First of all, I’m a scardy cat. That’s right! Becca. Ms. Scaredy cat.

Yes, yes. After much persuasion from my Wonkiepooh, I have decided to attend the E2 Ohio Gathering.

Now, why was this a great feat of persuasion, you ask? There are two main reasons.

  1. I do not consider myself an “Internet Person.” Now, I understand that if I am a good person and am “on the Internet” than it is very theseable that there are other good people out there too. Still, I worry about the one out of ten who isn’t, not the other nine who are.
  2. *WonkoDSane and Ccunning have both assured me that I have nothing to worry about (unless they are planning on killing me together – then I’m screwed).

  3. I have an even more definite fear of JessicaPierce. Any person who can be worshiped at such a high level is scary to me. Fortunately, she knows this and has been rather nice to me ever since. This in turn, makes me want to like her – hence making me part of the problem of why I am scared. See the circular effect here, folks?

My offerings (-- Well, how do you make friends?):

  • Chocolate Chip Cookies (They're female -- no nuts)
  • A surprise
  • I have a wide assortment of alcohol I’d like to get rid of (all good stuff – no generic):
    1. Tequila – never mind. I just read that no one likes Cuervo 1800
    2. Vodka
    3. Rum
    4. Triple Sec
    5. Absolut Citron
    6. Kahlua
    7. Irish Cream

    *Should I bring any or all of it? Let me know. My family goes to the Caribbean every year and brings me back bottles. I would love to get rid of some of it.

(Anyone need a ride from western NY, western PA or eastern OH??? I'll be driving "the tank" down.)

Update: Server time: 14:38 Tue May 22, 2001

I am also bringing:

  • My Three Mile Limit CD for Xamot so he can hear the song Let me play the fool
  • My Red Light District CD

Also, I will be at level two before the gathering. (Final exams are over -- I have NO excuse)