- He had a prison of brass built in the hole, and then, when it was finished, he locked up his daughter
- When he was five, his father made him murder his imaginary friend.
- As I looked back, he was reveling in his own feces
- As the band laughed, her finger traced his spine, and he folded into her
- All the while he was talking she was thinking what his whiskers would feel like on the back of her neck
- He stretched out his arms but she was not there
- I'm the only person who'd ever told him to his face he was beautiful.
- When he was little, he laughed in his sleep.
- Shaymus is older than I thought he was
- His version was better
- he listened so well, he was still curious.
- In the end, he could quiet his mind only by dying
- Once there was a bug in a hole that he dug
- To me he is a daisy and I keep trying to count his petals
- The sun was caught playing unashamedly in her auburn hair, setting our world on fire with giddiness
- If a frog had wings, he wouldn't kick his tail when he jumped
- Of King Sigmund's last battle, and of how he must yield up his sword again
- He Died with a Felafel in His Hand
- making certain he was touching her
- he was a punk poet himself
- Amakuni once drew an old sword of his from a box, suddenly overjoyed by something he had cast aside.
- I married him because he was not mean
- unfortunately, his entire corpus was composed in English, and so has been lost to the ravages of time
- He Had Not Where To Lay His Head
- "He was a terrible man," she sobbed, between bites of alimony
- I knew enough about him to know his name and what kind of snowball he could make
- He who does not forget his first love will not recognize his last
- He is honest and forthright with strangers. He reserves his lies for his family
- She grew a little older, while he was telling her
- She was coming out as he was going in.
- The girl didn't know if she was loved until he said yes.
- He was hard in all the wrong places
- Today your little boy is sprouting ten fingers and shedding his tail
- Johnny Clueless was there, with his Simulated Wood-Grain
- he was alive, and some of the other people, they were carbon copies
- He tells me that I could have his heart and I want to take it right then, slip it into my pocket and run
- Then again, maybe he was recruiting for a cult
- His smartphone lay in the road, its screen locked with music still playing through the earbuds.
- I don't know what he was listening for, but he wasn't listening
- I'm not HIS sister; he's MY brother
- She doesn't know what he sees, but sometimes it makes his face beautiful
- Mr. Lunch liked to chase birds. In fact, he was a professional.
- The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist
- "I see," said the blind man to his deaf wife as he picked up his hammer and saw
- The Abridged Edition: She was to one side, he was to the other, an untested bridge between them
- He thinks a path and travels the emptiness that was there
- An ocean away and here he was, seeping into her
- judge a captain not by his shipwrecks, but by whether or not he blames the sea
- He was the kind of man who shacked up for shelter
- why is the great man great? he keeps on running through a world of his own.
- He Was a Crook
- The Trial: Andrew Johnson was not guilty of the crimes for which he was impeached.
- He was born with the gift of logic but the inability to use it
- He was like the bottle of Champagne Krug
- mr. T pities the fool regardless of whether he is wearing his seatbelt
- he is too shy to write his tale
- some say he was never here at all
- I thought he was a man but he was just a little boy
- His name came up like a match on wooden me
- His love was enormous; it cleared rooms that desperately wanted to be full.
- He was a man stuck between the objective and the subjective
- I should ask my barber where he gets his hair cut, then go there and slowly make my way up the chain
- He was an ant on an ill-defined mission. She was the trapdoor spider of love.
- How many times has God twiddled his thumbs before he put vertebrates on the Earth?
- I was raised on red pepper and blood. I am so hot if you strike me I will light like a match.
- One should be careful to whom he gives the finger
- His collection of substances that should not exist was stolen. The thieves then killed themselves 1000 times over.
- bump bump bump my finger down his spine
- Your smile was embarrassed. Your fingers were dew-covered. I am still smiling.
- The cult leader poured himself a drink and started on about his plans, and I wondered how the priest was getting on
- He flops over and bonks his head
- He takes the light switch between two fingers, wishing for a chain to pull
- More than he was willing to give
- I don't know where he gets his words but I like them
- Oedipus-Schmedipus, as long as he loves his mother
- In a quiet grove of pines under a frosty sky, he helped her out of the sack. She wore severe white hospital pajamas and was beautiful.
- At least he was gentle
- It was late when he came home; it woke you up
- He was confirming to himself that they were laughing with him after all
- He will have the taste of warm ripe fruit in his mouth
- So I was balls deep in the guy's ass that night when he turns to me and asks for a kiss. Damn. What a fag.
