- Swear on all that I know and love, I will love you and all your broken fragments
- The broken magnets in their heads all point to him
- when all the white horses have broken free
- Ceaseless toil and broken dreams are the essence of urban living
- broken back
- something is broken inside and it won't stop hurting
- Broken Penis
- AES may have been broken
- Every poem is a silence that needed to be broken
- Broken wind
- String and Broken Velcro
- Broken 'Verse
- The broken slat
- Like a broken pencil
- Cleaning up broken glass
- we are shining, broken light across the cold earth
- Broken Starlight
- broken river (user)
- Broken Machine
- Splinting a broken femur in the backcountry
- E2 is like a broken simile
- The broken necklace
- Broken Breakups
- Nancy Drew on Campus #9: Broken Promises
- Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart
- broken bonez (user)
- Fake words and broken definitions in dictionaries
- =broken=
- The Broken God
- The broken dreams of Orson Welles
- A depressed Lincoln avoids talk of his broken engagement, January 20, 1841
- 1 1/4 inches at a time to the land of broken knees
- Empty Bottles, Broken Hearts
- Broken Saints
- The Broken Down Comforter Collection
- My ox is broken
- Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
- Broken Toy Shop
- Like a series of broken falls
- Broken breast
- Broken Dreams
- A Sign of Broken Sword
- broken phrases
- broken promises (user)
- The hall was littered with broken dreams and shattered concrete
- Born of broken dreams
- Reality is Broken
- Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil -- for tonight I have broken my own heart, and my soul is too empty to be afraid.
- Your heart may be broken, but the world still rotates my dear friend
- Broken Angle out of Texas
- Is it a happy ending or a broken heart?
- Honk if your horn is broken: Where do they get these stupid stickers?
- broken image
- Morning Has Broken
- Trail of Broken Treaties
- AOL is broken
- Broken Promises
- I found my friend Broken
- Broken ( Moon (user)
- Drink from the cup as if it's already broken
- broken pencil
- broken mirrors
- Broken Flag
- I want to watch pornography, but my pornograph is broken
- Broken Bow
- I was never broken
- What is this useless broken wooden boy? He is saying stupid things, he is lurching!
- Broken like a cheap Barbie
- It's easier to drink on an empty stomach than to eat on a broken heart
- There is not much new to say about snow, or about broken love
- Marks which will never be broken
- Broken Lizard
- The truth is visible through the cracks in broken people
- The tragically broken hip
- The Promise Fulfilled And The Promise Broken
- X broken mirror X (user)
- Internet Explorer broken PNG support workaround
- The Broken Pot
- The little death and Veronica Lake
- Broken link
- Broken Horn (user)
- Broken Angels
- the story of broken blood vessels
- We can't heal a broken arm with some pretty band-aids.
- With every broken heart, we should become more adventurous.
- Broken Flowers
- A broken tower: seven years of lonely luck
- Speed limits were made to be broken
- This broken jaw of our lost homes
- mending a broken heart
- Badly Broken Butterflies
- broken pieces of glass
- broken heart solutions
- Broken Writeups (node_forward)
- Broken Social Scene
- Broken alarm
- we broke it in days, years later still broken
- One Night in Waldport and your tie rod's broken
- Take these broken wings and learn to fly again
- bare and broken to heaven
- broken heart syndrome
- broken parent
- old keyboards and broken cell phones
- broken field
- broken blossom
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams
- Broken nodes
- broken heart
- Broken Arrow
- broken nose
- Broken Down Golf Cart
- Broken and Naked (user)
- Night of Broken Glass
- Broken glass
- Setting a broken record (breaking a recordset)
- A broken heart never heals
- broken
- broken down submarines
- I just want to fix all the broken little humans
- The Broken Heart
- My friend has just broken up a marriage
- Broken Jaw
- fixing broken hard disks
- Broken window syndrome
- Lincoln still melancholy over his broken engagement, January 23, 1841
- I color the walls singing broken songs for a broken earth
- I wear my loneliness like a broken shell
- Ballade of Broken Flutes
- How to patch a leaking or broken pipe
- Herbs for mending a broken heart
- The broken shadow dances on the wall
- Broken Hill
- Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand
- Broken Girl
- Teeth grinding stillness of broken night
- Broken Bridge
- Tippy Golden Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe
- Hobgoblin of Broken Hearts
- broken biscuits
- Talk broken English and drug sellin'
- broken one
- Morgens ist broken
- Hello broken thing, may I sketch your smash pattern?
- broken home
- That's just my broken parts coming through the surface
- The Broken Hearts Club
- Broken things that nobody knows how to fix
- Broken Pipe
- Broken movie
- Building a chair from a broken G.I. cot
- broken head magic (user)
- Broken Writeups
- Broken Down Monkey (user)
- three clicks past broken
- Broken Sword
- The best way to cure a broken heart is to give the pieces away
- She left these broken things
- .Broken. (user)
- From a Broken Letter
- broken (user)
- Am I broken?
- Lead us, the faithful, to the land of broken promises
- Broken Window Fallacy
- broken heart (user)
- Broken Blossoms
- She collected broken hearts
- Broken Monkey (user)
- such is the way for a survivor of broken promises
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