Rewards! for Nodeshell Filling! Blessings Available!

I have many nodeshells, created over many, many years; too many for me to fill, as you may clearly see from the list below. Since December 2004, I have decided to enlist help in filling them.To that end, I created this list, partly so I can see what's happening, and partly to give others ideas for noding.

Nodeshells To Fill ~ Completed Entries

  • If you fill anything, do let me know so I can strike it roughly off the "to-do" list!

  • The challenge rules are simple - simply fill one of these (my current nodeshells) with something relevant. Even if you fill a nodeshell of mine that's not in this list, please do let me know!

  • Factuals (I prefer factuals over anything else ☺)should be well researched, well formatted and suitable for all readers (see Writing for a Wider Audience). Aim for completeness, but don't feel you have to go over-the-top and write everuthing.

  • It's well known that I like a good, readable format, so lots of nice white space and subheadings (bold only, please - none of those dreaded tags) will be smiled upon, especially in the longer writeups.

  • It goes without saying that I expect you to have spell-checked and proofread your work before letting me know. If I find gross errors of grammar or whatnot, I will be sorely vex'd. Non-factual stuff may be creative, funny, quirky or what-have-you - use your imagination, I know you have one in there!

  • I've decided to extend the closing date indefinitely - feel free to let me know as and when you complete one!

  • Provided your work meets the basic criteria, you're guaranteed a C! from me, and maybe other blessings too - GP, votes or whatnot if you really strike a chord with me. Obviously it's at my discretion.

  • When you have posted your work, do let me know that you have done so, and that it is for this challenge even if you realise later. I'll credit you in the list here. 

    If you have any questions or other comments, or think that any of the nodeshells are irrelevant, duplicated or just plain wrong, please /msg me (thanks to ariels for pointing some out already).

Sadly, since starting, I have added almost as many new ones as have been completed. When I began there were in excess of 670. As I write this, we're at 614 601, with 220 227 completed *sigh*. (As of 8 October 2023 we're at 235 completed and 592 to do. I shan't add more to the list because dayum that's enough already.)

Note that there's a list of OH GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS NOT NODED in jessicapierce's drafts too.

Still To Do  (If you find one that's been completed, please let wertperch know.)

