In a somewhat ironic concept of marketing or brand name choosing "Trust" is also the brand of a local condom here in the Philippines. It is supported by the Department of Health and is even given away for free during World AIDS Day events and other such sexual health and reproductive health awareness thrusts.

It is actually manufactured in Malaysia because I suppose .ph has no facility for manufacture of such delicate stuff. It comes in traditional condom flavors like mint, strawberry, and even ughh, chocolate.

It is relatively cheap at Php5 per pack of 3, US$1:Php50 as of today. How it is manufactured so cheaply and yet still maintain it to be quite durable will become evident after the first few humps. These rubbers are so thick I swear it was like wrapping your schlong in duct tape before penetration.

Not that I have ever wrapped myself in duct tape or anything, honest.

Hey you, quit staring at me like that, it ain't polite you know.