Winamp terminology for "theme", later crept into use with other programs as well. WinAmp's UI components are bitmap based, so each of these component bitmaps can be replaced with other bitmaps - in other words, the look of the whole UI can be changed on the fly.

This has many advantages, mostly that it allows the user to customize the UI.

Mere skinning is different from the way Mozilla and GTK+ handle their themes: In those programs, not only the outlook of the GUI can be changed, but the behavior and functionality as well. (For example, if the default scrollbars have "up" button in top and "down" button in bottom, you can make a scrollbar in your GTK+ theme that looks like NEXTSTEP scrollbar - both buttons on the bottom).

The lead singer of the band Skunk Anansie. Her real name is Deborah Anne Dyer, given to her when she was born in Brixton, London, England on 3 September, 1967.

She has no hair and apparently likes Thai food, Tequila and Stevie Wonder.

As a verb, "skin" is one of those words in the English language that is paradoxically its own antonym. For example, you can skin a cat (remove the skin), or you can skin a drum (add the skin).

See Words That Are Their Own Antonyms.
This information shamelessly ripped-off from Car Talk

Skin is also a British colloquial term for cigarette rolling papers.

From this comes the popular saying "skinning up" which is slang for rolling a marijuana cigarette.

Endorphin expanded into this, his 1999 album release. Skin was the culmination of 18 months of frantic creativity for Eric. And the result? Breathtaking. Endorphin delves deeper into the darkness without abandoning the beauty that made Embrace so appealing.

Far more urban, and edgier than his debut, Skin is an expression of 'doing it hard in Sydney'. It incorporates the feel we came to expect from Embrace, in songs such as 'Passage' and 'Higher'. While tracks such as 'Radio Funk' and 'Grey' reflect Eric’s current environment in urban Sydney. The album was widely acclaimed by both the dance music industry, and mainstream media. This led to Skin winning Album of the Year at the 2000 Australian Dance Music Awards, and Endorphin being nominated for Best Male Artist at that years ARIA Awards. The album sold out so quickly the first time around that Sony was prompted to re-release in January 2000 to cope with growing demands.

Skin was a personal album for Endorphin to make, this stemming not only from his embrace of inner emotion, but also due to the fact that his three year old daughter Zoe makes an appearance in the track aptly named after her. His girlfriend Sabrina also lends her vocals for the song 'Skin'. And they aren't the only featured vocalist on this album. Cindy Ryan from Stella One Eleven sang on 'Afterwords', while Tammy Brennan from Pavo Christatus can be heard on 'Anguish' and 'Time'. All that, plus the blending of Beethoven’s famous 'Moonlight Sonata' amidst trip hop and jungle beats in the track 'Blue Moon', which ensures anyone who listens an experience that will haunt and uplift.

This Endorphin album is a blend of past, present and future, and should not be overlooked.

Skin - Sony, 1999/2000

In common speech, oneself. As in, "I am in my own skin, at last."

My own self. Who I really am. Not what everyone thinks of me, not what I think I ought to be. But reality.

I heard on NPR last night what had to be done to save the severely burned victims of the 9/11 attacks. The peeling of burned tissue, under anesthesia. The transplants of artificial covering. And at the last, the transplants of the patients' own skin.

We are all like that. We need, after the medicos have done their magic, to be again ourselves.

Human skin consists of two layers, the Epidermis and the Dermis. The Hypodermis (AKA Subcutaneous Tissue) is also worthy of mention when studying the skin.

Stratum Corneum, (The protective, horny Layer).
Stratum Lucidum (May not actually exist. Included here for completeness).
Stratum Granulosum (Granular Layer, containing melanocytes and basophilic granules).
Stratum Spinosum (Prickly Layer).
Stratum Germinativum (Base Layer, keratinocytes form here. Also melanocytes).

Papillary Layer (Loose connective tissue).
Reticular Layer (Dense connective tissue, houses glands and hair follicles).