See Completed Entries

  1. AAA battery
  2. Abbot Ale - Great English Ale
  3. ABC Cinemas - once, a great cinema chain
  4. Abraham Holzel — early Rosicrucian
  5. Accurist - the wristwatch
  6. Alan K. Simpson
  7. Alex Cox - film director
  8. Alexei Shulgin
  9. Alfred Marks - British actor
  10. Alice Kahn
  11. Ali Hassan Salameh
  12. All Industrials index
  13. Alt National Park Service protest movement.
  14. Amy Prentice
  15. Andrew Strong
  16. Andy Ferguson
  17. Anne Fadiman
  18. Anthony McPartlin
  19. Antiochene Rite
  20. Anthony Fauci
  21. Arnold Alanen
  22. Arrokoth a Kuiper Belt object imaged by New Horizons
  23. Arthur Askey
  24. Arthur Negus
  25. Artists Against Apartheid
  26. Augustin Fresnel
  27. Auteuil
  28. a wretched hive of scum and villainy - description of Mos Esiley cantina, among other things.
  29. Bailey Bridge
  30. Ballet shoes
  31. Barbour
  32. Barefoot College
  33. Barry Sheen
  34. Basford
  35. Bass brewery
  36. Bay Marchand
  37. Been Brown So Long, It Looked Like Green to Me: The Politics of Nature
  38. Berliner Weisse - a sour beer from Berlin
  39. Bernard Lovell
  40. Beryl Reid - British actress
  41. Betty Bowers
  42. Beverley Allit
  43. Bewdley
  44. Bill Foggitt
  45. Bill Nighy
  46. Billy Butlin
  47. contact binary
  48. Blair Athol
  49. Blue Funnel Line
  50. Boaty McBoatface still on a nautical theme, a submersible wih a fascinating story to the name.
  51. Bob McAllister
  52. bottle garden
  53. Brackenhill Tower
  54. Brandon Carter
  55. brass band
  56. Brian Rix
  57. Bridgwater
  58. British Film Institute
  59. British Israelites
  60. British Waterways
  61. Bruce Welch
  62. Butlins - British holiday camp
  63. BUPA
  64. Call My Bluff
  65. Cambridge University Press 
  66. Campaign Against Racial Discrimination
  67. Capitol Corridor
  68. Carl Foreman
  69. carrier oil
  70. Carter Bar
  71. Castleton
  72. cavity wall
  73. Chaddesden
  74. chador 
  75. Challenger II  British battle tank
  76. Chalons
  77. Chandra Wickramasinghe Sri Lankan mathematician & astronomer
  78. Chapel of Elvis
  79. chemo curls
  80. chernozem
  81. Children in Need
  82. Chiltern Hills
  83. Chinaman's chance
  84. Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog flavoured Water — Limp Bizkit album.
  85. Chris Denning
  86. Christening
  87. Christopher Trace
  88. Cirencester
  89. Clan Drummond
  90. Clapham - near London
  91. Clevedon
  92. coaching inn
  93. Coalbrookdale
  94. Colin Davis
  95. Columbia Basin
  96. Concrete Island - novel by J. G. Ballard
  97. Coolgardie safe
  98. Cornish Rebellion
  99. courtroom
  100. craft beer 
  101. Craig Breedlove
  102. Crary Lab
  103. Culpeper's Herbal
  104. curtsey
  105. Dagenham
  106. Dave Swarbrick
  107. David Bailey
  108. Daz
  109. Debatable Lands
  110. Declan Donnelly
  111. Deddington
  112. Deep Heat
  113. Deep Seek—Chinese AI company
  114. Der Freischütz
  115. Derbyshire
  116. Derek Parfit Britih philosopher
  117. Devil's Punchbowl County Park
  118. Diana Dors
  119. Dixon of Dock Green
  120. Dodi Fayed—Princess Diana's consort
  121. Douglas McIlroy—one of the early-days UNIX developers
  122. drag hunt
  123. Duncton Wood
  124. Dundee cake
  125. Dunster Castle
  126. DynoRod
  127. Early Spider Orchid
  128. East Dereham
  129. East Kilbride
  130. Eastbourne
  131. Eileen McGann
  132. Enclosure Act
  133. English Hymnal
  134. enshitification—the ruination of the internet as defined by Cory Doctorow
  135. Epsom
  136. Eric Sykes
  137. Ernest Seton
  138. Estrelda
  139. Eugene Lang
  140. EverReady
  141. Everybody's Everything
  142. Everything is Illuminated - the novel (and the film)
  143. eximia
  144. Fairfield County, Ohio
  145. Felix Dzerzhinsky
  146. Felix Klein
  147. First Hundred Days of a US President. Often seen as a significant measure of initial effectiveness.
  148. Five Towns
  149. fly-half RUgby playing position, not unlike a football quarterback.
