- Real hackers start their own IRC networks so that they can't be traced by the FBI
- Almost killed by an Elephant
- they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty creator
- continuous functions are determined by their values on a dense subset
- Traumatic in nature? Possible. Pivotal in their own way? Certainly.
- The lonely ones will find each other by the heat of their bodies
- Rap artists who insist on singing their own name in their songs
- Your own stupidity (user)
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
- everyone is the hero of their own story
- Do you not see that if we kill him with the pill from the till by making with it the drug in the jug, you need not light the candle with the handle on the gateau from the chateau!
- Young Virgin Auto-Sodomized by Her Own Chastity
- I killed my dog and broke my own heart
- Everyone Thinks the Best about Their Own Children
- There are places in this world where mundane, forgotten things have learned to weave their own magic
- Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt"
- Today, I almost got killed by Darth Vader
- Words That Are Their Own Antonyms
- Being betrayed by one's own body
- Addressing others by their user names
- pierced by the sharpness of my own ideals
- cards written by those paid to condense their thoughts and emotions
- Killed by Allah in the burning plains
- On getting blown up 8000 miles from home by a man who does not own shoes
- Book most owned by American libraries with the word "fuck" in the title
- A League of Their Own
- you get mistaken for strangers by your own friends
- They'll find their own lightning
- I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh and they shall be drunk with their own blood like wine
- How to drive your employees away with your own stupidity
- On the horizon, the lions circle their kill while the sun waits to set
- It is Folly to Measure the True and False by Our Own Capacity
- armed with nothing but their own vision
- I'll read this again in a year and cringe at my own stupidity
- Bill Gates is a character owned by Microsoft Corporation
- once set, words make a world of their own
- by my own admission
- That time I was almost killed by scary cult children
- Please help us recover your nodes by linking their titles below
- Pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps
- Please inquire of past generations, and consider the things searched out by their fathers
- their teary eyes follow us as if our actions are accompanied by tragic music
- Discovering personalities by watching people with their dogs
- to those killed by the Firestone tires
- To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries
- The Sightless find Their way by the Warmth
- one by one their blades will grind to a halt and stand still like a white forest.
- Know the mute by finding their storyteller
- So many people have come and gone, their faces fade as the years go by
- Judging women by their books
- Accidental death odds
- Know your pets
- swallowed by my own magic
- Madmen have a world all their own
- institutions have lives of their own
- I killed a man with his own stomach
- "By their very nature, negatives ought to be more abstract {than positives}."
- Some virtues dig their own graves
- The movements exist on their own terms, manifesting rare beauty
- Each one has their own story
- When the Ram and the Pig Went to the Forest to Live on Their Own
- Listen, boy. Everyone is their own kind of ninja.
- I've seen old men crying at their own gravesides
- Telephone solicitors now call me at their own risk
- your chances of being killed by a frog are low BUT NEVER ZERO
- Phosphor reading by His own Light
- Taking on a Life of Their Own
- Owned by cat
- Honda Civic 'To Each Their Own' Campaign
- Legislation to save us from our own stupidity
- CORDYCEPS: Too clever for their own good
- the Men Behind the Curtain are to a large extent at the mercy of their own illusions
- Listen, boy. Everyone is their own kind of nenja.
- Everyone tells their own story with them as the star
- To be hoist by one's own petard
- When each had their own personal anthem
- Supporting your views on modern social dynamics by citing anthropology
- By their fruits you shall know them
- Killed By Death
- Saved by the Bell
- Chased by bears
- Down By Law
- division by zero error
- Live by the sword, die by the arrow
- Call by reference
- Some Girls Wander by Mistake
- by any means necessary
- Proof by contradiction
- Poetry written by teenagers
- The Attack by Fire
- Murder by Death
- Guided by Voices
- money-back guarantee
- Taking Tiger Mountain (by Strategy)
- by hand
- Measuring time by setting fire to various things
- Death by Water
- seduction by grammar (user)
- Paradox by the Dashboard Light
- Man Getting Hit by Football
- alcohol by volume
- By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
- By the skin of my teeth
- virgin by choice
- I was discovered by scientists, what will they call me?
- go by the board
- cheek by jowl
- Standing by my bed
- Go by hand
- Death By Chocolate
- RFC 602
- The set of decimal representations of numbers divisible by 17 is regular
- integration by parts
- Naughty by Nature
- inspiration by misreading
- Persecutions suffered by the Quakers
- The logical inclination to hate shoe stores: A Study In Progress By Avoiding the Unavoidable
- Baptism by fire
- trial by fire
- Attack by Stratagem
- Laws Regarding Epilepsy and Driving, By State
- Bhagavad-Gita - Religion by Deliverance and Renunciation
- Surprised by Joy
- I can divide by zero
- case by case
- Zero divided by zero
- Falling Branches Can Break Other Branches On Their Way Down
- Not guilty by reason of insanity
- I was taken by a honeymoon scam
- Every "why" question can be answered by a phrase using the word "idiot"
- How to get your ass kicked by Jackie Chan
- Technology is not the remedy for problems caused by technology
- Bird by Bird
- Paint by Numbers
- Answer to the sample paint by numbers puzzle
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