Today I bought groceries!

Fuel for a noding machine:

Part of a balanced diet (why do they show the bowl on the box with twenty-seven grapefruits?) to keep your noder's nose wet and give them a shiny coat. Please note that this is not the bulk of my diet, merely the essential items I was out of 8)

While waiting for the Radio Shack to open so I could get my microphone adapter (solely so I can make elaborate and obscure sound collages to delight and infuriate ideath with, let me assure you) I read the Waste Land and Other Poems, a collection. You know, I think bones is on to something here.

Returning home at 1 pm I went to sleep; my nocturnal schedule is like that, so everything else I have to say is everything observations which occurred in the time period covered by this day log's span.

Wow; I gained almost 500 XP in one day from cut-and-posting classic literature, which it was a joy to share. Maybe I'm on to something.

Joy. JeffMagnus' script is working again. I had almost stopped being tired of seeing :

JeffMagnus node count: 3670 (1 new since May 22, 2000)
I think what we all need is automatic self-announcing nodes.
Hi!  I made a new node today!  And guess which one it was?  THIS ONE!
I enjoy sabre23t's daily stats-posting, however, because it tells me about myself and gives me some relative statistics. (Aspirant? How cool is that? Hint: muchos) True, these are things I could calculate on my own with the right footwork, but he lays it out for me. JM's, on the other hand, seems more to be shoving his (subjectively) uninteresting statistics down my throat.

in our last episode... | p_i-logs | and then, all of a sudden...