The signs of the Zodiac as seen through a different twist
Excerpt taken from and reorganized in Astrological order. Dane Rudhyar's The Astrology of Personality:
Generative is operating in terms of spirit.
Concentrative is operating in terms of soul.
Distributive is operating in terms of mind.

"Generative Fire Aries is the starting-point of individual selfhood.
Concentrative Earth Taurus operates in terms of soul. It gives substance and depth to the Aries impulses.
Distributive Air Gemini operates in terms of the mind. It exteriorizes and interprets the individual impulsion of Aries, once focalized and insubtantiated in Taurus.
Generative Water Cancer operates in terms of spirit. It is the power that gives birth to concrete selfhood, that creates a concrete basis of operation-a home-for the individual self.
Concentrative Fire Leo refers to the creative release of self, by means of which the soul knows itself whole and god-like.
Distributive Earth Virgo operates in terms of mind. It spreads the release of self of Leo through space, where it is seen as a mass of polar energies (The Virgin of Light). Discrimination is aroused in the mind as the problem of dealing with polarities, with light and shade, arises.
Generative Air Libra operates in terms of spirit. It is the power that gathers and communalizes the emanations of individuals.
Concentrative Water Scorpio operates in terms of soul. It concentrates and sustains the collectiving urge of spirit-Air (Libra), the impulse toward "re-birth of Christ."
Distributive Fire Sagittarius is that fire which blends, synthetizes and universalizes all elements and energies prior to the Christ-birth -the birth of the universal being.
Generative Earth Capricorn operates in terms of spirit. It is the power of incarnation, the power to assume a body-from the point of view of the involving spirit.
Concentrative Air Aquarius operates in terms of soul. It gives vitality and momentum to the spiritual Earth (Capricorn). It is the breath of the collective soul.
Distributive Water Pisces operates in terms of mind. It effects the synthesis of energies that were brought to creative focalization in Capricorn, and vitalized in Aquarius."