- Maybe because we like to cry. Maybe because neither of us can believe.
- We don't have time for this. None of us have time for any of this.
- The winter chill reminds those of us closer to our end than our beginning that maybe, just maybe, safety isn't the primary goal in a life that will certainly end in death.
- none of us are actually breathing, we are just trying to breathe
- Because we are all real people, and none of us is innocent
- exist
- exists
- Do aliens exist?
- Contradictions don't exist
- Time does not exist
- Does free will exist?
- Color does not exist
- Proof that there exist irrational a,b for which a^b is rational
- beyond the veil of nothingness there exists a sea of poets, judges all
- Dr Pepper imitations
- InBetween City, 4: printers still exist and are still misunderstood and hated irrationally
- Christianity does not exist
- Orgasms exist entirely in your head
- Gusty winds may exist
- For every set there exists a larger set
- God probably doesn't exist
- Beyond Belief: Why God Cannot Exist
- Religion doesn't exist just so that people can be told what to think
- Natural rights don't exist
- There is neither mastery nor slavery except as it exists in the attitude of the soul toward the world
- Nothing unreal exists
- How can God allow evil to exist?
- writing songs that already exist
- If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him
- The "future" does not exist
- Does Santa exist?
- I smile just because you exist
- ∃
- Everything existed as though painted in a dream
- Beauty exists in scummy soup skin
- Time does not exist without rain
- The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist
- Meditation III: Of God: that he Exists
- Meditation III: Of God: that he Exists : 2
- Meditation V: Of the Essence of Material Things, and, again, of God, that he Exists
- B Battery
- I was hit by a train that doesn't really exist
- Indigenous people don't exist
- Some things exist whether you believe in them or not
- Queer Youth Exist
- The things I spend my money on didn't exist when my parents were younger
- Mountains exist that I have yet to climb
- There exists no 1:1 mapping between words in different languages
- Shall I tell you stories of other stars: stars that you love, that deserve your love. Stars that do not disappoint, and disgust, and disgrace your love. Oh, I have hope they exist for your sake!
- The movements exist on their own terms, manifesting rare beauty
- Gibson architecture
- exists (user)
- A light exists in spring
- exist (user)
- Zen Story: Nothing Exists
- Why emotions exist
- Therefore, God exists
- My Dream Girl Don't Exist
- We exist in a world of pure communication, where looks don't matter and only the best writers get laid
- already exists (user)
- When the Ocean existed outside of encyclopedias
- Proof that Napoleon Bonaparte never existed
- the galaxy that may or may not exist between them
- only by consuming pieces of one another can beings such as we exist
- Gods exist but will only talk to those who stay awake after bedtime under the covers.
- you exist only that the information may continue to exist
- Let's pretend we don't exist. Let's pretend we're in Antarctica!
- The glass does not exist.
- According to the Turing Test, I do not exist
- Love does not exist
- I love you and it's okay you don't know I exist
- And I wept, remembering that such beauty had once existed everywhere
- I killed him today, he who does not exist
- If God doesn’t exist, is everything permitted?
- Why Heaven and Hell Cannot Exist
- If you existed I would never get out of bed
- people who don't exist
- how can words exist and not be acceptable?
- If infinite alternate Universes exist, then where are all the visitors?
- Stereotypes Exist For A Reason
- Why do we exist?
- as if he didn't exist
- Put an unmonitored piano in a public place. It's the only real magic that exists.
- the words poser and wannabe don't exist anymore
- A religion based on Kanye West is a thing that exists
- God exists and I have him trapped in a box in my basement
- There exist some
- The dishes in the drying rack do not exist
- Infinity Doesn't Exist
- The world used to exist in this empty space
- But I've said it before and I'll say it again: kneecaps only exist to get hit with claw-hammers; grace only exists to be fallen from.
- His collection of substances that should not exist was stolen. The thieves then killed themselves 1000 times over.