"Skin" is the title of a new story by author Shelley Jackson, author of the seminal hypertext novel The Patchwork Girl. "Skin" will only be published as tattoos on the skins of participants, whom the author hand-picks from a growing field of applicants. Each applicant, once accepted, receives a waiver "releasing the author from any responsibility for health problems, body image disorders, job-loss, or relationship difficulties that may result from the tattooing process." Once the applicant returns the waiver, she is assigned a word (plus punctuation if applicable), which she must either accept or choose not to be part of the project. The participant must then have the word tattooed (in a classic book font like Helvetica) on her body -- any part, unless the word specifically refers to a body part, in which case it may be any body part but that one.

The tattoos will constitute the only publication of the story; a copy will be given to participants once all the words are assigned, but Jackson promises that she "will not permit it to be summarized, quoted, described, set to music, or adapted for film, theater, television or any other medium," and participants must pledge not to reveal it.

Once their tattoos are complete, participants will be known as "words." As Jackson explains it,

They are not understood as carriers or agents of the texts they bear, but as its embodiments. As a result, injuries to the printed texts, such as dermabrasion, laser surgery, tattoo cover work or the loss of body parts, will not be considered to alter the work. Only the death of words effaces them from the text. As words die the story will change; when the last word dies the story will also have died.
Jackson promises that she will try to attend the funerals of dead words.

The project has aroused great interest, partly but not only in the body modification community. As of September, 2004, Jackson had received 10,090 project-related emails and assigned 1780 of 2095 words. Participants bring their own sense of significance to the project -- The New York Times Magazine reported, for instance, that one mother/daughter pair requested consecutive words -- and to the words they are assigned. (A few words who have made themselves public include "the," "remember?," "eyes.," "blood," and "craning," and all of them, even the definite article, have developed personal interpretations of their tattoos.) As of December 2004, stories have not yet been mailed out.

As for the interpretation of "Skin" -- is it a story? A piece of performance art? A thought experiment unnecessarily carried out? -- that is up in the air. Certainly it makes people nervous, but the reasons differ (is it too much authorial control? Is it the invisible story that participants are being asked to embody? Is it the worry that you might get a word you didn't like>?). Regardless, it is a challenging (if perhaps too wanky) project and one that bears pondering. (To ponder further, check out and

It was a rash this time. Her wrist was held in front of her eyes and she stroked the veins and down a bit with her smallest finger; warm, smooth, and then a roughness where a cluster of hair follicles were inflamed and pink. Some kind of rash. She stroked the infected skin slowly and there were several clusters. It felt awful and it was itchy, she stroked, and soon they will crack and weep. The hair follicles will swell and rot and the skin will become porous and scar. Touch receptors are found closest to the hair follicles, she stroked, and the removal of hair decreases these touch sensations. She brought her wrist to her ear and it sounded like the distant undoing of one’s trousers. She hadn’t noticed that he was sitting up now, his back to her, and he spoke into his lap the words, ‘going for a walk.’

She lifted her head and watched his naked silhouette drift across the bedroom and slip through the doorway like dust.

It was definitely a rash. It had grown now and speckled with red spots, like pinpricks, little blood vessel undercurrents threatening eruption. Her fingertips trickled the rough sores, the intricate patterns and textures and, when she pulled on the skin, it revealed the fault lines; the imminent shivering cracks in a skinscape of natural epidermal disasters.

When he arrived home the next day he said, ‘coffee?’ She loved him. He had been circumcised shortly after their marriage because his foreskin wouldn’t retract back over his penis and it constricted him. It was intolerable discomfort and he had said to her, ‘it’s got to go.’

She sipped her coffee and studied his profile against the television. He had three atrophic scars on his forehead from chicken pox and the hair follicles on his neck were always inflamed, always looked sore, folliculitis barbae - ingrown hairs. A burning pimple for every proud black stub.

