- Two of them. Hovering there like bloated gas giants in the heavens. Good God, it was beautiful.
- Fuck me till I fart
- There is a wound that is healing. There is a season waiting for me. There is a road that is turning. There is a fire still burning.
- Fuck me harder
- There is nothing left for me there, except for all that I left behind
- there are two colors in my head
- Somebody Up There Likes Me
- There are a couple of people in a cafe with only glass between them. And something important is happening
- There is a part of me inside of you. Take care of it.
- We must get there before dark, follow me
- "Ha ha," says the Israeli voter to the American voter, "don't talk to me about the lesser of two evils."
- glitter me the fuck up, skinny jeans
- they still come to me even though i don't come to them
- There's someone in my head but it's not me
- you have ghosts. where are they? are they so deep that the light cannot reach them? is there any such place?
- I Love Them But They Don't Love Me
- Fuck me like you fucked that horse
- throw them away; there will be individually-wrapped replacements
- Ruining your illusions of me. Or cementing them.
- Fuck me if I'm wrong
- Roll me over and fuck me again
- Fuck me
- Fuck Me General Public Disclaimer
- There's a certain silence driving me mad
- Somewhere there's a god who wants me
- He makes me feel alone just by being there
- There is no man in the sky who cares what we eat and drink and fuck
- Fuck you; I won't do what you tell me!
- Somewhere there is a syphilitic prostitute who is going to tell me about India
- There's you pushing me in a swing while I watched the stars.
- Before you, there was me
- There is more of me than you imagine
- there are people who are gone but wanted me to be happy
- Deliver me from a place where there are no scars.
- There were only twelve raindrops, she counted them on the windshield under heavy soft skies
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- There are four zeroes in the registered births in the USA across 1993. I'm one of them.
- Where There Are Two Jews, There Are Three Opinions
- venomous lizards
- there aren't any stars because we haven't created them yet
- I know there are other fish in the sea but I don't want them
- There are two parts to every sacrifice: the pain of giving up what you love, and what's waiting for you on the other side.
- Fuck me boots
- I met him two days ago and now he wants to fly me to Peru
- She Fucks Me
- Fuck them all but the six
- Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
- There is no real me
- There Are Many People Living Inside of Me
- Two condoms, she makes me wear
- She who makes the Moon the Moon and, whenever she is full, sets the dogs to howling all night long, and me with them.
- Is it me or are there more bisexuals these days?
- I take a long time to ejaculate. Do I have a problem?
- There is a panther stalks me down
- There are a million girls like me out there
- It kills me to watch them go
- I saw him lying there leaving me, and I did not know
- Tell Me a Story About Giving a Fuck. Tell Me, Everything.
- there's nothing quite as wonderful to me as the assorted scars of a woman who's too busy reading to watch where she's walking
- a grief so strong I thought it would crush me there
- There was no one waiting for me...
- they see in me a man that is empty, in need of love. that will not hurt them.
- Two shadows walk with me as my only allies
- There is a family in me somewhere and some days it tries to tickle its way out.
- There must be something terribly wrong with me. Sometimes I feel like I haven't learned anything.
- I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to your leader, and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity.
- There is no one here to stop me from using this silence.
- Listen to me, because I am in the soapbox. This is the voice of the soapbox. I am calling to you. Do you hear the sounds of my soaply siren song? My syntactically sweet strumming along to sequential sequestrations of symmetrically snakey st
- it's good for me to go and not have there be words
- She is lobbing rainbows at me from across the room and I am swallowing them like fear.
- Just standing there, wearing my boxers, in my driveway. I was watching the stormfront. You were watching me.
- There is nothing growing here, in the space between she and me
- fuck me gently with a chainsaw
- i know you're out there; i just wish you were here with me
- Lunch, two good men, books, how much I like them
- two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead
- in this world there are no equals but some day you will surpass me
- Textbooks you save because there's that one chapter in back you refer to every two years or so
- My soul is in a million pieces. I tried to collect most of them, but some are missing, and the ones I have don't fit together anymore. Feel free to take a piece or two.
- There are two sides to every coin
- Two voices are there: one is of the deep;
- There are two sides to every bet: a crook and a fool
- There are 74 genuinely good people left in the world, and most of them are a painful bore.
- There's nothing you can do to me that Castro hasn't already done
- There's a sign on the wall. But she wants to be sure. Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
- There are two kinds of questions: logical and empirical
- Big Book Chapter Two: There Is A Solution
- You beat it in me, that part of you/But I'm gonna split us back in two
- fuck you pay me
- tied up now fuck me (user)
- fuck me and marry me young
- Fuck Me Like You Mean It
- flying fuck
- Fuck off
- skull fuck
- Fuck it
- The Big Space Fuck
- fuck all
- Friends who fuck
- Get the fuck out of my office
- Don't fuck llamas
- Fuck blame
- Two Problems with Parfit's Survivalism
- If my roommate doesn't keep his hands off my shit, I'm gonna fuck him up
- Top ten ways to fuck up your kids
- Fuck as a mid-word addition
- fucks with
- Born to fuck
- FLQ: Fuck Les Quebecois
- cool as fuck
- 'Fuck off' used as a replacement for 'good', or 'very'
- fuck up
- What doesn't kill you can only fuck you up for a really, really long time
- Fuck Art. Let's Kill.
- gender fuck
- cluster fuck
- Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke
- Sororities are nothing but social crutches
- Fucked Company
- Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts
- Fuck the System
- The voting system doesn't work because I'm drunk and that fucks it up
- Forget fountains of eternal youth; we need a fountain of clues
- People have fucked up before
- Fuck the models
- When you make your own mother cry you know you've fucked up
- Needlessly fuck with things
- Fuck as a mid-word addiction
- fuck with
- If you can't help it, fuck it!
- Why can't we just fuck and feel good about it?
- Americans on injustice: "Fuck it"
- Wouldn't it suck to be God's mom and not even get laid in the deal?
- What the fuck is this shit?
- Music? What the FUCK is music?
- If you really care about someone, do not tell her to fuck off
- I'm angry, and tired, and sad, and I just don't want to deal with it right now, so fuck off
- sympathy fuck
- Sometimes it takes a good fuck to remember it's kisses you're missing
- No Education = No Future (Fuck the Curfew)
- Fuck Tibet, Free the Navajo
- I used to fuck people like you in prison
- mercy fuck
- fuck truck
- Scottish Court rules: "Fuck off" is not an insult
- Fuck and please her like never before with the Stimulator!
- Fuck you, Jared!
- I fell in love with her first
- The "Fuck you, clown!" story
- fuck that
- Sally Jessy, man, that shit'll fuck you up for life
- If we weren't doing business, I'd fuck your brains out
- boo boo kitty fuck (user)
- clumsy fuck
- Entropy, fuck off. These are my people.
- Nobody fucks with the Jesus
- fucked m (user)
- Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!
- Fuck Chopin!
- pussy fuck (user)
- A poor fuck pleasure
- Fuck you and your war. Fuck you and your robot whores.
- FUCK YO(U ALL (user)
- YHWH declares that the substitution of LOVE with FUCK is punishable by AIDS; man responds by covering his member with plastic
- fuck you!!! (user)
- yo tengo que get el fuck out of aquí
- Fuck your god
- Just because I'm nice to her doesn't mean I want to fuck her
- FUCK IT ALL (user)
- "Shut the Fuck Up" Theaters
- You had to pretend success was fucked
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