<< week | May 31, 2000 | June 1, 2000 | June 2, 2000 | week >>

Everything's Best Users Snapshot

Users                  XP wa7 inc   l_XP l_wa7
Pseudo_Intellectual 13060 137  39  13021 153
dem bones           11064  45  14  11050  50
jessicapierce       10983  49  42  10941  50
DMan                 9707 167 170   9537 166
pukesick             8667  53  20   8647  59
Saige                8080  81 168   7912  67
RockLobster          2948  80  80   2868  80
Lord Brawl           2947   5   5   2942   5
Xamot                2854  18  18   2836  18
sabre23t             2845  63  63   2782  63
artfuldodger         2821  13   6   2815  14
Kit Lo               2731   2   3   2728   2
EBU #50              2731  48   3   2728  55 

Server time: 01:31 Thu Jun 1 2000 TZ +0100 not UTC since May 26, 2000

l_ = last (previous) value; inc = increase in stats value
wa7 = ((stats + (6 * l_wa7))/7) = weighted average with denominator 7

Random Nodes

DMan is running quite fine over the measly dialup lines from Shanghai, just as I am, from Klang. I am sure he longs for an always on connection, as I do. I am glad to see Saige has recovered from her moving ordeal, and back noding/voting with a vengeance.

Nodes to node