets deep in canvas bags
Friends’ initials carved deep into the bronze

Face, turned towards the palms of strangers hands.
We danced where the bar was free and the air
Sodden with smoke. Dusk freed party balloons to
Cartwheel through the sky, still we laughed hard.

The air burnt blue above us, we were seen
Jumping from the pier with landlocked screams.
Paddling back to the shallows with matches,
Damp from my pocket, dry in the sunlight

Setting fire to my surrender flag
Waving it like I’m still dancing sober
Waiting for someone to take this drifter
Home. I sat alone throughout the autumn

While I watched the leaves get caught in her hair,
Face turned towards the palms of strangers hands.
The air burnt blue above us, we were seen
Setting fire to my surrender flag.