- The legend of the three good ass whoopings by Nathaniel Carter
- Why My Brother Is Wanted For Questioning By The United Nations: I
- Our words are backed by nuclear weapons
- I was discovered by scientists, what will they call me?
- My words will not return void
- one by one their blades will grind to a halt and stand still like a white forest.
- A picture drawn by my friend's younger brother
- Questions will be asked...AND DESTROYED! BY ANSWERS!
- Gap analysis of a telephone call
- The monsters of the past will be long forgotten by the time the general populace is ever forgiven
- On feeling haunted by words which were never said
- I Will Make You Eat Your Words
- The Will and the Word
- The Tragedy of Prince Hamlet and the Philosopher's Stone, or, A Will Most Incorrect to Heaven by William Shakespeare
- paid by the word
- Tribute by Senator Edward M. Kennedy to his Fallen Brother, Robert
- Changing standards of male beauty purely by force of will
- How to get your ass kicked by Jackie Chan
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever here
- She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in books written by rabbits
- The classic Warner Brothers cartoon characters have been replaced by lookalikes
- You will know me by those colors, deep and bold, of the heart you never knew.
- Our children will judge us by our memes
- The blurred words will dance on the final page
- I cannot find the right words to touch the sky with me Yesterday tomorrow and forever in a white crystalline bask of your teddy bear beauty will you love me yes ok thx!
- Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever a bear
- My brother made $700 in 3 hours by sitting in front of a grocery store
- If you behave there will be cake for the miscreants we call your brothers
- My God, will you look at the ass on that metis?
- The Wild Colonials
- Words to live by
- Looking up a word by its definition
- Every "why" question can be answered by a phrase using the word "idiot"
- The world will knock you on your ass. Are you ready for that?
- Book most owned by American libraries with the word "fuck" in the title
- World peace is a beautiful dream that will never be achieved by the human race
- And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead
- The lonely ones will find each other by the heat of their bodies
- By evening I will have returned all traces that I was ever here
- In the movie of his life, the part of Keanu Reeves will be played by a block of wood, and the critics will pan it for being too expressive
- You will not reach enlightenment by reading things
- Whether by word or deed or thought
- Words and phrases coined by Shakespeare (category)
- Suicide is punishable by resurrection. There will be no exceptions.
- Major structural issues in the United States economy and society will not be solved by the summer of 2025.
- i can't fit it all in but by god, i will keep trying
- Words will blow your mind
- Oh, oh, you will be sorry for that word!
- One word that will make others laugh
- If we don't make words, words will make us
- Someday I will turn this melody into a thought, the thought into a word and that word into an action
- You don't even know the meaning of the word committed. I'm Andy Kaufman, motherfucker. I will die on this hill I made, in this battle I started, for this prize I already own.
- I will teach you what charms and true words I can.
- because eventually you will see past my magical words and focus once again on the matter at hand
- Welding puns that involve the word "ass"
- ass chip
- Covering your ass
- bad ass
- swamp ass
- ass
- Up Your Ass
- Rat's ass
- The Ass and His Driver
- The Ass and His Shadow
- The Ass and His Masters
- The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass
- The Ass and the Horse
- The Ass and His Purchaser
- The Ass in the Lion's Skin
- The Ass and the Wolf
- The Goat and the Ass
- Kiss my ass
- Big Ass Truck
- jawbone of an ass
- Asses of Fire
- Photocopying your ass is not recommended
- Piece of ass
- The Kennedy crimes
- I kick ass for the Lord!
- My mom kicks ass
- Persian wild ass
- Bad Ass vs. Evil sunglasses
- Your ass is indefensible
- If they put you in a copy machine, an ass would come out
- How to wipe your ass
- Trump claims Education Dept encouraged use of long words
- my ass, your face
- Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken
- Pain in the ass evangelistic ex-smoker
- We are all sitting on our asses, simultaneously staring blankly at computer screens all over the world
- Use of "ass" as an intensifier
- Our rover can kick your lander's ass!
- This door is not a horse's ass!
- Assassinate makes an ass out of ass, I, and Nate
- Bad things with which to wipe your ass
- Big Ass Pork Plate
- The color of an ass on the run
- A dude with an elbow for an ear and an eye stuck on his ass cheek
- And the Ass Saw the Angel
- Big Ass Ham
- Weird-ass exam technique
- They say that I have the best ass below 14th Street
- How to not fight and not get your ass kicked
- Don't let the door hit you in the ass
- Gas, grass or ass, nobody rides for free
- Kerr's Ass
- How to fight and kick ass
- Decentralized networking kicked my ass
- The Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jive Ass Slippers
- Ass Pain
- Put your head down and your ass in the air
- Cool ass babe
- colder than a well digger's ass
- Run Your Ass Non-Stop
- So I was balls deep in the guy's ass that night when he turns to me and asks for a kiss. Damn. What a fag.
- You're so funny I think I'll kick your ass
- Ass and potpourri
- Grave Are The Hairs On Our Asses
- Don't Be An Ass (user)
- The Obscene Ass
- Get your ass out of the testosterone lane!
- half-assed
- Bust Ass Falls
- Canada Kicks Ass
- You'd better start hauling ass
- Drinking is like daring the universe to kick my ass
- Duck's ass
- My first smart ass comment
- bad ass (user)
- Beauty is in the eye of the head up the ass of the beholder
- On the Road with My Pet Goat
- African wild ass
- Ass Ponys
- Art Star Sounds Compilation (Ass Comp)
- thug ass nigga (user)
- hoss ass hole (user)
- haul ass
- Fat Ass (user)
- ass hole!!! (user)
- dumb ass (user)
- ass over teakettle
- The Devil is an Ass
- Federal "pound me in the ass" prison
- show your ass (user)
- candy ass (user)
- ass candy (user)
- ass butt (user)
- JOE KICK ASS (user)
- I've worked my ass off and I just want a drink!!!
- The law is an ass
- Jack ass (user)
- How this broke ass college student manages his finances online
- Ass kisser
- Drunk Ass Bukowski
- The -Ass Suffix and Beyond
- grabbing ass
- hot ass chris (user)
- trina sexy ass (user)
- ass whole (user)
- virgan ass (user)
- Cheap Ass Games (node_forward)
- Dat ass
- Hi, meet my pitbull. His name is Don't Question My Fucking Premises You Ass
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