When I was 7 years old, I had just begun to learn how to play the
piano. My
piano teacher, Mrs. Permison, taught me a few often used
mnemonic devices to help me read and remember notes on the
treble- and
clefs. Here is a
humble ASCII representation of both clefs, with an explanation near the bottom:
|----| )--------------------------------------------F---
| |/ E
| /| C
| / |\ A
|| - | F
| \__|_/----------------------------E-------------------
| | D
| (_| -C-
| B
| ____ G
| | \ E
| \) / C
| \_/ A
treble clef notes can be remembered as thus:
For the notes
on the lines:
Good Boy Does
For the notes
between the lines:
The bass clef notes can be remembered as thus:
For the notes on the lines:
Good Boys Do Fine Always.
For the notes between the lines:
All Cows Eat Grass.