It starts off normal (see: nekkid things running about me and acidently hitting Lt. Uppy) - then it becomes odd.

I see my mother being chased by a dark thing, somthing I cannot explain or describe. The only thing I really realize is that its dark with wisps of hair (also dark) comming from it. I'm in some kind of hall, watching it in horror. The are doors randomly placed in this (what seems to be) infinate hall way. Somehow I come to the realziation that there of no value, as if I KNOW there locked, or that whats in them is of little value.

Anyway, my mother is running from this dark thing, yet I cannot help but nottice the dark thing and her also dont seem to be really moving. That is, there moving, yet I'm not, but yet there always in my vision.

Perhaps there not moving, Perhaps its the hall thats moving.

My mother fears this dark thing, and I fear for her - but I just stay where I am (wherever I am) - I care, yet I dont move.

Suddenly, the hall changes to a room. An odd hearim(spl?)-like room. A $20 is burning in my mothers hand, which is down by her side. Her other arm is waving in front of the dark person who I then realize to be my father galivanting without his shirt on.

My mother and father are screaming at each other, and the room apears to be dieing. The bill is still burning in her hand. They yell louder and louder, and the room dies more and more. Its slowly collaposing around me. Outside of the room is a sunny vally with white tullips. My mother grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room (which, was more of a building in reflection).

I feel young

My emotions are conflicted, I look at my father, the burning $20 now by his feet the the rubble. I look at my mother (who for some reason is wearing the Leave it to beaver's mother's garb).

I wake up; there is yelling again. I'm in my bed - my OLD bed. I see my parrents in the kitchen, there discussing everything that could be dremt of. My mother has a bag of somthing, she walks out the door and throws it into the snow with a THUMP. She then walks up stains. My father yells "Dont play games with me girl!", and walks out to get the unknown bag. I lock the doors out of fear, but dont recal him having an existance (I diddent feel he existed in my dream any futher).

I woke again - this time hoping I was in the real world.