  150. flightless bird SO many of them.
  151. Folk Roots
  152. Folkestone British fishing/tourist town in East Anglia.
  153. Ford Granada
  154. Forest of Bowland
  155. Fuck for Forest environmental protest movement.
  156. git the version control system by Linus Torvalds. Not a nodeshell, but that writeup still needs doing!
  157. Günther Prien
  158. Hackney Downs
  159. Handley-Page Victor strategic bomber and air refueling tanker
  160. Hans Makart
  161. Harold Taylor Ricketts
  162. Harry Somers
  163. Harvey Fite
  164. Hat Creek Observatory
  165. Hattie Jacques - actress, star of the "Carry On" films
  166. Health and Safety at Work Act
  167. Hellfighters
  168. Henri de Blois
  169. Henry N. Cobb
  170. Henry Cooper British boxer
  171. Henry Normal
  172. Hermitage Castle
  173. Heuristic Squelch - a humorous magazine from Berkeley University
  174. Hidcote Manor
  175. Hieronymus Bock - the herbalist
  176. Hindenburg Line
  177. hip bath
  178. HMS Royal Sovereign
  179. Hocking River
  180. Holstein
  181. Honiton
  182. Hooray Henry - one of a bunch of (often drunken) toffs
  183. hospital radio
  184. Hosta
  185. hot trod - in pursuit of Border Reivers
  186. Howard W. Florey
  187. Hungerford
  188. Hyder Ali
  189. I hear in advance the criticism of The Elders
  190. Imperial Moth
  191. India Act
  192. Ingleborough
  193. Institute of Contemporary Arts
  194. Italia Irredenta
  195. IXTOC
  196. izzard former name for the letter Z
  197. Jack Rosenthal
  198. Jack Sarfatti, physicist
  199. James Tyler Kent - physcian and homeopath
  200. jian (a Chinese sword)
  201. James Bolam
  202. James Fox
  203. jamesway
  204. Jane Taylor
  205. Jeanne Cagney
  206. J. I. Rodale - champion of organic farming and food
  207. Jimmy Edwards
  208. Jodhpur - the place in India
  209. Johannine Comma
  210. John Barbirolli
  211. John C. Dvorak
  212. John Collet
  213. John Mills
  214. John Sainsbury
  215. John Stewart Collis
  216. John Surtees
  217. John Turtle Wood
  218. Johnny Dankworth
  219. Johnson & Johnson
  220. Joseph Grimaldi - British clown
  221. Josef Pieprzyk
  222. Josef Svoboda
  223. Joseph Rutherford
  224. Josiah Spode
  225. Josiah Wedgwood
  226. Juluka
  227. Junichi Yamamoto - two people, sumo wrestler and director of Meatball Machine
  228. Kali Linux
  229. Karl Wilhelm Kastner
  230. Kathryn Roberts
  231. KBE
  232. Kelso
  233. Kenilworth Castle
  234. Kenneth Horne
  235. Kevin Blahut
  236. Keys of Enoch
  237. Kilcoe Castle
  238. Kinect
  239. Kinloss
  240. Kirkwall
  241. knee surgery
  242. Knobkerry
  243. Knole
  244. yle RIttenhouse gun acrivist cleared of murder after shooing two people at a protest.
  245. La Stampa
  246. Lachrimæ, or Seven Teares
  247. Lady Dai
  248. Lady Emma Hamilton
  249. Lady Margaret Beaufort - 18 Dec 04 Brontosaurus
  250. The Land Girls - film about the Women's Land Army
  251. Language Through the Looking Glass
  252. Laramie, Wyoming
  253. Lark Rise
  254. Lavengro
  255. levain - a type of French sourdough
  256. Leicester Cathedral
  257. Leicester Tigers
  258. Leicestershire
  259. Leon Rosselson
  260. Leonard Shlain
  261. Leto Atreides Duke Leto from the Dune universe
  262. Lionel Jeffries
  263. Liskeard
  264. Listen with Mother
  265. Life Change Units
  266. Littlewoods
  267. Liverpool Polytechnic
  268. Lombardi Award
  269. London Palladium
  270. Lord Nuffield
  271. Apollo Lunar Module
  272. Lutterworth
  273. Macclesfield
  274. macroencephaly
  275. Macuna Pruriens
  276. Mackem
  277. Madhya Pradesh
  278. madrass
  279. Maisonette
  280. Malcolm Campbell
  281. Malcolm Sargent
  282. male infertility
  283. manbag
  284. Mansfield
  285. maqlubi
  286. Margaret MacDonald
  287. Marischal College
  288. Martin Niemöller German pastor and thologian, author of First they came
  289. Mark Shand
  290. Marke Edelman
  291. Mars Express
  292. Marsh Fritillary
  293. Martin Harris
  294. Martin Johnson
  295. Martin Niemoller
  296. Marty Wilde
