
For those of you who were unlucky enough to have missed it all, I've posted a transcript of the ChatterBox on

I say this:

I enjoyed it!

Even though I jojo'd from knowing it was a prank to hoping it was to wondering if it was real...
I distinctly remember laughing my *** off in the middle of the night at some of the trolls in the CB...

I had been on the night leading up to April Fools Day and had participated in some ChatterBox chatter. Because my local time is an hour in front of server time, it was already getting pretty late when server time rolled over to the next day. I hung around for a short while after server rollover and saw the appearance of the trolls.
Talk about timing, chevette...

23:54: Stilroc: woah
23:57: slide: EDB? where?
23:58: Evil Catullus sighs.
23:59: Yablo farts at EDB, then runs away to do something else
00:01: chevette fumbles in
00:02: Stilroc wants to see EDB eat itself
00:03: newgirl: is this where one may 'talk" with an eidtor?
00:03: newgirl: SORRY EDitor?
00:03: Xamot: newgirl: that and so, so, so much more
00:04: e-dawg: what is the purpose of EDB? Is it a cleaning mechanism or purely wackyness.
00:04: Sophanda Peters: This is chat yo? So A/S/L everybody im 17/f/los angeles
00:05: Xamot: e2 != aol
00:05: chevette: edb is good, wacky, purposeful, and dead sexy
00:05: Cletus the Foetus: WHAT THE HELL!?!

And with those two lines by newgirl the mayhem started...

Some things to note in the above short transcript:
  • EDB is apparently quite liked (ahem) by some everythingians.
  • Spelling on E2 is not as bad as it sometimes seems.
  • Cletus the Foetus was the first to see (or the first to comment on) a 1337-speak or sdrawkcab-written writeup. Many were to follow...
  • Some gods do pay attention when /borging and nuking...
  • Yablo and EDB have some weird shit goin' on.

1 Warning: I've done nearly no editing of the transcript, so you're on your own there...
   It's also godawfull long. Heheh

April 8, 2001