- You've got another think coming
- Once you realize you're in charge of your own mood, you've only got yourself to blame.
- You've got to take the rough with the smooth
- Do what you can, with what you've got, where you are
- They've Got the Guns but We've Got the Numbers
- What to do if you've got too many votes on your hands
- At least you've got nuances
- You've Got to be Brain Damaged
- The karma that makes you spend all the money you've got in any given moment
- You've got an underdeveloped sense of vengeance
- You've got to be kidding me
- You don't know what you've got till it's gone
- you've got your mothers cheekbones and your father's crooked smile
- You've Got A Friend
- You've Got Stalkers
- I love you, but you've just got to leave and not come back. Ever.
- You've got to paddle
- Don't be afraid, you've just got your eyes closed
- If you've got it, flaunt it!
- You've got mail
- If I can ruin it for you in one sentence, you've got a fragile perspective.
- You've got to promise
- If you've got something to do, you'd better fucking do it.
- You've got to go to the edge of defeat.
- You've Got Gold (user)
- Smoke that cigarette fast, baby. You've got less time than me.
- Count Dracula has dyscalcula. He mumbles numbers and never slumbers.
- The hostages wrote thank you cards to their captors when they got home.
- You can only play the cards you've been dealt
- voice processing card
- Orson Scott Card
- video card
- Star Trek CCG
- credit card
- business card
- Greeting card
- punch cards
- House of cards
- baseball card
- 80-column card
- wild card
- calling card
- natural card
- Textually represented playing cards
- card condom
- debit card
- draft card
- Sea card
- Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis
- get well card
- savings card
- Discount card at the hippie grocery
- CardCaptor Sakura
- organ donor's card
- hotswapping ISA cards
- Green Card
- you've been scrolling for way too long
- Whore card
- DVD decoder card
- lace card
- yellow card
- platinum card
- Corporate ID Cards
- Standard American Yellow Card
- high card points
- Wild Cards
- court card
- Platinum Yendorian Express Card
- pull your card
- Hanafuda
- security card shuffle
- Getting carded
- Zener cards
- credit card debt
- Get out of jail free card
- video card madness
- Jacquard punch cards
- Library Card
- swiss card
- check card
- They own the pack while we play the three card trick
- Who says discount card profiling isn't fun?
- Credit Card Camping
- tart cards
- Card Fighters Clash
- blow-in card
- bind-in card
- Pick a card, any card
- Counting cards
- A simple card trick to win bets and make enemies
- Play the cancer card
- Get out of Hell free card
- credit card game
- Card carrying, glow-stick waving, use too much gel, funny pant wearing, weirdo
- American Express Card
- Discover Card
- cigarette cards
- Student Advantage Card
- A business card left for my daughter, the waitress
- Subway Club Card
- Online greeting cards
- Octopus Card
- cue card
- face card
- red card
- trading card
- "super" memory card
- promo card
- marked card
- flash cards
- Cheating at cards
- The Hotel Manager and the Bellhop Card Trick
- card trick
- Seven card stud hi/lo poker
- DOS Compatibility Card
- Scarne on Cards
- Sears Premier Card
- playing cards
- KEM Cards
- Mass Card
- Loyalty Card
- Prerelease card
- card shuffling algorithms
- A Mythology of the Credit Card
- credit card receipts
- Pre-approved credit cards
- cards and kisses
- Wizards of the Coast Christmas Cards
- The Phatt Island Library Card Catalog
- voter registration card
- blue card
- Who wants a Yo! MTV Raps Trading Card from the FUNKY FRESH holliman?
- Playing Card Shuriken
- ability card
- 52 card pickup
- QSL card
- The Deck of Cards Quandary: Quantum Superposition
- Card Cheat
- CD-ROM² & Super CD-ROM² System & Arcade Cards
- POST diagnostic card
- premium foil card
- Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
- insurance card
- Card counter
- hole cards
- Idiot Card
- The fortune cookie more accurate than Miss Cleo's Tarot cards
- hole card
- Seven card stud
- How to read Tarot Cards
- Reward Card
- dance card
- Index card
- Card Fighters 2 Expand Edition
- Green Card Lottery
- card captor
- Harry Potter Trading Card Game
- Play the race card
- Gold card
If you Log in you could create a "Count the number of cards remaining and you've got it" node. If you don't already have an account, you can register here.