  297. mass trespass
  298. Master of Foxhounds
  299. Mastercare
  300. Masterchef
  301. Matt Busby
  302. Matter of France material associated legendary kings, particularly Charlemagne
  303. Matthew Parris
  304. Maulana Karenga
  305. Max Bygraves
  306. Maximian
  307. mechanical keyboard
  308. medicine bag
  309. Melvyn Bragg
  310. meme coin
  311. Mercator's projection 
  312. Met Office
  313. Methocarbamol
  314. Middlesborough
  315. Mike Hammer - a Mickey Spillane character
  316. Mike Harding
  317. Milkybar
  318. Milnut
  319. mine disaster 
  320. Minute Maid
  321. Monreith
  322. Mendocino, California
  323. Moors Murderers
  324. Mount Graham
  325. MTRLI
  326. mulled ale
  327. Multiple System Atrophy
  328. Murchison Meteorite
  329. Murrayfield
  330. Muscular Dystrophy Association
  331. Museum of Oceanography
  332. Myron Kinley
  333. Nain Singh
  334. naming ceremony
  335. narrowboat
  336. National Blood Service - part of Britain's Blood Transfusion service.
  337. National Guitar
  338. National Space Centre
  339. nautical terms
  340. Neighbourhood Watch
  341. New Horizons the space probe that photographed Pluto
  342. Newcastle Falcons
  343. Nicolas Courtois
  344. Nicholas Parsons
  345. Nicolas Culpeper
  346. nine nights
  347. North American Rockwell
  348. Norwich Cathedral
  349. Oakham
  350. old lag
  351. Olympus Has Fallen the film
  352. open world game - a type of computer game
  353. OPG
  354. Oran
  355. Oruvail
  356. Osias Beert
  357. osmanthus tea
  358. Oxford University Dramatic Society
  359. pandoc FOSS document processing tool.
  360. Pangbourne Naval College
  361. paraphyletic group — taxonomy term.
  362. The Park estate, Nottingham
  363. Patience Worth
  364. Patrick, Lord Litchfield
  365. Paul Foot
  366. Pedot
  367. Peggy Seeger
  368. Penderyn
  369. Percy Hobart
  370. Puirt a beul - a form of Scots mouth music
  371. Peter Nichols
  372. Peter Osgood (Chelsea FC)
  373. Peter Shilton
  374. Peter Sutcliffe
  375. Philip Clayton
  376. Philip Massinger
  377. pictogram
  378. Placerville, California
  379. podsol soil type
  380. Polesden Lacey
  381. polycule
  382. Port Talbot
  383. Porta Asinaria
  384. Porta Latina
  385. POW camp
  386. powerlift
  387. Preparatory school
  388. principal boy - the traditional pants role in pantomime
  389. principles of navigation
  390. prisoner of the city
  391. Project Chatter
  392. Proxmox virtualisation software
  393. publishing house
  394. Pulau Redang National Marine Park
  395. quarry tile
  396. Queenstown
  397. radio interferometry
  398. Radio Luxemburg
  399. Rae Beth
  400. Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly _rocket language for "it blew up mid-flight".
  401. reality hacking
  402. Red Ryder BB Gun
  403. Red Buttons
  404. Reg Varney
  405. Reichstaler
  406. Religious Science
  407. Renegade Software
  408. Repton School
  409. retroperitoneum
  410. Rhaetian Alps
  411. Riber Castle
  412. Ric Sanders
  413. Richard Arkwright
  414. Richard Attenborough
  415. Richard Ingrams
  416. Richard Tauber
  417. Right to Repair — movement to legislate for repairable products, and pressuring manufacturers in the meantime.
  418. Rick Kemp
  419. Ring of Bright Water
  420. River Dog
  421. River Soar
  422. Robert Hardy
  423. Robert Lazar
  424. Robert Melnick
  425. Robert Colquhoun
  426. Rochdale
  427. Rodney Bewes
  428. Roger MacDougall
  429. Roger Touhy
  430. Rolls Razor
  431. rompope
  432. Ron Harris (Chelsea FC)
  433. Rosetta@Home (BOINC distributed computing protein research project)
  434. rostrum camera
  435. Round The Horne
  436. Routemaster - classic double-decker London bus
  437. Roy Hudd
  438. Royal Hospital, Chelsea
  439. Royal Army Medical Corps
  440. Royal College of Music
  441. Royal College of Surgeons
  442. Royal Geographical Society
  443. Royal Naval Air Service
  444. Rugby Sevens - Rugby Union seven-a-side
  445. Rutland Weekend Television
  446. S.S. Adams
