Online Visualizer

The online visualizer generates a graphical, client-side-image-mapped nodegel graph as well as the original ASCII graph.

  • (maintained by pyrogenic)

Command-Line Visualizer (upon whose datafile this script depends) hasn't been updated to deal with cast and multi-ching. The code for the online version had been fixed, so just use the online version for now until I get it working as a shell script again.

I love visualizations. I wanted to see what my nodegel looked like. Even more, I wanted other noders to see my nodegel on my homenode. So, taking kaatunut's E2 Node Tracker as a starting point, and using the power of pipe links, I wrote a perl script that generates an ASCII, E2, or HTML graph of your nodes. Look at kaatunut's node tracker WU for instructions on turning this node into a script you can run on your computer.

One of the neat things about this tool is you can have all your nodes linked from your homenode! Of course, I suppose I'll have to add features to select only part of one's nodespace for those users with lots and lots of nodes. The more nodes you create at the same time, the longer it takes to make the graph, just so you know.

I'll probably keep updated graphs on my homenode. /msg me if you've made graphs and put them where others can see. The scatterplots look best with link underlining set to "hover" or "never" in your browser.

Through my own testing, I've discovered my command-line parser doesn't work properly with older versions of perl (before 5.6). Just double-up your first command line option and it should work. For instance, if you want "-links +flip -nodes", use "-links -links +flip -nodes" instead.

Here is the default output for my nodegel:
$ perl

 |                              @                                
 |                                                            @  
 |                         @                                     
 |                       @                                       
 |     @                                                         
 |        @                @                                     
 |                          @                           @    @   
 | O          O                                                  
 | @                     O                                       
 |        OO @     O       @                                  O  
 |        @O@ @@         OO       @                              
 | @   @ @O  O O OO    OO@@OO         @                O  @    O 
 | OO OOO OO  OO @   @@OOOOOO@O O                  OOOO  @       
 | OO  OOOOO  OOO O OOOOOOOOO  OOO                     OO        
0+-@--OOOOO----O------OOOOOOO--OOO----------O------O---O-----OO--> now
 |                  O                                            
 | OO                       O                                    

Here are only my C!ed nodes:
$ perl -nodes

 |                              @                                
 |                                                            @  
 |                         @                                     
 |                       @                                       
 |     @                                                         
 |        @                @                                     
 |                          @                           @    @   
 | personal home taping is legal          The guy who may as well already be dead and therefore doesn't care about the consequences of his actions and is able to move with perfect freedom for the remainder of what will likely be a tragically short life                                                  
 | @                     Third law of thermodynamics                                       
 |        April 9, 2001How the United States highway system works @     watchdog timer       @                                  The Responsible Drug User's Oath  
 |        @The Convent of Hell@ @@        angel food for thought@Becca       @                              
 | @   @ @caffeine overdose  penguin vibrator April 16, 2001 irregardlessdisestablishmentarianism    Windows Media Playerknitting@Meryn CadellJob Application          @                dysgenic  @    Windows PE 
 | Using DeCSS is LegalImpure Mathematics formula for the volume of a sphereformula for the surface area of a sphere  Lucian FreudThe Formula  April 11, 20011-800-SOS-APPLE @   @@Sharkheadbumble beeMartinaMaidenformLost Dog CafeI Been Redeemed@Sprint PCS  Princess Fiona                 wordcable wayFrancis Trenholm CroweOne True Wave  @       
 | Answering Machine messages  transcendence of instinctPyrogenicWilly Wonkaprimitive vocabularyPresidential Debate Humorhow to sound like a child  April 10, 2001April 13, 2001B & B Pioneer Clubs Dream Log: April 27, 2001keefneoI SayMagnetic PoetryclothesBarbiedoomsday deviceThe Pope  The Dragonhuman optical character recognitioncomputer animated film                     SSXSeung Mina        
0+-@-------------------------------------------------------------> now
 |                  What wouldn't Jesus do?                                            
 | hotel soap...                       smart ass                                    

Here is the output using the flip option and a different size:
$ perl +flip -size 36x20

          OOOOOO@@            @              
          OOOOOOO@O@O      @                 
           |OOO@ O@@ O                       
          O|OOOOOO@ @   O                    
         O OOO@O  O O                        
          OOOOO@@@O  O         @             
       O  OOOOOO@ @      @ @           @     
           OOOOOO                         @  
          OOOOOO  @                          
           |    @                            
           |  O                              
          O| OOO                             
          O|O  OO                            
           |   @ @       @                   
           O        @                        
           |      O                          

Here I've changed the characters and added in the writeup-fu average line.
$ perl +flip -size 152x40 +nodes=. +cools=o +avg=!

                ....... . . o   o    !                    o                          
                  | . ...   . o .o  .. !            o                                
                  |   ..      . o o    !                                             
                . | ...   . . ..o      !    .                                        
              .   | ....   o        . !                                              
                 .. ....o             !                                              
                .........o. o o .     .                     o                        
          .       . ....o.      o     !         o   o                       o        
                  ..... . .           !                                           o  
                . | . .         o     !                                              
                  |                   !                                              
                  |         o         !                                              
                  .                   !                                              
                  |                   !                                              
                  |                   !                                              
                . | .   ...          !                                               
                . | .     . .        !                                               
                  |       o   o       !         o                                    
                  .                 o !                                              
                  |             .     !                                              
                 \|/                    !                                              

The Code:

The code can also be pulled off the web:
This is still the original version of the visualizer, as time permits the new version will be linked in here.