- Churning
- butter churning
- felt
- Felt grain
- Felt? Yes.
- I felt a Funeral, in my Brain
- Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?
- And in that brief moment, I indeed felt cool
- I felt totally at peace with the universe
- fuzzy felt
- The night when I felt like speaking my mind
- I have never felt more alive
- I felt a need for some excitement tonight, so I drove up and down random streets yelling "I am one with the flying cows!" at regular intervals
- Ever felt that?
- I felt a disturbance in the fun, as if a million playgrounds cried out, and then
- I felt the rain's cool finger-tips
- I felt as calm as the day outside. My footsteps were certain below the neutral sky. I wished there were someone watching.
- You felt like home
- My body felt heavy in flight
- I've never seen a glacier up close, but I've touched your hand. It felt so cold.
- You kissed me on the mouth; I felt your lips on mine for months afterward
- How to unfelt a felted sweater
- How can I need kisses I have never felt?
- The Man Felt an Iron Hand Grasp Him by the Hair, at the Nape. Not One Hand, a Hundred Hands Seized Him, Each by the Hair, and Tore Him Head to Foot, the Way You Tear Up a Sheet of Paper, Into Hundreds of Little Pieces
- I hope that for a few moments he felt a little less alone
- I felt like a shadow casting a man
- Stab me again. It never felt so good to bleed.
- plate of felt (user)
- I felt a Funeral
- 'twas the telltale tink-tock of marionettes, he felt certain, that jingle-jangled from behind her shower curtain
- W. Mark Felt
- I listened to the rain and the Atlantic, and I felt safe
- I felt the heat and cold of the microwave chatter in the air around me
- Never felt so much like singing the blues
- When I woke up this morning I had no regrets - I felt no shame
- the first kiss that felt like a first kiss
- needle felt
- wet felt
- When the Space Shuttle Columbia was destroyed on re-entry, I felt a deep sorrow that Cowboy Bebop was now implausible
- I felt I was part of something, like a voice in a crowd or an island in a sea
- Roofing felt
- you never felt her hot blood on your face but, hey, who's keeping track
- the time I felt like a real man
- She felt like the word 'shatter'
- My skin felt like I was falling
- somehow I felt hopeful, as if I have finally found a ragtag army of fellow fighters, none of whom cared what socks I was wearing
- The coolest I've ever felt, given that I didn't end up with a gun.
- She had incongruity for breakfast because she felt like it
- I felt like soft serve
- makes you wonder how you ever felt affection for somebody who could hate you so
- i wish i felt like teaching today, but i just want to be selfish
- I've never felt so at peace. Like coming home.
- Trying to remember what love felt like
- The moment I finally felt real
- A mistake never felt so right
- Only Today I Felt Alive, Dead the Other Days
- I have never felt so lucky to be able to enjoy a musician in all my life
- Intel inside
- The Kick Inside
- inside joke
- inside
- Intelligence Inside
- insides
- a crying on the inside sort of clown
- that little thing inside
- Looks aren't important, it's what's on the inside that counts
- Bigger on the inside than on the outside
- Something inside has died
- Theories as to what was inside the briefcase in Pulp Fiction
- Inside job
- Comparing your insides to other people's outsides
- Teach Yourself Scheme: 8.2 Avoiding variable capture inside macros
- inside information
- That's me inside your head
- taking down the advertising industry from the inside
- the little moose that tears me up inside
- Pretend you're not dying inside
- Inside Macintosh
- Never use transparencies inside a laser printer
- Inside Stuff
- The letter inside of me is too long to write
- eaten from the inside
- The Discovery of a World Inside the Moone
- International Wear Your Shirt Inside Out Day
- There's a woman inside my stereo
- Inside out
- The bullets inside are very hot. Why do I feel so cold?
- Whatever it is they spray inside of bowling shoes
- Little parts of you trapped inside other people
- There Are Many People Living Inside of Me
- Inside Passage
- It's cool inside!
- Things inside the fort in Minnesota
- Burning from the Inside
- Inside Sport
- Teenage bride with a baby inside, getting high on information
- Feel how it trembles inside
- Little boy every man has hiding inside of him
- Thoughts inside my head
- I want you inside me
- How the inside of the mind would look from a purely abstract point of view
- Inside the Actor's Studio
- I will always be weird inside
- inside the Beltway
- live inside a camera
- The Cat inside
- Multiple Personality Disorder from the Inside Out
- Determining if a point is inside a regular polygon
- An introduction to my inside selves as they say goodbye
- When my inside selves just jump out with wings of fire
- Fighting the system from the inside out
- And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out
- Eminem and the Inside Rhyme device
- Inside Rhyme
- Inside the Funhouse
- I Want to Be Inside You
- Inside the box
- Deep inside, you know that some things are boundless
- From the inside looking out
- inside straight draw
- Slip Inside This House
- Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again
- There is nothing inside of you
- Inside looking out
- The tips of your fingers brush the inside of my memory
- Inside a Living Nightmare
- The world with a candle inside
- Way down inside
- The calls are coming from inside the house!
- Inside us all is a little person we are dying to let out
- inside line
- Video files inside .zip archives
- Dead Inside
- Inside every Mr Man...(lessons in sexual identity at McDonald's)
- Using source control inside Emacs
- Outside Inside
- Very Special People Inside
- Deep Inside
- Inside the Third Reich
- Inside the gingerbread house, the witch is waiting
- Crippled Inside
- No user serviceable parts inside
- She is the tear that hangs inside my soul forever
- Leaves Turn Inside You
- You can find a place inside my heart if you will stay
- Clean the inside of your windshield
- How Eulenspiegel placed himself inside his horse
- Life inside out
- Peeping inside an SSH session
- Dying Inside
- She was inside the music, with her eyes closed
- inside the asylum (user)
- Diamonds on the Inside
- The home I might dwell inside
- The Killer Inside Me
- NBA Inside Drive
- Love, as seen from the inside of my head
- Mermaid Inside (user)
- Midnight inside you
- Bin Laden determined to strike inside the United States
- Ugly on the inside
- Sororities: A top-secret report from the inside
- The Darkness Inside
- Inside the Kingdom
- Sitting inside a snowglobe
- I was trying to show him my insides, you know. I like to share.
- Well, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal, you sockdologizing old man-trap!
- Inside Deep Throat
- Stand Inside Your Love
- Look inside girl, let the sound take you away
- And she, with her beautiful words and such a fire burning inside
- All of this strung together inside me on a delicate electric web.
- please keep your feelings inside the vehicle at all times
- I died a little inside, and now I reek of death
- From somewhere deep inside
- the outcasts are inside
- Inside every surjection is a bijection waiting to get out.
- To the revolutionary that is slowly dying inside me:
- Not On The Inside
- it's hard to hear when you're stuck inside someone's torso
- The Good Ones From Inside
- dip me in the water red, and unclothe me from inside and out
- all hollow sores and oozing wounds inside
- I do not fit inside my body
- Inside Edition
- Inside (user)
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