- Rap artists who insist on singing their own name in their songs
- Those who have abandoned their dreams will discourage yours
- i hope there are those in this world who know what a gift it is to have anyone that knows the whole of their heart
- Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one
- Girls Who Bite Back
- Just so we’re all clear, it is okay to miss people who no longer want you in their lives
- Madmen have a world all their own
- Little solace comes to those who grieve
- those who don't fit into the herd are always recognized
- Who's watching the fools that are watching your back?
- everyone is the hero of their own story
- Invocation to bring back fled noders from history
- Those who are the most intelligent are often the most likely to go insane
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter X
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter VI
- those valiant men who saved New Orleans
- Listen, boy. Everyone is their own kind of ninja.
- There are places in this world where mundane, forgotten things have learned to weave their own magic
- The monkey children were everywhere back then. Their fedoras littered the roads.
- Capitalize, please
- Judging women by their books
- Bring pianos to their knees
- Those who come to scoff often stay to pray
- Those Who Dig
- cards written by those paid to condense their thoughts and emotions
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter II
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter XII
- Those also serve who stay behind and fill in the Gaps
- May those who are born after me
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
- Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back
- The Girl Who Owned a City
- Telephone solicitors now call me at their own risk
- Every lousy Kraut beady blue-eyed bastard I see, I just jerk back on my BAR and pump some lead in their face.
- On getting blown up 8000 miles from home by a man who does not own shoes
- the Men Behind the Curtain are to a large extent at the mercy of their own illusions
- Parents who won't let their children play with toy guns
- Expecting your wedding to be the happiest day of your life
- armed with nothing but their own vision
- In the Spirit of "Build Back Better", How about Bring Back Banishment?
- Happy those who with a glowing faith in one embrace clasped Death and Victory
- God helps those who help themselves
- We try to be friendly here. Those who are not friendly will be shot.
- Those Who Must Be Kept
- Those who are as a light in the darkness shall ever be troubled by moths
- Questions for those who don't like capitalism
- Asymmetric Cryptography for Those Who At Least Know Algebra
- let the memories be good for those who stay
- For Those Who Suffer Desire
- Those who look for meaning in the world are like travellers seeking wood in the shade of a forest
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter XV
- those receive me, who quietly treat me, as one familiar and well-beloved in that home
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter III
- Come on and Bring Back the Brjokén Sounds of Yore!
- Why do Christians bring their kids up as Christians?
- I couldn't possibly be the only one who doesn't see empathy as a curse
- something in me says whatever, and it brings me back to you
- Pestering the suicidal won't bring your loved ones back
- Who owns the voting machines?
- Some virtues dig their own graves
- Real hackers start their own IRC networks so that they can't be traced by the FBI
- I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh and they shall be drunk with their own blood like wine
- Now he dances to bring her back.
- Traumatic in nature? Possible. Pivotal in their own way? Certainly.
- Drinking Pepsi will bring your dead ancestors back to life
- The economy has hit everyone hard. Well, everyone who hasn't lost track of how many houses they own, anyhow.
- When each had their own personal anthem
- Inability to decide on what your morals and values should be
- People who don't capitalize their I's
- CORDYCEPS: Too clever for their own good
- Wandering about with keys dangling from an oversized shoelace around your neck
- those magnificent men in their flying machines
- Supporting your views on modern social dynamics by citing anthropology
- Know your pets
- The Boy who Went to the North Wind and Demanded the Flour Back
- Those who are idle are complicit
- Lift not the painted veil which those who live
- dead insects are flipped over on their backs
- For those who wear glasses
- Surah 79 Those Who Drag Forth
- Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever
- Those Who Hunt Elves
- You're one of those people who knows all the words to every song, aren't you?
- good things come to those who wait
- Those who can't do, teach
- To those who know who they are
- those who knew
- Those who would sacrifice essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- The ones with their priorities straight don't know how to get what they want, and the ones who get what they want have messed up priorities.
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter I
- Gods exist but will only talk to those who stay awake after bedtime under the covers.
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter V
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter VII
- Asymmetric Cryptography for Those Who Only Know Arithmetic
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter IV
- For those who find themselves frequently in shadows
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter XIII
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter XI
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter IX
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter XIV
- For Those Who Like It Rough - Chapter VIII
- Every strong wind one leans into and smiles should bring back a lost toy from childhood
- Those of us who are thieves starve without a joker in our deck.
- People who carp about their jobs
- I am Abraham Lincoln, come back from the dead to clone dinosaurs and bring the war to the Congo
- You couldn't save me back then. I will save you now. Trust me, take my hand.
- You don't have to catch me. You don't need to bring me back.
- The dog who would not back off
- Love at first sight OR Girls who are Boys who bring thoughts of philosophy and anthropomorphic hermaphrodism: A Story
- If you're going to America, bring your own food
- Bring Back Our Girls
- A League of Their Own
- The boy who couldn't look at himself
- The People Who Bring You Magic
- Looking at the back of your own head
- Each one has their own story
- Who owns our writeups?
- The movements exist on their own terms, manifesting rare beauty
- When the Ram and the Pig Went to the Forest to Live on Their Own
- I've seen old men crying at their own gravesides
- They'll find their own lightning
- Everyone Thinks the Best about Their Own Children
- Who owns the moon?
- institutions have lives of their own
- Bring back the airship!
- Taking on a Life of Their Own
- Honda Civic 'To Each Their Own' Campaign
- As I looked back, he was reveling in his own feces
- Who owns your books?
- Everyone tells their own story with them as the star
- Listen, boy. Everyone is their own kind of nenja.
- Flaunting your sexuality
- The Story of Two Sisters Who Were Jealous of Their Younger Sister
- Reading ahead in comic calendars
- Dead links in writeups
- once set, words make a world of their own
- Professors who have contempt for their students
- Having an S on a transcript rather than a B
- Scientists who have genetically designed their children for superior 'fros
- Men who are willing to listen to women talk about their periods
- Bands Who Take Their Names from Eighteenth-century English Poetry and Prose
- Making the Movies VII Movie Stars Who Risk Their Lives for Realistic Films
- Parents who force their children to eat when they're not hungry
- More of The Story of Two Sisters Who Were Jealous of Their Younger Sister
- Words That Are Their Own Antonyms
- Bring It All Back
- Those stupid ad execs who make every price end in 99
- Those people who laugh too loudly
- A letter to those who have impressed me
- I who put thorns on the briars and gave insects their sting
- Surah 37 Those Who Set the Ranks
- Those who study philosophy
- girls who like to see their grandmother fight
- Cryonic companies who will freeze you if you get in the way of their plans for world domination
- Those eyes shall see the incest of their lips
- Bring Back My Ghost
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