KI KE iki (spirit)

ASCII Art Representation:

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Character Etymology:

Originally and still a pictograph of vapors (the top radical] emerging from (cooked) rice (the bottom radical). Its meaning changed over time from something like "unseen movement," to "unseen force," to the present, "spirit" or "mind."

A listing of all on-yomi and kun-yomi readings:

on-yomi: KI KE
kun-yomi: iki

Nanori Readings:

Nanori: (none)

English Definitions:

  1. KI, KE: spirit, mind, soul, heart; intention; mood, feeling; temper, disposition, nature; air, atmosphere; flavor; odor; energy, essence; spark, flash.
  2. ki(ni)suru: mind, care, take to heart, be nervous about.
  3. ki(ni)naru: to weigh on the mind
  4. ki(ga)suru: think, feel.
  5. ki(ga)aru: to have the intention of doing (something).
  6. -ke, -ge: feeling, taste.

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

気に入る (ki ni iru): be pleased with.
気分 (kibun): mood, feelings.
気動車 (kidoosha): diesel train.
電気 (denki): electricity.
気軽な (kigaru na): cheerful, buoyant, lighthearted.
気管 (kikan): windpipe, trachea.

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