Here is a
fairly simple card
trick that
anyone can do at
home. Or
work, or
school, or wherever you happen to have a
deck of cards handy.
First, you need some supplies. Namely, a deck of cards. If you'd like to play along at home, go get one now. I can wait.
*taps foot whilst various Everythingians scramble to get some cards*
Okay, dandy. Let's begin.
This is a cool 'find that card!' card trick, where you'll be able to tell someone what value the top card of a pile (you get to make piles, too! Funfun!) is. There's most likely something mathematical involved, (and, from looking at the other card tricks here on E2, it probably involves modulus stuff), but I'm not sure what it is. If anyone knows, I'd be much obliged if they'd node it here as well.
So anyway, on to the trick!
Flip the top card of the deck over, so it's face-up on the table/desk/floor/ceiling/whatever available, reasonably flat surface you happen to be by right now. I'll do it too, to demonstrate:
|7 |
|♥ |
| | Well, lookee here, I got a 7.
| |
| ♥|
| 7|
Now, the suit doesn't matter. We're not gonna get that tricky here. All we care about is the number on it.
A quick refresher for those that don't play with cards much (like me - I had to count the silly things out myself before noding this): there are 4 suits of 13 cards each in a standard 52-card deck. The cards are valued (at least in this trick - sometimes the Ace is the highest) Ace (1) through King (13). Remembering this is of utmost importance.
Since I got a 7, I'm going to add 6 more cards to the pile.
A somewhat understandable equation for this:
13 - (Card Value) = # of new cards to be added to the pile
(again, note that Jacks have a value of 11, Queens are 12, and Kings are 13. Aces are 1s)
Okay, so, 6 more cards it is:
|7 |6 |K |8 |7 |4 |J |
|♥ |♥ |♠ |♣ |♦ |♣ |♦ |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | ♦|
| | | | | | | J|
Okay, excellent. The first pile is done. Flip it over and make it all pretty and stacked up and stuff.
| |
| Back |
| of | Now doesn't that look pretty?
| Pile |
| |
| |
Repeat this until you can't make any more piles. Yes, if you turn up a King, you'll only have one card in that pile, and if you turn up an Ace you're gonna have an awful lot of flipping and counting to do. Sorry, that's just how it is.
If you have leftover cards, simply set them aside or hold them or something. They aren't a pile. They didn't make the cut. They are rejects and losers, and you don't want anything to do with them. For now. You will later, so don't ostracize and taunt them too much or they'll figure out some way to screw you over at the end of the trick.
Here's the fun part: pick up all the piles except for 3. Put all the picked up piles in a stack with the leftover cards from before, and turn up the top cards on two of the remaining piles.
Here's another one of those nifty ASCII visuals of this:
_________ _________ _________
| | |10 | |8 |
| Back | |♠ | |♦ |
| of | | | | |
| Pile | | | | |
| | | ♠| | ♦|
| | | 10| | 8|
All right, we're on the home stretch now. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, (which, considering all the work you've put into it thus far, you might as well) is to find out the value of the top card of the remaining pile.
Here's how you do it. With your uber-pile made from all the other piles, start counting out cards. In the example above, you'd count out ten cards, then eight cards, and finally ten more cards. This is because of the top cards on the other two piles are a 10 and an 8, respectively. Then, no matter what the top cards are, you always count out another ten afterwards. This probably has to do with math of some sort.
You should be holding the rest of the uber-pile now. Count the number of cards remaining and you've got it. That's the number of the card on top of the last pile.
Pretty neat, huh?
Some tips for preforming this trick for others:
Oh yeah, and have fun. :)