- death passed him by
- What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba, that he should weep for her?
- And then by the side of the road, I saw
- Things you can tell just by looking at him
- now he just uses one he saw on a grave
- The Man Felt an Iron Hand Grasp Him by the Hair, at the Nape. Not One Hand, a Hundred Hands Seized Him, Each by the Hair, and Tore Him Head to Foot, the Way You Tear Up a Sheet of Paper, Into Hundreds of Little Pieces
- She calls him Sugarcane. He calls her Hurricane.
- The one he murdered once still loves him
- So says the preacher man, but... I don't go by what he says
- I killed him today, he who does not exist
- I saw him lying there leaving me, and I did not know
- he can find a cure for us, if we help him
- Zip him back up, he sucks.
- Do you not see that if we kill him with the pill from the till by making with it the drug in the jug, you need not light the candle with the handle on the gateau from the chateau!
- A man is known by the company he keeps.
- It's not so much that I like him as a person God, but as a boy he's very handsome
- He was confirming to himself that they were laughing with him after all
- I married him because he was not mean
- And while I stand by what I said, I honestly wasn't intending for him to light himself on fire.
- I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by bad poetry
- Some nights, alone, he thinks of her, and some nights, alone, she thinks of him
- I think he only loves the world for him.
- What if I saw him in three years, in another city: better?
- The first time I saw him was I emit tsal ehT
- He cries for me, all these years later. He'll never stop 'til I join him in the grave.
- He who has ears, let him hear
- Don't Pass Me By
- In the end, he could quiet his mind only by dying
- judge a captain not by his shipwrecks, but by whether or not he blames the sea
- When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him
- A regiment of intellectual ghosts walks the streets of this working class city, casting dignity, reason, and courage into each soul they pass by
- The most important concept passed on to the American government by the Greeks
- He forgets I am my own fierceness; it's not for him
- "I see," said the blind man to his deaf wife as he picked up his hammer and saw
- Amakuni once drew an old sword of his from a box, suddenly overjoyed by something he had cast aside.
- If he's late, you can always start without him
- I knew enough about him to know his name and what kind of snowball he could make
- The Ocelot saw the Frog, and he smiled a broad and toothy smile
- And we killed him and he's dead.
- in summer weather - morns that pass by
- He makes me feel alone just by being there
- He said I'm better off without you, 'til I showed him my tattoo
- The Last Thing He Expected to Happen to Him in Hollywood
- I never met him. He broke my heart.
- My friend is dating someone who likes him far more than he likes her
- When he was five, his father made him murder his imaginary friend.
- I'm the only person who'd ever told him to his face he was beautiful.
- He was there, and then he wasn't, and with him went those memories
- Jesus said, "I love him, for he is my brother." He was talking about everyone.
- They will love him long after he is gone.
- he didn't pass the test
- From the brightness before Him passed His thick clouds
- I never saw him again
- I met him two days ago and now he wants to fly me to Peru
- he gives rest unto him who comes at the eleventh hour
- By the way, where'd you meet him?
- I saw a black cat pass in front of me, on that abandoned street
- Oh hey, by the way, he's the Antichrist
- pass by value vs. pass by reference
- Saved by the Bell
- clue by four
- Chased by bears
- by
- Call now, operators are standing by.
- Down By Law
- division by zero error
- People referred to by three initials
- Live by the sword, die by the arrow
- design by contract
- Call by reference
- Some Girls Wander by Mistake
- by any means necessary
- Proof by contradiction
- Poetry written by teenagers
- The Attack by Fire
- Murder by Death
- Everything: Written and Edited by The World
- Social behaviour is determined by reproductive success
- Guided by Voices
- Two nations divided by a common language
- money-back guarantee
- Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy)
- by hand
- Measuring time by setting fire to various things
- Death by Water
- seduction by grammar (user)
- Paradox by the Dashboard Light
- Man Getting Hit by Football
- alcohol by volume
- I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor
- Songs destroyed by use in television advertising
- By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
- By the skin of my teeth
- Bill Gates is a character owned by Microsoft Corporation
- By the power of Grayskull!
- I got jacked by the FBI, CNN and
- virgin by choice
- I was discovered by scientists, what will they call me?
- go by the board
- cheek by jowl
- Standing by my bed
- Go by hand
- Death By Chocolate
- RFC 602
- The set of decimal representations of numbers divisible by 17 is regular
- integration by parts
- Naughty by Nature
- inspiration by misreading
- That time I was almost killed by scary cult children
- Persecutions suffered by the Quakers
- The logical inclination to hate shoe stores: A Study In Progress By Avoiding the Unavoidable
- Baptism by fire
- trial by fire
- Please help us recover your nodes by linking their titles below
- Attack by Stratagem
- Laws Regarding Epilepsy and Driving, By State
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Discernment
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Service of the Supreme
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by the Kingly Knowledge and the Kingly Mystery
- Once By The Pacific
- Touched by An Angel
- '95 Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate
- '95 Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate (Part 2)
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by the Heavenly Perfections
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Separation of Matter and Spirit
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Separation from the Qualities
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Attaining the Supreme
- Snapple is manufactured by white supremacists
- Number of Sperm released by the common male animal per ejaculation
- Owned by cat
- sharpen the saw
- The Holy Quran Translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
- If by Dull Rhymes our English must be Chain'd
- Proof by Assertion
- See Mount Washington by canoe!
- The theory of evolution says that life originated, and evolution proceeds, by random chance
- Things you can tell just by looking at her
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by the Threefold Faith
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Deliverance and Renunciation
- Surprised by Joy
- I can divide by zero
- case by case
- Zero divided by zero
- Sane, responsible and productive drug-user
- To be hoist by one's own petard
- Sorrow of Parting
- WoOz: 19 Attacked by the Fighting Trees
- Real hackers start their own IRC networks so that they can't be traced by the FBI
- I was taken by a honeymoon scam
- Every "why" question can be answered by a phrase using the word "idiot"
- How to get your ass kicked by Jackie Chan
- Technology is not the remedy for problems caused by technology
- By their fruits you shall know them
- Bird by Bird
- Paint by Numbers
- Answer to the sample paint by numbers puzzle
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