In Norse Mythology, the ship Skidbladnir was presented as a gift to the Aesir (Frey) by two dwarves, Brokk and Sindre, as part of a bet with Loki (read that story here - also note that the above writeup may still be correct in other stories, since Norse Mythology is very inconsistent).

Skidbladnir is a huge ship made of gold, that will always sail with the wind. When not needed, Skidbladnir can be folded together, small enough to be put in a pocket.

(Thanks to Gritchka for correcting my spelling error)

The worlds oldest, still running steam ship is a ferry across Mjøsa (Mjosa), the biggest lake in Norway. This ship is called Skibladner, the Norwegian name for Skidbladnir. Skibladner has been running since 1856 and is a large tourist attraction. A fare will cost approximately NOK 200,- (about 15 GBP).

Skibladners website,, has more information.