Hmmm this was a bit weird cause I don't remember it wholly, but the parts I do remember, I remember with great detail. This dream takes on more of a role playing kind of theme.

It's a regular day, well actually night, it's dark and I'm playing with my dog on the front lawn (though I don't have a front lawn). I slip and fall as the neighbours walk by and I think I hit the side of my head into a pile of shit! My biggest fear! If I ever fell and landed on anything so horrid!

Okay so I wake up and there's this stain on my pillow and bed and I was like, what? I didn't take a shower before going to bed? Which re-affirmed me that I did fall into shit yesterday. Well anyway I start screaming with anger and this maid comes into the room. Where am I? I think to myself. Well I order her to take my sheets and wash them and she does so dutifully (I haven't had a maid since I was 7). I then hear Dance Dance Revolution music playing and walk out into the hallway, which at this point the house turns into a giant stone castle, I find my way downstairs and it was a false alarm. My sister and friend are sitting on the couch and talking, I touch the tv and it's still warm and the DDR mat was hastily put away in a corner. I guess it wasn't a false alarm after all! Okay also to state, I didn't take a shower but I'm magically clean and all changed.

They start touching some of my stuff and my sister holds up this thin stone black card, about the size of a regular envelope and I quickly take it from her saying that it's mine and she shouldn't touch it. She says it isn't and attempts to take it back but I quickly take this giant suitcase, those silver ones they use in movies all the time, but wider and it's black steel and enter a secret code, it opens up and I slide the tablet into a small compartment which it perfectly fits into. Somehow the suitcase is where I also keep my snowboarding boots, 98 Airwalk Freerides, the ones that cost me $229.00 and are black because they didn't have it in tan for girls. Now they are high tech and I put them on and immediately feel empowered. I then get a call on my cell phone from someone that there's a meeting at the Pig Whistle Inn (it's in the Dragonlance series, in the town of Solace), and I have to get there in less than 40 tics (in MUD that refers to time). I fill up my beer barrel with water, get some food, and my boots turn on to make me fly, I also remember to grab my leather jacket before I leave. (Now it's turned into Arctic Mud, a game I use to play frequently and was part of the Blood Sea Pirates that turned into the Cabal after we merged with another clan, I think it was the Circle of Blood, I don't know what they turned into now. But it's a clan, I also use to be part of the Knight's of Solamnia with my first character).

Okay my trip is pretty quick because it's a regular run I do, I'm coming straight north from Palanthas (refer to Dragonlance again) since it's my home base. Okay so I arrive go to the inn and there's a secret room that I never noticed before and in it is a giant holograph or whatever projecting table and we all sit around it. Big and round enough to accomodate us. The leader turns on a video of what happened lately:

On the screen it shows me, another guy, and a chick fighting this mummy, well I don't join in at first I wait and contemplate about it. There are a lot of people around too clearing the zone of mobs. I see the girl flee out with the guy and then I go in to fight the mummy. I eventually kill him, though wounded, but the girl heals me. The guy opens the chest and gets a rod (we've been trying to pop this forever because it gives you strength + 1 or something). Anyway the guy is like "Yes, finally" and takes this notebook I have and uses it to write his own shit. I get angry and ask him "What are you doing? You've ripped one of my pages!" He's like "Chill out, it's only a page, I'm going to keep this book." I get mad and decapitate him when he turns around. End of video.

I smile, the leader is like, since you've done that I think you should go into hiding for a while, starting a clan war. I'm going to send you off to a castle of a friend of mine. He's a minotaur. So I go and meet the guy, he's huge, intimidating I guess. Then I see someone familar. Sir Kazu, a Knight of Solamnia I met a long time ago, I've always envisioned him as a minotaur, though he was a human paladin. He doesn't have horns though, but the guy takes both of us into a secret room and shows us just born babies, weird looking ones, and then shows us 5 different ways on how easily they can die. We were actually both pretty disgusted by this. Anyway we're wondering about what the old guy is trying to get at, so he finally reveals it to us:

I'm just trying to explain it to you what it's like to be a different person. Well to survive and then have something come up in your life. You see bla bla bla... (My friend starts growing horns, end of explanation). Take a look at yourself in the mirror Kazu who do you see? Your horns are crooked, one turns upward, the other downward, you are the reborn prophecy, our saviour. You must flee now before the present ruler finds out or you are dead. Flee with Moraine (my name when I was in the MUD with the Cabal clan) now she will protect you.

So we flee, but not before I call my lackeys and we go to Balifor and find some trouble there and battle soon ensues. A massive clan war, mainly the people were after me. Bleh. End of Dream I wake up after 4 hours of sleep. Yay me!