Weird shite. Last few weeks I just couldn't get around to daylogs. I'd start composing the daylog in my head right before sitting down. In the end I'd have everything figured out, sorted and archived...and basically have no need to daylog.
  1. What the hell is the deal with this? Half of the people that i know have either daylogs here on e2 or personal daylog-type pages on Geocities and whatnot. I mean, come on, give me a motherfuckin break. Why the hell would you make your personal journals accessible to everyone and anyone? Wait...isn't that what I am doing now? Anyhow it's truly weird. Here I am hanging out with Stromgald every day and I have to find things from his daylog. also read melo. also read sway's rants and lani's page on geocities. I just asked sway whether i'm exhibiting any stalker type behaviour and she said that it was ok. Shrug. But this whole eveyrone has their personal daylog annoys me for no apparent reason. whatever.
  2. my wrist is ok now. it was hurting for a while. i guess the improper posture/bad furniture finally caught up with me. I went to see my familly doctor. She told me to stretch, and sit properly. Blah blah blah.
  3. I went to CanadaTrust to ask that girl out. Her name is Mijon (if i caught it properly). Her parents are from Hong Kong but she was born here. I asked her to have coffee with me on Sunday, but she promptly said that she has a boyfriend. What a terrible pitty. I said my farewells and left. Had a little lapse of judgement a bit later and hit a small postal truck. Very minor damage but still unpleasant. Headed to the gym to work off the major excess steam. Thank god for gym.
  4. Someone told me today that I'm difficult to deal with. I tried to solicit some further information but to no avail. What the fuck? That's the sort of thing that drives me crazy. Say something and not clarify it. But then I'm expecting a directive of how to live and behave, etc. I'll be damned. I'll do what I want..
  5. We played soccer today. My dad and my bro, my uncle and my cousin. Buncha friends (Ilia too! :) Soccer was excellent. I may be acquiring muscle mass in the upper half of my body in the gym, but gotta work on my heart, lungs et al..
  6. I registered for my school. Taking Data structures and Physics (two of them) in Langara. It might be fun. Nice change of pace and all of that. We'll see.
  7. I used to have a crush on this girl, for a longest time. I'm not sure what happened (as it was almost 2 years go) but it didn't work out. Perhaps it was my fault. At one point i thought i got over her completely and utterly. But then everytime i'd hear her name and see her in person it would be like a punch to the stomach followed by a lasting depression. I actually thought for a time that i found the one 'true love' type of thing deal. Well, I saw her again, about a week ago...and..nothing. But lately I've been feeling nothing anyhow. I'd be sorta good to get rid of her silent presence in my life. Perhaps it's all in my head or..I've given up some (hopefully most) of my illusions on this topic long ago..whatever.
  8. Mummy returns was stupid; but fun. I kept hearing Indiana Jones theme music. and the rock guy was funny. If you completely suspend your disbelief and look at the eyecandy you'll enjoy the movie.

    Anyhow time to finish this. before i go

    Happy birthday melo!