- If I don't care, I don't have to hurt
- Living well is only the best revenge if they don't have a fuckable sibling
- These are the only minutes you'll ever have. Take good care of them.
- a love letter expressly meant for your eyes only
- Jesus loves you so I don't have to
- You Don't Have To Say You Love Me
- I don't have a problem with Biblical Literalism, it's Christians I can't stand
- My soul is in a million pieces. I tried to collect most of them, but some are missing, and the ones I have don't fit together anymore. Feel free to take a piece or two.
- Third Eye Blind
- I'm scared. I don't have a name.
- honey badger don't care
- I don't love you anymore
- Thank god I don't have to make my living passing out bogus petitions
- I don't care. That's genius.
- We don't have what we need because we can't stop wanting
- if you don't have anything nice to say, a rose still smells as sweet
- Cats don't have brakes
- Dogs are for wimps who don't have the guts to bite people themselves
- I don't care what you've heard: It's hard to get laid in New York City
- So you don't have to
- or maybe a calm voice, that accent you don't think you have
- The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well
- Don't feel comfortable with girls? Have a daughter.
- I keep thinking I'm so tough but I rarely care enough to prove it. So am I really tough then? Or does every dog just have its day?
- If you don't love yourself, you can't love anyone else.
- The ones with their priorities straight don't know how to get what they want, and the ones who get what they want have messed up priorities.
- For Your Eyes Only
- don't trust a teacher who only takes on the brightest pupils. to find the sun in a stone, now, that takes true skill.
- We don't have time. Not like they do.
- I don't believe in the end of the world. I only believe in right now.
- I don't care. I like who I am because of it.
- I don't want to risk endangering the cheap, meaningless sex we have
- I don't have a television set
- Love is blind
- I don't care what you did last summer
- You make yourself lonely even though you don't have to
- I don't have a postmodern condition; I've always been like this
- I don't have a life; Everyone else wants to live my life for me
- No, I don't have channel 11
- Don’t write love letters to women unless you are dating them
- The mighty have fallen, and I don't feel too good myself
- 2001: Why don't we have HAL?
- I don't know what you find to do all day on that thing. You'll go blind!
- because I have given up any care
- A lot of houses don't even have anyone to board them up.
- I don't have the time
- "Of course humans aren't intelligent. They don't even have glurbleflukers. If you can't glurblefluke, you're not sentient."
- i call my phone and i check my messages, but i don't have any messages
- i don't love e2. i love when it touches the ideal.
- i am a seedling. i don't even understand how much i have yet to learn.
- I don't want my magic anymore. It has only caused me problems.
- Alice without opening her eyes says You have to stop crying you are shaking the bed.
- I love your eyes
- i always want to go back. but i don't know if it's time yet. i have some things i have to do.
- Take it til you make it, break it if you have to, but don't ever fake it.
- Also, I don't think it's weird that we all love one another so much.
- I'm a crack whore, and I don't care
- Don't care didn't care
- Dreams Don't Care
- I wish I cared about the things you cared about but I don't.
- You'll be something special one day. And you -- you have to take care of your sister.
- If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything
- Don't meddle in that which you have no desire to understand
- Baptist fear of dancing
- I have a Shaymus and you don't.
- Stoned music memories
- The only mercy in this night is that it don't blow out your match
- Don't ever forget that I listened to you out of love
- Love the one you don't need
- I don't care about the air
- Don't Say You Love Me
- Dogs don't have souls, so it doesn't matter
- In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king
- Don't be afraid, you've just got your eyes closed
- Relax. Don't worry. Have a homebrew.
- Don't Laugh (I Love You)
- E2 FAQ: Why Don't I Have Votes Today? (node_forward)
- Treading the fine line, eyes blind and arms outstretched
- Why don't I have votes today?
- Don’t worry, this is only a costume that makes me look like an adult
- Reason #57 Why I Don't Have Children
- I don't see Heinlein writing books proposing that only farmers should be allowed to vote
- Don't trust anyone with the sun in their eyes
- I have dreadlocks and I don't know where the pot is
- Songs Hazelnut Listened To So You Don't Have To
- To June, from Eric
- If you don't know how to make a mu, you have no business measuring quantities that small.