Under the covers that night she pressed her breasts to his thighs, stroked his chest, ribs and belly and they were all warm and smooth. Then she said something he didn’t hear and he was sliding down her tongue through the dark wetness, a woman’s palate, warm, glabrous walls. Later that night she cut herself masturbating and when she showered the next morning she would scrape the walls of her cheeks with her fingernails. The skin built up underneath them like white glue and this is how they collect DNA. She shaved her legs in eager rhythms, and all of the hair below her neck she shaved, and she scrubbed all the skin she could reach with her wrinkled paws because the very surface of the skin is the stratum corneum and this is mostly dead cells. When she was finished she became still and watched herself dry in the mirror until the last drop hit the tiles and she was softer than a towel.

And then she found a stranger. And that night she said, 'I love him' in the bedroom, and her eyes held the empty wine glass. She nursed her bleeding palm, bandaged in underwear from an accident she didn’t recall. She lifted her good hand to touch her cheek and said, ‘but my skin is so rough.’ The man stroked her face and she thought about ways to fix her skin, to be in one piece. He tapped the radio for music but it quickly turned to a washed up roar and he held her hips for balance as they tried to find a rhythm in the noise, the indescribable sound waves breaking over the bodies of two moving strangers in the night.

She returned home very late that night and her clothes were wet from the rain so she removed them quietly, and slowly, her skin felt cool and itchy without them. She unbound her wounded palm and climbed beneath the blankets where her husband slept like a bear.

It takes 52 - 75 days for complete epidermal renewal. She arched her back and brought herself to him. She tucked her hips against his and folded her body into his form. Her cheek rested against the warm skin between his shoulder blades and she listened to his breathing, a hushing rhythm, as she traced the lines of his skin with her fingertips, the scattered contours and paths, feeling her way through the dark for familiarity. A soft intrigue, a stolen touch.

Sometimes the skin heals to form keloid scars. Scars red and raised in appearance, and itchy. And they continue to grow, reenacting old paths on the flesh, a memorial for obsessive healing.

Skin (?), n. [Icel. skinn; akin to Sw. skinn, Dan. skind, AS. scinn, G. schined to skin.]

1. Anat.

The external membranous integument of an animal.

⇒ In man, and the vertebrates generally, the skin consist of two layers, an outer nonsensitive and nonvascular epidermis, cuticle, or skarfskin, composed of cells which are constantly growing and multiplying in the deeper, and being thrown off in the superficial, layers; and an inner sensitive, and vascular dermis, cutis, corium, or true skin, composed mostly of connective tissue.


The hide of an animal, separated from the body, whether green, dry, or tanned; especially, that of a small animal, as a calf, sheep, or goat.


A vessel made of skin, used for holding liquids. See Bottle, 1.

"Skins of wine."



The bark or husk of a plant or fruit; the exterior coat of fruits and plants.

5. Naut. (a)

That part of a sail, when furled, which remains on the outside and covers the whole.

Totten. (b)

The covering, as of planking or iron plates, outside the framing, forming the sides and bottom of a vessel; the shell; also, a lining inside the framing.

Skin friction, Skin resistance Naut., the friction, or resistance, caused by the tendency of water to adhere to the immersed surface (skin) of a vessel. -- Skin graft Surg., a small portion of skin used in the process of grafting. See Graft, v. t., 2. -- Skin moth Zool., any insect which destroys the prepared skins of animals, especially the larva of Dermestes and Anthrenus. -- Skin of the teeth, nothing, or next to nothing; the least possible hold or advantage. Job xix. 20. -- Skin wool, wool taken from dead sheep.


© Webster 1913.

Skin, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Skinned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Skinning.]


To strip off the skin or hide of; to flay; to peel; as, to skin an animal.


To cover with skin, or as with skin; hence, to cover superficially.

It will but skin and film the ulcerous place. Shak.


To strip of money or property; to cheat.



© Webster 1913.

Skin, v. i.


To become covered with skin; as, a wound skins over.


To produce, in recitation, examination, etc., the work of another for one's own, or to use in such exercise cribs, memeoranda, etc., which are prohibited.

[College Cant, U.S.]


© Webster 1913.

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