- He had a prison of brass built in the hole, and then, when it was finished, he locked up his daughter
- When he was little, he laughed in his sleep.
- If a frog had wings, he wouldn't kick his tail when he jumped
- She doesn't know what he sees, but sometimes it makes his face beautiful
- When he was five, his father made him murder his imaginary friend.
- I'm the only person who'd ever told him to his face he was beautiful.
- His face when she fell
- When you can almost recognize her face, but you can't remember her name
- As the band laughed, her finger traced his spine, and he folded into her
- I should ask my barber where he gets his hair cut, then go there and slowly make my way up the chain
- How the Old Woman Took Care Of Candide, and How He Found the Object of His Love
- He's a feminist. He tells that to all his mistresses.
- It didn't matter what star it came from, just the familiar warmth of the sunlight on his face
- And When She Sings
- So he's dressed a little differently and he has a halo-like light above his head.
- It was late when he came home; it woke you up
- As I looked back, he was reveling in his own feces
- Of King Sigmund's last battle, and of how he must yield up his sword again
- The Marlboro Man died of cancer, but he wasn't a rocket scientist when he was healthy, ha ha ha.
- When a man lies he murders some part of the world
- He lived in southern California with his tanned, powdered mother
- "I see," said the blind man to his deaf wife as he picked up his hammer and saw
- He made a way to his anger
- Songs to sing when protesting alongside Communists
- before the internet when teen had REAL relationship the boy could look at the girl and judge the diameter of her thorax with his feelers and determine whether the mating ritual could commence but NO MORE. evil woman use her computer sorcery
- He began to learn that waste flows downstream. Imagine his surprise.
- Oedipus-Schmedipus, as long as he loves his mother
- A mace to the face keeps every man in his place
- When Chopin finished a piece he stopped writing it
- He Had Not Where To Lay His Head
- In the end, he could quiet his mind only by dying
- How many times has God twiddled his thumbs before he put vertebrates on the Earth?
- And yet, when the warm breeze of spring greets my face and the sunlight does not make me shield my eyes, I know I am not alone.
- He found a liquid cure for his landlocked blues
- why is the great man great? he keeps on running through a world of his own.
- He weaves his words
- He who does not forget his first love will not recognize his last
- He made me promise I would do this when I was next sad. So I promised myself I would not be sad again.
- Meanwhile, the PILOT, who has been laughing hysterically through the entire sequence, finally loses it. He falls out of his chair and bangs his head against the panel, causing the ship to lose control and crash into a nearby planet
- I knew enough about him to know his name and what kind of snowball he could make
- So while Faust is busy trying to wipe the blood off his face and Shorty's trying to claw his eyes out, I mosey away and try my hand at storming the castle
- Kissing a man all over his face
- when you reflect that john now knows how he's going to die.
- When the foeman bares his steel
- Don't interrupt an enemy when they're making a mistake
- When I was 21, he was building a Time Machine
- When the Nightingale Sings
- How can a man stand when they cut off his feet?
- When butterflies sing
- The sunny side of his face
- When I too long have looked upon your face,
- He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder.
- He Died with a Felafel in His Hand
- Or he'll just kick me in the face and scream abstract noises and dance around outside in his underwear and have sex with the neighbor's dog and try to fly by jumping off the toilet
- He flops over and bonks his head
- To me he is a daisy and I keep trying to count his petals
- Why would he want a writer when he could have a dancer?
- So I was balls deep in the guy's ass that night when he turns to me and asks for a kiss. Damn. What a fag.
- He is so heavy when he whispers
- I'm not HIS sister; he's MY brother
- When the principal laughs so hard he can't suspend you
- I don't know where he gets his words but I like them
- His gigantic luminous face trailing cosmic afterimages on the screen
- He stretched out his arms but she was not there
- I saved his life. He does not know it.
