- She was pain and pleasure all at once, wrapped up in needles and Ramones T-shirts
- All the while he was talking she was thinking what his whiskers would feel like on the back of her neck
- She didn't write like Emily Dickinson, but she did live in a house overlooking a cemetery, and I guess he thought that was important.
- She always was all tea and oranges that came all the way from China
- I set my sister up with her husband, and all I got was this great dress and a trip to Hawaii
- she likes to dance on the edge. it's all she's known and she won't change now
- born under candlelight just from the edge of a knife, was it a life? or was it a light at all?
- I was throwing around useless proverbs when all she needed was to be held and told that she was beautiful
- She was like a candle in the wind: unreliable
- In a quiet grove of pines under a frosty sky, he helped her out of the sack. She wore severe white hospital pajamas and was beautiful.
- She was most amazed by the obvious, like January and the fact that I could not possibly keep her.
- She was a Surrealist Woman, She was like a Figure in a Dream
- we went to the stars, but all we found was ourselves
- For a lawyer she was surprisingly like a child. Sometimes.
- When she was new, she rolled around the sky like a black umbrella blown by the wind
- When that cow would walk it was like she was dancing
- down under stars coming up, we are home again
- If all you picked up tonight was this node title, it's time you went to a Brit nodermeet
- That was what her hunger was like: mesmerizing, directed, floating like a public secret just under the cloud cover.
- She was a committed romantic and an anarcha-feminist. This was hard for her because it meant she couldn't blow up beautiful buildings.
- She was buttery. She was asking for it. She was delicious. Let's all give in.
- This Star Wars sheet may be worth something, but I just need a tablecloth
- she made them, like fire, expansible over all space
- It all burned up in the fire there was nothing left
- There was just the magic I'd brought and laid there over the years, piled up in the corners like twinkling dust bunnies
- We've all traded lobsters and woke up alone
- We all know what beautiful eyes are like, what they do to you.
- How to stay up all night if you've been up all day
- we're all ready to break. has it always been like this?
- Seems I might have stolen the blue part of her rainbow, but all I really did was make it bigger, a way bigger blue
- All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field.
- Of all the dorm rooms in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
- All Dressed up with Nowhere to Go
- I feel like a rock star
- The Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne
- some say he was never here at all
- the morning snowdrops fall like dew in the sunlight and fill my heart with their icy cold and all i can think about is you
- Every morning when I wake up, I feel guilty for all the things I have ever been
- all the little stars in my hands; crawling and bleeding
- Woke up this morning, blues all round my bed
- See a penny, pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck
- All That She Wants
- Where are you, caught up in the burden of it all
- my insides are like lava. let me warm you. I will envelope all of you
- Long day, all I wanted was a cup of tea
- John Cassavettes Was No Help At All
- Most adults forget what it was like to be a child once they hit a certain age
- I don't like her because she won't like me
- I Kissed "Weird Al" Yankovic and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt
- All wars are civil wars
- She is all I am listening to here
- How I almost got shot all up full of holes
- The universe was cold and dead and all the best aspects of humanity and its appreciation of the world were stored in electronic boxes
- Can't speed up, can't slow down - all we can do is follow these damn dogs
- all the way up Reagan's ass
- When I growl, the sound echoes like thunder all through the valleys and woodlands, and children tremble with fear, and women cover their heads with their aprons, and big men run and hide.
- All that was left of her was a damp handkerchief
- I broke up with God and my girlfriend, all in the same week
- I remember when all this was trees
- Love lives in honesty, yet we get all dressed up and move in darkness.
- she looked at me then whispered, we are all made of stardust
- I know that all the cannabis activists would like you to believe differently but
- Every time I see a dead fish that isn't, I think of you. Happiness keeps washing over me like a wave. What do I do with it all?
- He was hard in all the wrong places
- We All Get Old, But We Never Grow Up
- did you add up all the cards left to play
- The creative juices are all dried up and crusty
- Boy meets me, boy becomes infatuated with me, boy realizes I take up space, boy runs like hell
- When you blow out like a dead star
- War is like walking off a very long cliff
- Throw your hands (up) in the air, (and) wave them all around like you (just) don't care
- (and it wasn’t in my time nor yet in your time: but a very good time it was for all that)
- You cannot pick up the pieces, unless they all fall to the floor
- up all night on DXM
- I was Christian and all I got was this lousy painting
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever here
- It was fall, and fall does strange things to us all
- Mr. Potato Head Sprouted. He got moldy. Now he's all dried up, but he's still up in the cabinet.
