It's early morning but no one ever sleeps around here anyway. Roomates are home. One yells whenever she wants anyone or anything. She doesn't go to the door and knock she just yells the person's name loudly and repeatedly until they come to her. I don't go therefore she doesn't yell for me, in fact she rarely talks to me but we have a mutual understanding. Instead of having any quality time we just smile at each other a lot and try to pass quickly. Sometimes we converse if stuck together in the same room in the absence of anyone else. It's not unfriendly though, we just have an understanding.

I feel that my main contribution to Everything is going to be bad journals and bad poetry. To tell everyone the truth I don't particularly like poetry. It's such a cop out. It's why I write it. Though sometimes if it's actually great poetry it is wonderful because it's rhthym and sound come together and it is music-except that's not it at all- it's like silver bells- like when something just makes one want to shout with emotion, it hits home, makes every hair stand and the lizard runs up and down your back in shivers. Thats all so cliche but I can't explain it right. I after facing the idea that my poetry is a bit angsty, agree, actually I just read it again and from that angle it's pretty bad, I think I'll try to throw another one out before I hit the hay. I guess I will continue to assault all your sense i.e. air my feelings if it will make me feel better.

I'm way too fucking caffinated right now. Drug of choice when I'm trying to finish that homework. Lots of people like speed and coke but hey I'm pretty soft-core. Anyway in lieu of anything else to share good morn.