- He is honest and forthright with strangers. He reserves his lies for his family
- I cried when he threw away the paper towel on top of the microwave
- All the while he was talking she was thinking what his whiskers would feel like on the back of her neck
- The time a thug punched my friend in the face because he could
- judge a captain not by his shipwrecks, but by whether or not he blames the sea
- He comforted me when he thought I needed it, but never when I really did
- It's easier to kick a praying man, because he's on his knees already
- St. Lucia in This Guy When He Died, Man
- He throws his heart down like a gauntlet
- When he became an old man
- Don't believe the florist when he tells you that the roses are free.
- He will have the taste of warm ripe fruit in his mouth
- A man and his own face
- I kicked the Martian in his otherworldly balls, and he screamed like the solar wind howling through a planetary magnetosphere
- Amakuni once drew an old sword of his from a box, suddenly overjoyed by something he had cast aside.
- When he grins it is a thousand-word story
- The class valedictorian was still tripping balls when he was bailed out in time to give the commencement speech at graduation
- He wakes up everyday, puts an empty gun in his mouth, and pulls the trigger.
- he is too shy to write his tale
- He tells me that I could have his heart and I want to take it right then, slip it into my pocket and run
- He just left his body
- Call me back when hair starts growing on his palms
- He called he his brother and spoke approvingly of my story
- mr. T pities the fool regardless of whether he is wearing his seatbelt
- He Would Close His Eyes, and the World Would Burn.
- a bit of ash in his face keeps him warm
- His memory perishes from the earth, and he has no name in the street.
- Football Season Ended When Hunter S. Thompson Blew His Own Head Off
- When words fail me, music helps. I can at least sing along.
- Sing when you're winning
- Is it fair for him to love me when she craves his touch?
- When faced with an army of sheep, your only choice is to run
- The cypress and the hemlock sing his requiem
- His face
- Face/Off
- face time
- face for radio
- Faces
- game face
- face to face
- face up
- Face on Mars
- straight face
- I'm pinching your face!
- I can see her face
- face value
- Someone set her face on fire and put it out with an anchor chain
- MC Face
- Original Face
- Faces of Death
- Hero With A Thousand Faces
- Leather Face (user)
- Waking up with a dog breathing into your face
- Behold This Swarthy Face
- There is despair, Mr. President, in faces you don't see, in the places you don't visit in your shining city
- Something you definitely do not want on your face
- The White Face / Red Nose continuum
- Volcanoes are the pores of the earth's face
- What face did you have before your mother and father were born?
- How to feminize a masculine face
- You charm'd me not with that fair face
- When in doubt, shoot the wizard
- Was this the face that launched a thousand ships
- my ass, your face
- The Face of Battle
- open face sandwich
- Till We Have Faces
- A Slap in the Face of Public Taste
- I can't see your face in my mind
- about face
- without a face (user)
- face card
- Faces, Forms, & Illusions
- I met Death face to face, and I mocked her!
- save face
- If you don't want us to look at your breasts, don't shove them in our faces
- mono vision TV face
- butter face
- Your face laid yellow on night
- painted faces and fierce longings
- blank faces passing
- blow up in your face
- Today We Choose Faces
- The challenge we face
- On maintaining the spirit of Christmas in the face of reality
- The yellow face, it burns us!
- I walked around all day with a pubic hair on my face
- soft swish of tires on the streets, and my face in the mirror came as a dark surprise
- There will be time, there will be time, to prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet
- Why Dost Thou Shade Thy Lovely Face?
- Charcoal Face
- Make the Moon Cover her Blushing Face
- I have a face I cannot show, I make the rules up as I go
- Mapping faces to a triangular grid of vertices
- To Her Face
- Face down, Nine edge first
- a dream or a hallucination. words for a still-abstract face.
- A face like a slapped arse
- The Many Faces of Vinny Brown
- False Faces
- the face (user)
- Smiling, in the face of desperation
- White Face
- Colored face on which a frown
- Same face, same race
- The portion of her face she allows me to see
- The Face of the Earth
- Social injustice in the face of Absurdism
- Famous Faces on Australian Bank Notes
- Heroin face
- La Face Cachée de la Lune
- Face cleat
- false face (user)
- Face recognition
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