  447. Saint Anthony's Bread
  448. Saint Joseph
  449. Saint-Leger
  450. Salvatore Quasimodo
  451. Samuel Shem
  452. San Francisco Brewing Company
  453. San Francisco International Airport
  454. San Rafael, California
  455. Sandaig
  456. Sayan Mountains
  457. Scots Guards
  458. Scottish Football Association
  459. Screw Magazine
  460. Serania de Cuenca
  461. Serinette
  462. Seth Carlo Chandler
  463. shikimic acid
  464. Shirebrook
  465. Shirley Williams
  466. Shiva lingam stone
  467. Sidi Bel Abbès
  468. Sigurd Savonius
  469. Simen Mountains
  470. Simon Munnery
  471. ingle board computer
  472. Sir Douglas Quintet
  473. sleep clinic
  474. slow-release
  475. Smyrna
  476. Sneinton
  477. Soay
  478. Sobelair
  479. Socialist Worker
  480. sound pollution
  481. Southend
  482. Southwell
  483. Spalding
  484. Site of Special Scientific Interest
  485. Stafford
  486. Staffordshire
  487. Steelboys
  488. Stella Gibbons
  489. Stick It - gymnastics film
  490. Sticklebricks building toy
  491. Stoke Mandeville the place or the hospital
  492. Stratford Johns the actor
  493. Stuart Hall British TV presenter
  494. Stuart Pearce
  495. Sudarium of Oviedo - cousin to the Shroud of Turin
  496. swatting - internet harrassment.
  497. Swavely Preparatory School
  498. Sánchez de Lozada
  499. T wave
  500. tabloid press
  501. Tasmanian Aborigine
  502. Tea caddy
  503. Terence Rattigan
  504. Terry Nutkins
  505. The Albion Country Band
  506. The Classic of Tea
  507. The Dambusters - classic British WWII film
  508. The Eighty-minute Hour - novel by Brian Aldiss
  509. The Enid
  510. The Faces
  511. The Fireboming of Bremen
  512. The Groundhogs (British Blues Band)
  513. The Great Stink
  514. The Hay Wain
  515. The Jesus Project
  516. The Killing Of Sister George - British film
  517. The Last Remake of Beau Geste
  518. The Lord's Taverners
  519. The Müller-Fokker Effect
  520. The Natural History
  521. The Needles
  522. The New Avengers
  523. The Old Curiosity Shop
  524. The Pink Panther Strikes Again
  525. The Potteries
  526. The Purge film review at the very least wanted
  527. The Romany Rye
  528. The Steam-Driven Boy - science fiction short story collection by John Sladek
  529. The Tufty Club
  530. These are not the Druids you are looking for
  531. Thomas Bateman
  532. Thomas Fuller - English clergyman and author
  533. Thomas Heywood
  534. Thomas Minton
  535. Thomas Turner
  536. THV bullet - French bullet design, possibly vapourware
  537. Tik-Tok - the robot, not the Chinese Vine replacement.
  538. Tom Brown's Schooldays - Prep school novel
  539. Topset
  540. Tower House
  541. Transglobal Underground - trance/fusion band
  542. Trent Bridge the bridge between Nottingham and West Bridford, also the name of a couple of sports venues near the river.
  543. Triumph Herald the classic British car.
  544. tropical fish
  545. Trot of Turriff
  546. Twistor theory—in theoretical physics, proposed by Roger Penrose as a possible path to quantum gravity.
  547. Ullswater
  548. urinal fly—a tiny target attached as an aiming mark in a urinal.
  549. Vale of Aylesbury
  550. Valerie Singleton BBC TV host.
  551. Vincent M Holt
  552. Viscount Linley
  553. Viscount Torrington
  554. WAAF
  555. Waldorf School
  556. Walsingham
  557. warts and all - expression allegedly ascribed to oliver cromwell
  558. Warwick Castle
  559. Weedon - town in England
  560. Weedon Grossmith
  561. West Bromwich Albion F.C.
  562. wet rot
  563. Wheeling, Pennsylvania
  564. Whipsnade Park
  565. Whiskas cat food
  566. Will Greenwood
  567. William Bates
  568. William H. Davies
  569. William Lilly
  570. William Rowley
  571. William Webb Ellis
  572. Wilson A. Bentley
  573. Wirral
  574. Wollaston Islands in Tierra del Fuego
  575. worm snake
  576. zero-day vulnerability
  577. Zincali, Gypsies of Spain
  578. zombie worm - deepsea scavenger worm
  579. Other folks' nodeshells I'd pay to see filled.