- How the Old Woman Took Care Of Candide, and How He Found the Object of His Love
- He lived in southern California with his tanned, powdered mother
- Donald Duck was banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants
- Tom, He was a Piper's Son
- I saved his life. He does not know it.
- Wheresoever he went, there was Eden
- He wasn't programmed to be a tenor, he was programmed to be a physician!
- He dreamt he was a bulldozer, she dreamt she was alone in an empty bed
- Meanwhile, the PILOT, who has been laughing hysterically through the entire sequence, finally loses it. He falls out of his chair and bangs his head against the panel, causing the ship to lose control and crash into a nearby planet
- He found a liquid cure for his landlocked blues
- It's easier to kick a praying man, because he's on his knees already
- She had become a mutton for punishment and he was a wolf
- It was 1992. He smiled.
- He's a feminist. He tells that to all his mistresses.
- He weaves his words
- How Candide Was Brought Up in a Magnificent Castle and How He Was Driven Thence
- All he left her was alone
- He wakes up everyday, puts an empty gun in his mouth, and pulls the trigger.
- I kicked the Martian in his otherworldly balls, and he screamed like the solar wind howling through a planetary magnetosphere
- His memory perishes from the earth, and he has no name in the street.
- He throws his heart down like a gauntlet
- So he's dressed a little differently and he has a halo-like light above his head.
- He had fallen in love, but I'm pretty sure the hellhound was only in it for the belly rubs
- The class valedictorian was still tripping balls when he was bailed out in time to give the commencement speech at graduation
- He made me promise I would do this when I was next sad. So I promised myself I would not be sad again.
- When I was 21, he was building a Time Machine
- He Would Close His Eyes, and the World Would Burn.
- He was found
- He Was Only Joking
- He made a way to his anger
- That's Just How He Was
- She didn't write like Emily Dickinson, but she did live in a house overlooking a cemetery, and I guess he thought that was important.
- He was there, and then he wasn't, and with him went those memories
- Jesus said, "I love him, for he is my brother." He was talking about everyone.
- It Was a Lover and His Lass
- because his heart was heavy, closing, like a tired eyelid
- His ex-wife was so frigid, her clitoris was only the tip of the iceberg.
- He called he his brother and spoke approvingly of my story
- He just left his body
- He began to learn that waste flows downstream. Imagine his surprise.
- The Marlboro Man died of cancer, but he wasn't a rocket scientist when he was healthy, ha ha ha.
- He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder.
- but you had his eyes and that was sort of almost enough
- God is playing marbles with his planets and his stars
- I was floating in the ocean of his eyes.
- My man was shot for his sheep coat
- It Was Cold, and It Ran Through Your Fingers
- And he noticed my fingers / and asked me if I would play (e2poll)
- finger
- five finger discount
- fingered
- shaolin buddha finger
- The ring on my finger
- finger stalk
- Get the finger put on
- I'll give up printf() when you pry my cold dead fingers from it
- Trail your finger through the air, and then tell me you can't feel it
- Finger pointing at the Moon
- double finger tapping
- Do not put this product into the rectum by using fingers or any mechanical device or applicator
- I cut off yossarian's finger!
- Master with Cracked Fingers
- zinc finger
- The Fickle Finger of Fame
- fingers of steel
- Gutei's finger
- shooting lightning bolts from my fingers
- The One Finger Salute
- What to do if you sever your finger
- that hour we lost was the one I was going to use to get my life together
- Finger Flip
- Ah, God, the way your little finger moved
- franky four fingers (user)
- Rainy Day Finger Play and Fun Songs
- Rosy fingered dawn
- Finger Lakes
- Five Fingers of Funk
- Rollie Fingers
- Sticky Fingers
- &finger;
- finger joint
- The tips of your fingers brush the inside of my memory
- I love you. Now get your finger out of my nose.
- My fingers flow over a keyboard, but words jumble at my teeth
- raisin fingers
- A million mosquito bites and sticky fingers
- finger sandwich
- Fingers of the Underworld
- finger food
- Fingers slick with mythos
- Finger Spelling
- Chicken fingers with honey mustard
- finger itch (user)
- How to whistle through your fingers
- Big Dirty Finger (user)
- Finger blight
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