user since
Tue May 15 2001 at 23:29:49 (23.4 years ago )
last seen
Tue Aug 18 2009 at 05:17:04 (15.2 years ago )
number of write-ups
172 - View The Prophet's writeups (feed)
level / experience
12 (Laureate) / 8309
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
You know that every little girl has her dreams.
Destroy people's dreams and self esteem.
University of British Columbia / Your Convent @
In nomine Patri, Fili et Spiritus Sancti
most recent writeup
Dream Log: July 24, 2003
Send private message to The Prophet

Kind of like the girl who grows up in a small suburb. Where you here the name of Tsawwassen and think... Where is that place? People ask that even if their just a town away. You say it's by the Ferries and then they'll be like, there's a town there?

I have crazy dreams, and then I write them down and some of them become my crazy stories. Lucid dreaming is the best thing ever, but it doesn't happen all the time, but most of the time it does. There's always action and guns or fantasy swords and flying dragons or some murder mystery where I'm going to be killed next. It's great. Hehe. Lalalal I'm not crazy okay.

Thanks to Pyrogenics insane E2 Nodgel Visualizer, here's a visual of my nodes.

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 |     @                                                                             
 | @@                                                                                
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 | @DO@OOOOOOOO                          Od                                O         
 | OOd@@dOOOO@@     d             O                  d O                         O   
 | OOOddOOddOOO                                                                      
 | @OOOOOOOOOOOO                         OO                                          
 | OOOOOOdOOOOO              d                                                       
0+-OOOOO-----------------------------------------------------------------------------> now
 |  @Od                                                   d                          

My progress so far:

Initiate on May 15th, 2001
Novice on May 18th 2001
Acolyte on May 26th 2001
Scribe on June 6th 2001