- It's okay as long as you don't fall in love
- Don't fire til you see the whites of their eyes
- My finger can point to the moon, but my finger is not the moon. You don't have to become my finger, nor do you have to worship my finger. You have to forget my finger, and look at where it is pointing.
- An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
- I Don't Believe in Love
- Why don't urinals have stalls?
- If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.
- We don't have time for this. None of us have time for any of this.
- You don't have to catch me. You don't need to bring me back.
- You don't even have a chance of being happy if you can't let shit go.
- We're blind. We're mortal. We don't know what the hell we're doing.
- I don't know why but I always love episodes without words. like just something about them makes me feel calm or something..
- You haven't seen it and you don't understand. I have malice. I have cruelty. The little fire that's always been inside me isn't so little anymore.
- don't be afraid, it's only angels bowling
- I Love Them But They Don't Love Me
- don't just wait for it, but you can only wait for it
- I don't need to be loved by you
- you don't have to eat your dinner but you pay for your plate
- If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes
- you don't have to do this
- you don't have to erase it, you just have to let it go
- cover your eyes so you don't know the secret
- You don't have any real problems
- World, take care of me. You don't owe it to me, but I don't know any better.
- When I look into her eyes, I no longer care about what the world thinks. This is what it feels like to be alive.
- The trouble with love is, it doesn't care how fast you fall
- As long as it falls directly from your hand to mine I don't really care what it is
- A lie only hurts when it's told by people you care about
- In this moment I'm focused on my own emotions. I don't care about how you feel. I can't.
- I don't have a thing to wear!
- If you care only about you, and I care only about you, who cares aout me?
- somehow I felt hopeful, as if I have finally found a ragtag army of fellow fighters, none of whom cared what socks I was wearing
- Somewhere north of Houston, there is a short smelly man that I don't care for
- Do not have sex with horses. Seriously, don't.
- I don't have a problem with Christians, it's Biblical Literalism I can't stand
- You don't always have to disagree, or agree for that matter
- Ernie and Bert are not gay. They're puppets. They don't even have legs.
- Baptist jokes
- A reason to drink
- Archived E2 FAQ: Why Don't I Have Votes Today? (document)
- You Say You Don't Love Me
- And that's why we don't have sex in the nose
- don't care
- We read your mail so you don't have to
- We only care about the cute animals, everything else is food
- I take for granted that you just don't care
- You don't have to be a vegetarian to like vegetarian food
- How the Old Woman Took Care Of Candide, and How He Found the Object of His Love
- Don't Need Love
- When you have a trip planned, but don't go, you need to cancel your reservations
- I don't know how to fall in love with a woman
- I don't think I like love
- Guys who don't tell you they have a girlfriend
- I Don't Need to Have Children, I Date Them
- You don't know what you have until it's gone
- You don't have to remember my name
- We exist in a world of pure communication, where looks don't matter and only the best writers get laid
- Don't give me your hand me down love
- If you don't play pinochle, you must have married in
- I don't even have the energy to kill myself
- I don't believe in falling in love
- Badgers? We ain't got no badgers. We don't need no badgers. I don't have to show you any stinking badgers!
- My library books are late, but I don't care
- you don't love like a cold-weather man
- I don't have a soul. But something still hurts.
- Throw your hands (up) in the air, (and) wave them all around like you (just) don't care
- How we sleep on the nights we don't make love
- I don't care if you're the customer, I still think you're wrong.
- I love you and it's okay you don't know I exist
- Please don't grab at my notebook, my love
- Your dark eyes don't haunt me
- I don't care about society, it just gets in the way of my individual freedom
- I don't care what color your computer is
- love like you don't need the money
- if one of us should flicker and vanish, mid-drag, don't bat an eye. claim a spot on the curb and never give an inch.
- I don't have any secrets. Now ask me if I have any lies.
- Love and care of your new tattoo
- Don't ever lie. If you lie to your friends, they won't trust you, and you'll have nothing, and you'll never be safe.
- Jimmy crack corn and I don't care
- I am letting myself down so you don't have to
- Books Hazelnut Read So You Don't Have To (category)
- Type A blood
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