  580. Ed Balls British politician
Completed Quest Writeups

See Nodeshells To Fill

  1. HMS Revenge - floated by Palpz
  2. Farnborough - now flying, thanks to LSK
  3. cinnabar moth - noded by wertperch
  4. steam distillation - done by young Palpz
  5. Publius Sulpicius Quirinius - sorted by DylanDog
  6. human cannonball - launched by wertperch
  7. dry rot - moulded by RACECAR
  8. The Mekon - first alien bio by wertperch
  9. dog rose - planted by RACECAR
  10. bomb disposal - defused by Palpz
  11. spick and span - cleaned up by Junkill
  12. Poperinge - neatly placed by DylanDog
  13. sperm motility - movin' and shakin' thanks to Palpz
  14. Alain Bombard - wertperch runs out of plays on words
  15. Walsall - put in place by Redalien
  16. tannic acid - Redalien reacted nicely
  17. ducking stool - dropped in by Cairsten
  18. Maxwell's otter - Junkill's pet
  19. Coals to Newcastle - carried off by Junkill
  20. carrier wave - broadcast by redbaker
  21. Clovis point - sculpted by The Lush
  22. Weisses Fleisch - Redalien
  23. dormitory town - woken up by LSK
  24. Davy Lamp - gbulmer enlightens us
  25. harvest mouse - sown by RACECAR
  26. Marsh Arabs - settled by junkill
  27. MASM - assembled by Vimes
  28. University of Missouri - Columbia - thesis by The Lush
  29. Saint Leonard - sanctified by Junkill
  30. trypanosomiasis - put to bed by Junkill
  31. Saint Bruno - rescued by Junkill
  32. barley water - concoted by wertperch
  33. Fourteen Holy Helpers - assisted by Tlachtga
  34. Anita Roddick - a body of work by gyrozapose
  35. Milk Stout - brewed up by thatguy
  36. 1170 - a good year for gbulmer
  37. Abigail's Party - hosted by Helen4Morrisey
  38. magnetosphere - attracted Redalien's attention
  39. Haddon Hall - built by Helen4Morrissey
  40. Murder Most Horrid - mystery solved by shimmer
  41. Andy Fairweather-Low - Amen to Junkill
  42. 1893 - from young mauler
  43. petit fours - served up by lesha
  44. St Bartholomew's Hospital - healed by paraclete
  45. run the gauntlet - handed out by junkill
  46. Brian Clough - saved by hubris
  47. spider mite - in the wild thanks to Envy
  48. elkhound - bred and trained by nocodeforparanoia
  49. enterotoxin - paraclete served it up
  50. blue eyed soul - nocodeforparanoia done it
  51. bobbing and weaving - dance to lupus
  52. Holy Island - outlined by gbulmer
  53. Atanasoff-Berry Computer - worked out by 18thCandidate
  54. Daughters of the American Revolution - recruited by lesha
  55. electoral register - recorded by benya
  56. London Stock Exchange - catered by the.web.hermit
  57. Spiny Oakworm - nocodeforparanoia
  58. chromium sulfate - tanned by Grayscale
  59. phototoxic - exposed by Grayscale
  60. beware of geeks bearing gifs - presented by Rapscallion
  61. to coin a phrase - stamped out by twofourtysix
  62. Ford Model A - driven into view by Envy
  63. The Woman in Red - recorded by TerribleAspect
  64. Ragged School - tidied up by Paraclete
  65. every cloud has a silver lining - turned out nicely, by Hubris
  66. Maurice Saatchi - as advertised by Hubris
  67. Devil amongst the Tailors - knocked off by TerribleAspect
  68. 616 - beautifully timed by hapax
  69. Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly - tuned up by Tlachtga
  70. Bombay mix - spiced up by twofourtysix
  71. 1189 - mauler, timed beautifully.
  72. cricket pitch - rolled by __kk__
  73. poker dice - defined by Webster 1913 (and thrown by jclast)
  74. chrysophanic acid - released by Grayscale
  75. bee hummingbird - small, but perfectly formed by lesha
  76. Daring jumping spider - pounced on by wertperch
  77. tintinnabulum - rattled out by Webster 1913
  78. Lady Penelope - strung together by waverider37
  79. Lembit Öpik - closed by Redalien
  80. Inglenook - built by wertperch
  81. Neti Pot - done, indirectly by geneva
  82. Japanese etiquette - beautifully finished by crypulse
  83. Jane's Fighting Ships - launched by The Custodian
  84. California Singing Fish - noted by Bitriot
  85. robber crab - nipped by Bitriot
  86. prawn crackers - served up by twofourtysix
  87. autothrottle - opened by The Custodian
  88. Joy Adamson - released into the wild by skybluefusion
  89. Women in Love - web unravelled by ShadowSpinner
  90. Thomas Coke - brought in by niruena
  91. William Stukeley - conjured by Tlachtga
  92. chamber pot - filled by Excalibre
  93. sodium thiosulfate - developed by RPGeek
  94. Paper Lace - unfolded by XWiz
