- i hope there are those in this world who know what a gift it is to have anyone that knows the whole of their heart
- Take an object. Do something to it. Do something else to it.
- Does Everything2 have the Buddha nature?
- Does the Universe have granularity?
- I never thought I'd have something to say
- It is something very shameful. Please contact me again if I can be of further service.
- Does X have the Buddha nature?
- Like farting on a cake, you have defiled something lovely
- Does the sun have a mother?
- Does Molly Weasley have to choke a bitch?
- The US does NOT have Freedom of Speech
- The best way to learn something is when someone else figures it out and tells you.
- You have to return something if it's borrowed
- At least I have something to show for my awkward days
- I don't have a life; Everyone else wants to live my life for me
- Art has an actual purpose
- What Everything does better than anything else
- How does anyone get to Pewter City
- Does a computer have a Buddha nature?
- I keep thinking I'm so tough but I rarely care enough to prove it. So am I really tough then? Or does every dog just have its day?
- You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you
- Windows 9x does not have true memory protection
- It furthers one to undertake something
- This is this. This is not something else.
- Something that may have changed my life...
- You'll be something special one day. And you -- you have to take care of your sister.
- You, standing
- You're not alive until you have something to lose
- I miss you because I have nothing else to miss
- all that time, all those threads, weaving through something that must have been far too confusing to enjoy
- I'll pretend I just cursed myself by saying this, so when it doesn't happen I have something to fall back on other than you
- If you don't love yourself, you can't love anyone else.
- Humans have six senses, why does everyone think we only have five?
- Roman Catholic theology of a cloned human's soul
- Does war have any redeeming features?
- Just because you both have the same problem does not mean you are one another's solution
- A lot of houses don't even have anyone to board them up.
- Is the lock broke, or does everyone have a key?
- This land does not have three hundred taels of silver!
- When you know things are just meant to be
- How does the Military Selective Service Act apply to individuals who have had a sex change?
- To anyone who this may have hurt, please forgive me. The darkness keeps calling and I must go.
- This is this. This is also something else.
- if I can't be with you, then I'll write about you, or I'll write about something else
- Couldn't you have named it anything else
- It's better to regret something you HAVE done
- It furthers one to have somewhere to go
- all living things must above all else have hope
- You gotta leave your mark somehow, and if you can't leave a purple face, leave something else!
- Is it possible to miss something you have never experienced?
- When a boy comes over, always have something baking
- Something I Can Never Have
- You are never dedicated to something in which you have complete confidence
- I don't have a soul. But something still hurts.
- It must have rained or something
- The more you promote something, the less of it you have
- Keep your mouth shut until you have changed something
- Something Else Press
- Loved him before anyone else thought of him at all
- I have failed to become something recognizable
- you've been through something that no one should have to go through
- we're part of something bigger than any one of us. i just feel lucky to have been chosen.
- I have to get up early and do laundry so I can wear something nice to the weirdo sex club
- I have to firmly hold onto a belief that everyone in the world has shed tears over something beautiful
- I must have been mental to have done something like that, eh?
- Does anyone still care about freedom?
- ad noctum (user)
- ad hominem
- argumentum ad populum
- add
- banner ads
- button ad
- Linux TV Ads
- Infinite pop-up porn ads
- ad infinitum
- personal ad
- A.D.
- Ad interim
- Ad libitum
- AD&D
- ad hoc
- Ad nauseam
- God as a reductio ad absurdum
- Ads from the back page of the Village Voice
- accedus ad curiam
- actio ad exhibendum
- ad audiendum et determinandum
- ad captum vulgi
- the helpless little thing with the dirty mouth who's always got something to say
- Add women and stir
- AD&D rule books
- Ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia
- How Gauss quickly added up the numbers 1 to 100
- A caelo usque ad centrum.
- Per Ardua Ad Astra
- argumentum ad antiquitatem
- argumentum ad crumenam
- argumentum ad ignorantiam
- ad rem
- Ad Plures Ire
- A simple solution to annoying ads
- Impersonal Ads
- How to add Everything to your personal toolbar
- Add Me On
- anti-cigarette ads
- Mossad want ads
- argumentum ad verecundiam
- Ads are the only way to make a technology profitable without the power of nudity
- Car ad
- A Mari usque ad Mare
- Armageddon 2419 A.D.
- ad idea for Johnson & Johnson
- How to scare off men in a personal ad
- banner ad filters
- Ad resistance training
- ad maiora natus sum
- Multi-user capabilities were added to UNIX during an all-night drinking binge at AT&T's Bell Labs
- Urinal ads
- Confessions of an ex-personal ad taker
- Anti-smoking ads are bad
- Add Insult to Injury
- Add the Code
- Ad Astra Per Aspera
- Do like you oughta, add acid to water
- argumentum ad novitatem
- "massage" ads
- Ad Reinhart
- 2000 AD
- ad lib
- add injury to ecstasy
- Preventing banner ad popups on your Tripod website
- Japanese cigarette ads
- Bulgaria - A Predominant Power in the European East
- The Bulgarian Lands Under Byzantine Rule
- 728
- added entry
- Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris
- add (user)
- text ad
- Added mass
- The Star Wars pro-smoking ad
- How to add E2 to your Opera search hotkeys
- AD&D gold box series
- AD (user)
- How to add a second phone line
- ad compositor
- Why you do not want to work for an ad agency
- Ad Council
- Matrimonial ads
- Ads in Mad Magazine
- Adding an alarm clock to your case
- 2400 AD
- a.d (user)
- An anti-alcohol ad
- Value Added Tax
- The Ad Libs
- Donatio mortis causa
- How to add Surround into a plain stereo system
- Add Perl to your favorite text editor
- Ad jamming
- To draw a snake and add legs
- Ads in space
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