- Average (user)
- Average Joe
- Global average temperature
- Earned Run Average
- Batting average
- Average Land Speed of Animals
- Average
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
- average rate of change
- average person
- moving average
- exponential moving average
- weighted average
- Weighted Average with denominator 7
- average male viewer
- Having An Average Weekend
- Average Handle Time
- Average Joe (user)
- the average number of fixed points of a permutation is 1
- load average
- How many different species live on or in the average human body?
- 90% of people think they are of above average intelligence
- Thanksgiving for your average noder (except me, of course)
- Law of averages
- Equivalent Average
- Peripheral Earned Run Average
- The average male thinks about sex every seven seconds
- Smarter than the average bear
- .400 batting average
- What would aliens think if they talked to an average western human being?
- Nosferatu (with C/Average)
- Grade Point Average
- Average Atmospherocepalic Bureaucrat in the Act of Milking a Cranial Harp
- Average Call Time
- Elmo Ain't Yo Average Nza
- Being average is rare
- Invitation to average war
- To be noble in an average life
- average total cost
- Average Value Method
- The Average White Band
- Average logarithmic energy decrement per collision
- Zero knowledge computation of the average salary
- Standard Average European
- Average G (user)
- elliptical weighted average
- Average dice
- The average noder's age (e2poll)
- the average population of the universe is zero
- average guy (user)
- Average Freight Rate Assessment
- i've seen earthworms larger than your average snake
- My Life Is Average
- Average face
- Batting average on balls in play
- Average Log Income
- Salud
- My Statistically Average Wife
- The average distance between consecutive prime numbers
- average centipawn loss
- The dangers of using the average without context
- How the lack of flying cars is connected with the green fuzz between EDB's toes and the average annual rainfall in West Bulgaria
- "What *should* we be worried about?"; or how too many cooks make a statistically average soup
- Reading averages (e2poll)
- Average Redditor
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- National Socialist
- National Health Service
- National Park
- National Unicycle Convention
- National Hockey League
- Sandia National Laboratories
- National anthem
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- National Rifle Association
- national security
- National Party
- National Poetry Slam
- Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
- National Book Award
- National debt
- Yellowstone National Park
- Shenandoah National Park
- National Geographic Society
- National Organization for Women
- National Endowment for the Arts
- National Monument
- National Register of Historic Places
- Pacific Rim national park
- Gross National Product
- How to beat the national debt
- National identity database for the federal government
- National League
- National Lampoon
- Grand National
- National Medal of Science
- national
- National Football League
- National Lampoon's Animal House
- National Lampoon's Vacation
- National Lampoon's European Vacation
- National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
- National Lampoon's Senior Trip
- National Lampoon's Class Reunion
- National Lampoon's Attack of the 5'2" Women
- National Lampoon's Last Resort
- National Lampoon's Men In White
- National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation
- National Security Agency
- Point Reyes National Seashore
- Shawnee National Forest
- Serengeti National Park
- U.S. National Parks and Monuments
- National Association of Securities Dealers
- national hero
- National Road
- National Council of Churches
- National Lottery
- National Review
- National Weather Service
- National Lampoon's Stereo Test and Demonstration Record
- Why I Like the Soviet National Anthem
- National Semiconductor
- National Public Radio
- National Research Council of Canada
- National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
- Canadian National Exhibition
- National Socialism
- national alliance
- United Malay National Organisation
- National Puzzlers' League
- National Enquirer
- The National Grange
- national drink
- Reagan National Airport
- National Honor Society
- National Recovery Administration
- National Labor Relations Act
- National Park Service
- National Graves' Disease Foundation
- White Sands National Monument
- Mario Cuomo Speech at the Democratic National Convention, 1984
- Rocky Mountain National Park
- National Interfraternity Council
- National Science Foundation
- National Debate Association
- National Security Act
- National Labor Union
- National Youth Administration
- National moment of remembrance
- Devils Tower National Monument
- National Reconnaissance Office
- National Junior College
- national culture
- National Puerto Rican Day
- Muir Woods National Monument
- Bad habits of the orangutans at the National Zoo
- National Association of Realtors
- Living National Treasures
- National Security Advisor
- National Security Council
- mythical national championship
- National Guard
- 2000 Libertarian National Convention
- National Bohemian
- national health glasses
- Chinese National Anthem
- Amhrán na bhFiann
- National Australia Bank
- Das Lied der Deutschen
- Sizes of national economies
- Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
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