  95. Roseanne Barr - bar raised *groans* by Azzer
  96. white tea - brewed by Oolong
  97. 1925 - worked out by Grey Knight
  98. Kim's Game - found by Grey Knight
  99. malky - done in by Grey Knight
  100. moonraking - fished out by npecom
  101. dandelion and burdock cordial - polished off by npecom
  102. double digging - forked over by npecom
  103. laughter lines - :) by Danneeness
  104. spoon and pusher - fed to you by wertperch
  105. club moss - bashed out by grundoon
  106. multigrade oil - changed by Mikebert
  107. intentional grounding - spiked by Mikebert
  108. Cooper's Hawk - saved from extinction by Mikebert
  109. Here's Lucy - broadcast by Timeshredder
  110. arrow loop - fired off by Mikebert
  111. hydraulic fluid - Mikebert put the squeeze on it
  112. offensive holding - flagged by Mikebert
  113. Mods and Rockers - kickstarted by Mikebert
  114. The London Gazette - published by Redalien
  115. Tequila Stuntman - performed by ReiToei
  116. cucumber beetle - unearthed by kanoodle
  117. A dying playground can be Eden - planted by graceness
  118. 1118 - timed nicely by kanoodle (shame it wasn't number 118 on the list)
  119. sparring partner - fought for by cameron101
  120. Dennis Weaver - smoked out by kanoodle
  121. Fröhlich's syndrome - described here by dwardu
  122. Dalwhinnie - distilled by meezzio
  123. Imperial Tobacco - smoked out by meezzio
  124. Saint Petroc - blessed by Nadine_2
  125. Blue rinse - hair by virtue of kanoodle
  126. National Command Authority - led by The Custodian
  127. 1473 - had a date with kanoodle
  128. glove puppet - nicely handled by e-lainey
  129. shaving horse - shaped and finished by kanoodle
  130. Dropkick Me Jesus, Through The Goalposts Of Life - confidently scored by myself
  131. Saint Peregrine - nodeshell cured by Augustine
  132. Ginger Nuts - slammed (and dunked) by Andrew Aguecheek
  133. TASM - shot into the nodegel by The Custodian
  134. BAC TSR.2 - flying thanks to The Custodian
  135. open-heart surgery - cracked by metabrain
  136. North Atlantic Conveyor - brought by RainDropUp
  137. Nanette Newman - cleaned up by XWiz
  138. A disaster of Biblical proportions - brought down by Augustine
  139. Blackle - energetically written by resiak
  140. moue - poutingly rescued by Tem42
  141. Bodmin Moor - explored by XWiz
  142. Igorot - populated by Heitah
  143. Dutch courage - bravely filled by Mikebert
  144. grotty - delightfully finished by Heitah
  145. Sea Buckthorn - unfrozen by Heitah
  146. One in Five - shot down by Venkman
  147. foliar feed - homegrown by npecom
  148. rags to riches - brought up by sangsoo
  149. Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich - a hit from pdraleigh
    ⊂~ begin Iron Noder Challenge 2008 ~⊃
  150. cattle cake - fed to us by Aerobe
  151. air support - now flying thanks to The Custodian
  152. alcohol intolerance - a more-than-tolerable effort by Palpz
  153. spot market - bought up by filoraene
  154. Cuisenaire rods - added by filoraene
  155. Heidelberg Tun - filled by filoraene
  156. Economy Seven - saved by The Custodian
  157. Darrieus turbine - generated by The Custodian
  158. test pilot - in the air thanks to The Custodian
  159. sterling silver - polished off by filoraene
    ⊂~ end Iron Noder Challenge 2008 ~⊃
  160. borehole - filled by TedBronson
  161. shoo-in - race won by TedBronson
  162. 1124 counted by blahbleh]
  163. donkey's years - matured by tentative
  164. sanpaku - eyeballed by mauler
  165. Yang Wanli - by mauler
  166. T-Mobile G1 - called in by Wuukiee
  167. pogonophobia - bearded in its den, by mauler
  168. I have a Little Dreidel - spun out by HC Shannon
  169. Age and treachery will overcome youth and skill - overturned by easterner
  170. A Tourist Guide to SouthEast England - mapped by tifrap
  171. Session Beer, or How To Drink More Beer - by me
  172. kitchen sink drama - cleaned up by the cheshire cat
  173. Zippo Raid - sparked by The Custodian
  174. British Armed Forces Special Voucher - paid in full by The Custodian
  175. Stalky & Co - stories by RUdyard Kipling.
    ⊂~ begin Iron Noder Challenge 2009 ~⊃
  176. Handley-Page - flying thanks to The Custodian
  177. The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu - unraveled by The Custodian
  178. Cripple Mr Onion - trumped by rootbeer277
  179. Pole of Inaccessibility - explored by filoraene
    ⊂~ end Iron Noder Challenge 2009 ~⊃
  180. Mackeson - stoutly handled by The Custodian
