- Now there's revolution but they don't know what they're fighting
- They don't realize they're talking about death but I can hear it behind their voices
- Boy/girl/other bands and why they're good for real musicians
- Some times your elders may know what they're talking about
- Hook 'em while they're young
- Ghosts can laugh, but they're already dead
- Guns kill. Knives kill. Rocks kill. Doesn't mean they're all the same.
- Things grow, no matter how much attention they’re paid
- these ideas are not deep, they're just good
- They're not diapers! They're pull ups!
- When life gives you lemons, suck on them. Seriously, lemons taste awesome.
- Hula hoops are round, they're staying round, and they'll be around forever
- Women who don't realize they're pregnant until they give birth
- Get in your car. Do not look back. Monsters are chasing. They're going to attack.
- They're foreign not deaf
- i like the treetops, cause they're reaching just like me
- They're Dancing, Sara, They're Dancing
- Stick a fork in their ass and turn them over, they're done
- That's what they're there for
- How to tell when a journalist has no idea what they're talking about
- I considered cutting my toenails, but they're my only natural defense
- Parents who force their children to eat when they're not hungry
- Things men want when they're drunk
- So, I bought some new curtains. They're blue, and that act is symbolic of the hopelessness of my particular domestic situation.
- Butterflies are passive aggressive and put their problems on the shelf, but they're beautiful
- Terrible things men say to women they're supposed to love
- Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
- They're working on a six year drought (just so you know)
- They're just babies, they don't understand!
- I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned
- Memories are meant to fade : They're designed that way for a reason
- most people don't know what they're talking about anyway
- They're trying to wash us away
- some people lie but they're looking for magic
- If they're going up to the sun, the stars and the moon, why don't they bring the moon down for us?
- They're only words
- Boycott all future Olympics, regardless of where they're held
- Are the gospels written by the people they're attributed to?
- They don't know what they're missing
- Tell people they're beautiful and you will change the world
- They're Grrrrr-eat!
- Actors who don't speak the language of the movie they're in
- They're made out of meat
- They're drugs, they change you
- They're from Seattle and they're too wet to burn yet
- I see these eyes that lit my life. Now they're cold and dark and gone.
- Gays don't need us heteros to propagate gay stereotypes; they're doing just fine by themselves
- Aliens look like aliens because they're human
- Girls are hotter when they're comfortable
- they're all the same except for me
- Even if they're really good friends, you shouldn't trust a couple hundred friends with your secrets
- They're not fish, they're people
- Those two people like it, and they're shagging
- your dialog and instructions are coiled up tight in every single one of your cells and they're all singing
- Girls possess me but they're never mine.
- Tell people they're beautiful and they will change the world
- They're Red Hot
- The dynasty made people die in nasty ways. This mess was necessary and they're not sorry.
- One of the dangers of necromancy is you don't really know who's on the other side or what they're going to give you in return.
- they're just dead poets
- Gloss over the losses, like they're an old pair of lips
- No, they're not my countrymen
- They're gonna grind you down until you're thin and tired, tired
- Two bros sitting in a hot tub! Five feet apart 'cause they're not gay!
- it's a pity we only appreciate some once they're gone, when they can no longer defend themselves
- so many people want the things that they're not willing to give
- Even if they're in my dreams, if I'm not willing to try to reach out to them then do I really miss them?
- corporations aren't just people, they're sociopaths
- at night the cicadas sing like they're pleading
- It's a sword. They're not meant to be safe
- Between lap dances and laptops, you seek girls who fuck like they're boneless.
- If someone punches you out of hatred, they're definitely a villain. But that doesn't mean that you're a hero.
- they're
- Biscuit Master (user)
- In the biscuit
- Arse Biscuits
- The Disco Biscuits
- Rich tea biscuit
- Half Man Half Biscuit
- Urinal Biscuit
- New Hire Rules at the Overtime Biscuit Corporation
- Biscuit Power!
- broken biscuits
- The Biscuit Game
- Chuck Biscuits
- LU Biscuits
- Air biscuit
- Fox's Biscuits
- Glass biscuits
- Microwave Cup Biscuit
- Buttermilk Biscuits
- biscuit (user)
- Biscuit dip
- Savory cheddar biscuits
- Rich Esbat biscuits
- Yo-yo biscuits
- dog biscuit
- awesome cheesy biscuit snacks
- You can put your boots in the oven, but that don't make them biscuits.
- biscuits (user)
- frank biscuit (user)
- Sweater biscuits
- winter solstice lemon and ginger biscuits
- Chocolate chip biscuits
- Mammy's Buttermilk Biscuits
- Haw you, gies one o' them biscuits
- Oreo Double Stuf cookies
- I never wanted to see you get hurt. Even though it's kind of funny.
- Royal Dansk Butter Cookies
- wookiee cookies
- Cookies and cream ice cream
- Cookie's Fortune
- Allergy Safe Chocolate Chip Cookies
- shortbread cookies
- Indian cookies
- Vegan Banana-Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Oatmeal cookies
- Candy Cane Cookies
- Imported Danish Butter Cookies
- Sour Cream Cookies
- toss your cookies
- death cookies
- The sluttiest girl scout always sells the most cookies
- Power Supply = Cookies
- Finnish Bridal Cookies
- Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies
- Official Red Deer Cookies
- Cinnamon Oatmeal Cookies
- Practically Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies
- animal crackers vs animal cookies
- spice cookies
- Santa Cookies
- Scotch Cookies
- painting cut-out cookies
- Steve's Awesome Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Chinese Noodle Cookies
- Plain ol' cookies
- Neiman Marcus Cookies
- Chocolate chocolate mint chip cookies
- animal cookies
- Heavenly Chocolate Brownie Cookies
- Toll House cookies
- Mint Cream Cheese Cookies
- Dada Fortune Cookies
- Berger Cookies
- Great Aunt Gertrude's Christmas Fig Cookies
- Peppermint Dipped Cookies
- Mum mum's Ginger Cookies
- Gumdrop cookies
- Curry cookies
- Walnut and treacle cookies
- Peanut butter oatmeal cookies
- Double mint chocolate chunk cookies
- Black and White Cookies
- Checkerboard cookies
- Eggnog sparkle cookies
- Cherry and white chocolate chip cookies
- Crumbly chocolate chip cookies
- Summer pastel cookies
- Ninja Pirate Monkey Cookies
- Lemon Snowdrop Cookies
- Autumn leaf cookies
- Cake Mix Cookies
- no-bake cookies
- Drop cookies
- Green Oatmeal Cookies
- cooky (user)
- Cocomia cookies
- cooky 0550 (user)
- Chocolate Heath Bar Cookies
- The smoke plume smells like baking cookies!
- World's Easiest Peanut Butter Cookies
- Sorry for the stolen cookies
- Apricot and white chocolate cookies
- Cherry Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
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