A word of warning about Kazaa: it has a nasty habit of losing downloads halfway through downloading. Because of the nature of the way it stores transfers in-progress, any interruption to the download - for example a crash (or even a 'proper' restart) - can cause the download to be automatically deleted the next time you run Kazaa. Whilst this is less of an issue on broadband, it's something of a problem downloading 700mb DivX files on a 56k!

The fix is somewhat hit-and-miss (much like the program), but it gives you at least a fair chance of salvaging your download.

Back up:

  1. Your Kazaa downloads folder (usually My Shared Folder)
  2. the \Program Files\Kazaa\Data\ directory
  3. The Kazaa registry folders (both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), this is optional but it seemed to help

If you have a reboot and your downloads are gone, close Kazaa, replace the files and keys, and restart Kazaa.

All pretty simple stuff I know, but perhaps useful.