  181. 6502A - processed by The Custodian
  182. bomoh - cured by Heitah
  183. Coritani - unified by Heitah
  184. thermal mass - retained by Tem42
  185. Atlas Mountains - scaled by mauler
  186. Sopwith Pup - flying, thanks to LeftUnspoken
  187. Humboldt Fog - yummed up by cassaparadox
  188. He who pays the piper calls the tune - well played by Dr.Jimmy
  189. beef stock - cooked up by NanceMuse
  190. Urban VIII - infallibly done by drownzsurf
  191. handout - given to us by Cogsworth
  192. thousand-yard stare - closely examined by Cogsworth
  193. Biojewellery - smithed by Croakery
  194. Beer and skittles - mixed by marku
  195. Blackshirts - downtrodden by wombat-socho
  196. Thieves' Cant - stolen away by fool4luv
  197. Hand, foot and mouth disease - cured by Croakery
  198. green beer - no longer envious, filled by wertperch
  199. 3 Mustaphas 3 - no play on words, done by myself
  200. The Shitting duck of France - excreted by wertperch
  201. orphan negative - adopted by wertperch
  202. Agnostica - unbelievably well done by Tem42
  203. alpine meadow - flowering thanks to Mouq
  204. huckle-buff - finally mixed by myself
  205. Alan Bates - acted on by me
  206. Moon Trees - planted here by lesha
  207. Apostle spoon - scooped up by Jet-Poop
  208. Metuchen, New Jersey - recollections from moeyz
  209. Jespersen's cycle - a positive contribution from Serjeant's Muse
  210. Watson Fothergill - drawn up by wertperch
  211. Laurel Canyon - carved out by Evil Catullus
  212. Matter of Britain - settled by Sol Invictus
  213. WinDbg - debugged by WindRider
  214. Naked as the sky - clothed by Intentions
  215. National Shooting Centre, Bisley - good shot from Sazzz
  216. Coniston Water - filled by wertperch
  217. Colibri - lit by The Custodian
  218. For a list of all the ways technology has failed to improve the quality of life, please press three - called in by moeyz
  219. Mothercare lovingly birthed by moeyz
  220. Fictional resume - someone give andycyca a job
  221. end-to-end encryption - unravelled by wertperch
  222. Yves Thuries - sweetly done by disrticulate
  223. hold your head up - erected by andycyca
  224. British National Corpus - written out by tiger cub
  225. Eyelash mite - I looked closely at this one
  226. William F. Nolan - taken to Sanctuary by Rancid_Pickle
  227. where there's muck, there's brass - AspieDad is in the money
  228. Völund -wrought by Maevwyn
  229. United States Patent and Trademark Office - chromatic
  230. Operation Linebacker II - run in by wombat-socho
  231. The Goat and Compasses - quaffed by wertperch
  232. paviour - laid by Heitah
  233. The Cat and the Pigeons - ghostwritten by Zephronias
  234. Alemanni - gathered together by Estelore
  235. The Mouse That Roared - animated by Estelore
  236. Malt vinegar - distilled by weroland
  237. Large Binocular Telescope Observatory - as seen by Pandeism Fish
  238. monkey picked tea - brewed up by wertperch
  239. rhubarb fool - a sweet concoction by Mister Chu
  240. Cromer - visted by wertperch
  241. Common Entrance Examination - passed by wertperch
  242. Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press - gate can neither confirm nor deny
  243. potato flour - milled by weroland
  244. Threescore years and ten - done in a moment by weroland
  245. Amanda Donohoe - taken off by wertperch
  246. gin trap - sprung by weroland
  247. keep cavey - Estelore kept a lookout for this one
  248. Anthony Newley - acted on by panamaus
  249. The penis mightier than the sword erected by panamaus
  250. Cheapside sold to us by mauler
  251. Linux for the uncommon person installed by wertperch
  252. Blue John - dug up by wertperch
  253. netymology - deftly explained by weroland
  254. drawing room - painted for our pleasure by 1010011010
  255. salt marsh - magic'd up by weroland.
  256. cloth cap - doffed by weroland
  257. Chorale -sung beautifully by weroland ,/li>
  258. Crosse & Blackwell served up by Mortice.
  259. Threadneedle Street - walked in by wertperch
  260. fetch, decode, execute cycle - computed by Inconspicuous Lord12
  261. Tim Severin – after 22 years, wertperch finally finished the journey.
  262. glowie exposed by wertperch
  263. nesh brought into the warm by wertperch
  264. Docker packaged by wertperch
  265. Raspberry Pi baked by wertperch
  266. heirloom tomato homegrown by Peaceful Chicken
  267. microplastics briefed by Peaceful Chicken
  268. DOGE efficiently dealt with by weroland