- Though I may not have lived a virtuous life, at least I can say I've lived
- Who are wise in love, love most, say least
- You say the least
- Path of least resistance
- least harmful action
- Shall I at least set my lands in order?
- least
- At least you tried your best
- least common multiple
- least recently used
- Japanese puns that are not funny but at least are puns
- Of the mirror of the universe be the part that is densest, most useful and least apparent
- At Least There is Racing
- Least popular foods in the U.S. Armed Forces
- least upper bound
- At Least This Kindness
- principle of least action
- Well at least this time I don't think you're dying.
- The least visited tourist attraction in Dublin
- The Decadent Students' Association got me arrested on at least one occasion
- Reasons why you need at least 5 hours of sleep
- It was the least I could do
- At least things can't get any worse
- At least I have something to show for my awkward days
- At least I didn't have to pay...
- principle of least surprise
- At least he was gentle
- Stop the Madness (Or at Least Slow It Down A Little)
- least privilege
- William Least Heat-Moon
- least upper bound property
- physical proof that the arithmetic mean is at least as large as the harmonic mean
- Least restrictive environment
- Method of least squares
- Selling my least favorite stuff to the neighbors
- Least Publishable Unit
- least element
- Ordinary Least Squares
- The least popular movies of the last fifteen years
- at least in dreams when shit gets ugly you can still fly and whistle
- Or at least it used to be
- Least Squares
- if you are going to steal from me, at least steal something of value
- Every poem about thunder was written under the protection of a roof, or, at the very least, an empty sky
- Obedient to the least command
- Following the path of least resistance is what makes the river crooked.
- The bar, at least, seems real
- (at least) three cheers for cause and effect
- The least push of joy
- Least effort principle
- This is an ode to the one I have loved the least
- least significant bits
- Alfred, At Least I'm Trying
- At least it's an ethos
- The Least We Can Do Is Wave To Each Other
- She cleaned up for me at least.
- At least animals can run away
- The least I can get away with
- The World's least populated Time Zone
- Sometimes words are the least true thing
- Asymmetric Cryptography for Those Who At Least Know Algebra
- The Least Trumps
- I didn't have the heart to tell him I was lying about taco night, but at least the hellhound made some friends
- the least I should do is name the beast
- We might not like each other very much afterwards, but at least we'll understand each other.
- At least you've got nuances
- please come stay with me in the forest so at least i have one person with whom i have no secrets
- The jongleurs for once in their lives were winning a battle (well, for themselves at least)
- At least the dark don't hide it
- If you're going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair
- The problem of the least deserving person in Hell and the least deserving person in Heaven
- The deepest rivers flow with least sound
- If you're going to masturbate, would you at least close the fucking door?
- the struggle continues, but at least i know i'm not alone
- purpose is the path of least resistance
- Choosing bitterness is taking the easy way out. It's so easy to feel bitter when you've been hurt. Path of least resistence. Forgiveness is a path that goes in a very different direction.
- Bragging about a high IQ is way worse than bragging about having a large dick. The latter can at least be demonstrably used for something and be put to good use.
- everybody sees it, at least a little bit
- At Least It Was Here
- at least i saved something important
- When words fail me, music helps. I can at least sing along.
- if you're going to pontificate, can I at least have a drink
- Say Anything
- The Knights Who say Ni!
- Seven words you can never say on television
- say
- My uncle says that smoking crack is kinda cool
- Needless to say, it is my favorite dream
- Just say no to TV
- Just Say No
- This is Just to Say
- Oh Say Can You Say?
- needless to say
- What you say, What I hear
- Never say die
- Fun with AOL say!
- Just Say No to Dubs
- What do you need to transfer to say you have transferred your mind?
- How to say "I'm crazy"
- "It takes people to win," says obscenely wealthy CEO
- Because I say so
- Say my name, bitch!
- Jesus did not say this; it represents the perspective of a later or different tradition
- How to say "I love you"
- No one says anything important during the day
- If someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "Yes!"
- How to say "I can eat glass, it does not hurt me"
- What Italian guys are really talking about when they say "Ey Oh"
- What not to say in an interview
- Say Goodbye
- How many ways can you say "ginger"?
- A hollow voice says fool
- How many ways can you say "vinegar"?
- How many ways can you say "It's stuff made from soy"?
- Things not to say in Thai
- Something not to say in Gujarati
- Two things not to say in Nepali
- Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye
- Say that turning a teenage girl to stone is depriving the world of her
- Saying what you mean, meaning what you say.
- Never Say Never Again
- The theory of evolution says that life originated, and evolution proceeds, by random chance
- (Listen to the) Flower People
- Things that a fetus would say if it could speak
- It's too late to say you're sorry
- What do you say to Michael Crichton?
- To say nothing of the dog
- It's hard to know what to say when a friend's parent they always hated suddenly dies
- I just called to say your brother fucks like a mink
- You really have nothing to say, do you?
- I bet I can make you say black
- A smiley can make anything you say seem nice
- If an E2 user called you, what would you say?
- The kind of thing mom says
- Do as I say, not as I do
- No one seems to listen to what I say
- You say "the internet" but you mean "the world wide web"
- Then what did Jesus say, grandpa?
- he says
- Kids say the darndest things
- Things we say and do when we can't tell the truth
- Let's not, and say we did
- Let's not, and say we didn't
- What the Institute for Motivational Development had to say about me
- Say NO to Drugs
- Ways to Say you're done
- you say tomato, I say tomato
- Who says discount card profiling isn't fun?
- I will take one ticket please to whatever you have to say please keep talking
- Things Never to say to your kids
- I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it
- /say
- If you have to scream to be heard, you have nothing profound to say
- When people say destroying a work of art is good
- Alice without opening her eyes says You have to stop crying you are shaking the bed.
- When they say "Gotta have it!" they mean it!
- Ramona Says A Bad Word
- Things not to say to a policeman in a bomb scare
- If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything
- "Don't worry," he says
- As the kids say
- What loan words say about a society
- Jesus doesn't care if you say the word "fuck"
- You say my eyes are glazed over. I say it's a tasty glaze.
- How to say "No" and have people listen
- say please
- After all, the Bible says Jesus' first miraculous sign was to make 180 gallons of wine for a party!
- Say no to coke
- In God we trust? Who says?
- Gods say the darndest things
- I didn't know what to say
- Say good night, Gracie
- I never thought I'd have something to say
- They say that I have the best ass below 14th Street
- What the hell did Kennedy say about Jefferson?
- Allen Say
- Shall I say, I have gone at dusk through narrow streets
- Tell the truth. Begin by beginning. Say good things to yourself.
- You Say You Don't Love Me
- There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how
- say (user)
- Say When
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