- nostalgia for things that never existed
- The Temptation to Exist
- Humans exist only because opposites exist
- the fact that i exist is testament to the perverse wonder that remains in the world, and i am not afraid that it will ever disappear
- The thing you are looking for does not exist. Should I create it for you?
- it is a mistake to believe magic unreal. it is a mistake to believe magic exists.
- if you buy into the wizard's bullshit, soon you're all standing waist-deep in things you didn't even know could exist and no one has any clue how to stop him
- Just seeing that he actually exists
- hens exist for the cock
- do paradoxes exist?
- the moment you believe ideas exist, you are lost
- it's the space between things that allows them to exist
- Discordianism in the ranks of the the Cabal That Doesn't Exist
- Do you believe, dear reader, that there exists a slender gossamer thread binding you and and I together in our shared humanity? Say 'yes', and we will face the onslaught of the unreal together.
- i'm going to show these people a world that you don't believe can exist
- Well, maybe (user)
- maybe
- Being a Christian is magical and foolish: Maybe we're all caught up in a collective psychosis
- Prolific? Maybe. It could just be the mania.
- Could you spare some change or maybe just a smile?
- baby, maybe
- maybe that's a lie
- Maybe grief expects poor nutrition.
- Maybe I'm naive but this type of website bugs me
- Losing my taste for men, maybe
- Is There Something About Bangkok I Should Maybe Know About?
- Procrastinators of the world unite! Well, maybe later
- Maybe they heard you scream.
- Maybe Yes, Maybe No
- Then again, maybe he was recruiting for a cult
- Maybe Baby
- Riots due to a power outage
- Maybe That's Just As It Should Be
- but mr can you maybe listen there's
- Definitely Maybe
- Maybe You Know
- Mama's baby, daddy's maybe
- And maybe the horse will learn how to sing
- he wants us to be free
- Maybe someday I'll be an M&M the color of your eyes
- Maybe You Should Drive
- Maybe when we drown the fish will be our friends
- Maybe it's bad manners, but you still can't buy my baby
- Caught between yes and maybe
- Maybe is a pussy answer
- Maybe (user)
- Think there's too much violence in society today? Maybe, but consider this:
- Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too
- Because, you think, Maybe They Are Delicious.
- On second thought, maybe I'd rather be dangerous
- A Brief (or maybe not) Argument for Dictatorship (or maybe not...)
- Maybe she's just pieces of me you've never seen
- Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don’t know.
- watching headlights roll by, maybe you noticed one, swept by a little too slow
- Maybe the Amish are just retired time travelers
- Maybe tomorrow we’ll be on that plane.
- Maybe There's A Loving God
- or maybe a calm voice, that accent you don't think you have
- maybe everything will work out after all
- Not anymore. Maybe not ever.
- Maybe He's A Christian
- I think maybe someday I will take off my feathers
- maybe you could hide things in a hole
- Maybe his name is a killing word
- Six reasons -- er, four reasons -- why maybe there could be a (nontheistic) God
- Maybe even this will one day be pleasant to recall
- Maybe Pile
- maybe it's the writing about it that makes it great
- maybe it's the writing about something that makes it great
- I wish I could tutor art. Maybe next term.
- Maybe if we're lucky the person dreaming our lives will wake up
- Maybe you remember being this young and being invincible
- Maybe if the Chinese invade. Maybe.
- Call Me Maybe
- Maybe I shall find them with EDB.
- Maybe it was not a Friday night
- maybe there is something in the dark...
- The braille on the door was not symbollic of my own blind search for an answer. Or maybe it was.
- Maybe you were inherently complicated, maybe you've been complicated over the years, but know that you are complicated.
- Mexico, or maybe farther. I don't know the details.
- Maybe ROMANCE is cruel...
- we've got a lot of time, or maybe we don't
- Reality can't be whatever I want it to be, but maybe it's not so clear-cut, you know?
- Study, study, study, but maybe just to learn
- Maybe once, maybe twice
- Maybe the ultimate wound is the one that makes you miss the war you got it in.
- Maybe now that I have written this all down I can finally sleep
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