I got up ok, not too tired, and worked. I made a Javascript to strip the entered phone number of all non-digit characters and a leading 1, then insert a dash after three and six characters. If the number was longer than ten characters, everything after the tenth is made into an extension. Example:

Entered: 1.773.958.9482extension365

Formatted: 773-958-9482 ext.365

function phonefix(field, num) {
// formats phone numbers, as long as they don't deviate too much from standards

         regexp = /\D/g;	// regexp to strip all non-digits
	regexp1 = /^1/; // regexp to strip a leading '1'

	num = num.replace(regexp1, ""); // strip the 1
	num = num.replace(regexp, "");// strip the non-digits

	newnum = num.substring(0, 3) + "-"; 
         // newnum is constructed of old number + "-"s		
	newnum += num.substring(3, 6) + "-";
	newnum += num.substring(6, 10);
	if (num.length > 10)
		newnum += " ext." + num.substring(10, 15);

	field.value = newnum; // send value to field


I was surprised it worked so well, then implemented into every page on the site. I fixed up some defaults (there were fields that needed to be Chicago by default because hey, it's in Chicago) and some weird PHP that was shittily outsourced, then changed some arrays, then altered some MySql tables. I was all hardcore.

Instead of leaving the office today and seeing that big bright thing that floats around and makes things hot, I ate my leftover oyoka don from yesterday. It ruled. The chicken was a bit dark, and a little not good.

I did little else today. I noded my ass off. Spent almost half my votes before the everydevel bastards made things tinkered and the votes reset. So I guess it was good because I got a huge chunk more votes, but dammit, isn't 90 already enough? I mean fuck.

Ironically, after noding devoted downvoter, which is about this fan I have, I seemed to have another fan. TheNastyCanasty and me are all buddies now because he's not an asshole after all (hehe. See my ideal bathroom), and he really likes my shit. He's going to try to help me get my fucking modem to work in Linux (no it's not a fucking winmodem). Maybe then...junktext. I guess. I can get to work on some real programming at home. Not have to rely so much on work for learning. Windows is shit for programming. Need Linux. Well, I guess technically just a Unix, because the site I'm working on at work now is on a Solaris box. Ah, whatever.

Today listened to Mocean Worker and ordered Mixed Emotional Features (told you I would. I don't just steal the shit) from half.com. Excited still for A Soldier's Story to come. Also listened to Pantera, Bomb20, Falco (it's on the hold music MP3 server at work!), and Grooverider. Hell yeah.

So yeah. Finally got my room mostly nice and clean. Now I'm going to hook up TV, VCR, and stereo right proper. I had a nice night. Very relaxing. Good day.