- It's really very silly, I was thinking, they are all acting so weird
- we eat all together like a family
- your dialog and instructions are coiled up tight in every single one of your cells and they're all singing
- All Star Superman #1
- I wanna see it when you find out what comets, stars and moons are all about
- Some lovers (like the old you and I) never experience love at all
- All you ever did was let it happen
- All Star Superman
- all she ever wanted
- I turned Quizro into a Quiet Riot CD, and all I got was this jar of lemon-flavoured pickles.
- And they all just stood and stared
- And though it was snowing outside, all within were warm.
- I spent one year in love and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt.
- By morning I will have erased all traces that I was ever a bear
- all I ever learned from love was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you
- What if all the web designers just gave up and went home?
- like all the world is beautiful at once
- May the world be a better place when I wake up
- We've all traded lovers and woke up alone
- all it cost him was a Penny
- All I do is kiss you through the stars of Orion.
- The total sum of all things would be zero if it was not for love
- and when all the stars have fallen one last time and the skies are crumbling into my hands and the sirens are bleeding out on the beaches and the earth fades; you will remain
- I worked at summer camp, and all I got was this lousy case of gangrene
- It's like you don't carrot all
- We all gonna end up meeting at the finishing line
- she reads all day
- All dressed in silence, I stared and lived the morning
- It was all awesome. Then the robots took over.
- You like me in all the wrong rooms
- when my time is in the past, i hope my heart lays in the grass, and feeds another one who lives like it's all just begun
- Huddled shoulders and bent backs, like so many shadows
- It wasn't like I was sleeping anyway
- I was expecting it to hurt like a fuck
- fatigued from trying to keep up with all of the changes
- Are we really all that we chalk ourselves up to be?
- She ties regrets around her fingers like forget-me-knots
- I like to take up space
- They walk around her like she is in danger of breaking
- She wears her failed relationships like a shield
- All's Fair in Love and War
- moths are all stars
- She said the dance is a prayer. A prayer to toss into the tide all the weight of oblivion and humiliation. This is not a dance for one, fool - where are you?
- MLB All Star Game
- It was all whirlwind, heat, and flash
- Entropy catches up with all of us
- Where was her angel all those times the sky clouded over
- Your words are delicious and enticing, and I would save them all like love letters
- Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
- Freud was wrong. Freud is dead. That is all.
- Converse All Star
- I set the alarm clock anyway, knowing I would be up all night
- We are all made of stars
- All the people looking like they've been run through the life sucking machine. Twice.
- The prettiest views are all from the ground up
- All Turkish members of al-Qaeda arrested so far grew up in Germany
- All poets like to kick
- it doesn't matter who I was, all that matters is who I am
- All right. She can fly circles around Uranus, but where's the bathroom?
- I feel the way bank robbers must feel before they go out on that last job that ends up getting them all killed. That is to say, optimistic.
- And our cars all jumped forward like bottles on a table thumped by a drunk
- I never even went to Las Vegas, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
- If all you have is a hydrogen bomb, everything looks like the moon
- If all you did was node, your writeups wouldn't be very interesting, would they?
- I guessed I wouldn't land on all fours, like a cat
- Southern All Stars
- The artifact was completely impenetrable to all forms of matter except living human flesh
- You couldn't make me give it up to cheapening words for all the empathy and adulation in the world
- more sure of all I thought was true
- All Shook Up
- All it said was clump and scratch, and it only said those very late at night.
- lest she lose all else
- she seems bored with me after all this time
- She who makes the Moon the Moon and, whenever she is full, sets the dogs to howling all night long, and me with them.
- I Fell Out of School, and All I Found Was This Necklace
- Do all nuns dress like this?
- By evening I will have returned all traces that I was ever here
- hold up this tired skyline with all i falter for
- I Dropped Out of School, and All I Got Was This Necklace
- All he left her was alone
- She threw out all my letters
- I went to Atlanta and all I got was this lousy pile of junk
- It will be a love story ... for she will be my heroine for all time
- we can't all be rock stars
- all true revelation will seem like common sense unraveling before you
- heart medications which all have names like alien military from other planets
- "The Americans in their wisdom have taken the heads off the pictures, enlarged them and superimposed them with the heads of animals and then strung them up all over the walls of the interrogation room," he said
- All I wanted was a Pepsi
- can it be that it was all so simple then
- We Can all Die Like This
- I want to strangle the stars for all they promised me
- Having narcissists for family is like not having family at all (category)
- I will REMOVE your "All your radical touching base are already occurred to the lesbian monkey puppy" philosophy on me if you don't eat my soy google balls, hatt-baby. Real or malarky?
- All under heaven
- I went to Voodoo Donuts and all I got was this lousy concussion
- I fried myself in The Finnish E2 Get-Together, and all I got was a hippie song stuck in my head
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