Name: Maria Carmen
Born: Feb. 11, 1959
Death: Feb. 12, 1959

I went to the cemetary again to leave another flower, my second. I saw the dates and looked around at the surrounding [tombstone[s, all ages between a couple of days old to just about 3 years old. I started off at the baby burial spots of the cemetary without knowing. I am glad that I started off with young kids rather than adults because at least I know that before the age of three, everyone's innocent. They say the innocent suffer in due time, and they do. But being young and dying constitutes many different reasons including:

I took all of these reasons into mind when I gave my speech for that child. I was troubled and all didn't go too well. There were other people there in the cemetary too, old folks. One of the men had on binoculars and was using them profusely. The other man went to his truck for some supplies that I could not see. Two women were with them walking around looking at different tombstones. I was very upset, these people looked like they came here to just look at tombstones and walk around. At first, yeah, I went to the cemetary to walk around, but not to sightsee. I went to feel at peace with my death. I went to smell the air, see the flowers, wonder about the people, wonder about the people that were at the burial, and such. I did not start going to just "sightsee," I had a purpose, and now my purpose has grown. I go to leave a flower to the dead. I care not if one tombstone has an abundance of flowers, I go in order of the layout presented to me. I enjoy being at the cemetary, these people seemed to too but I really don't know their true intent. I'm not saying I now "own" this cemetary, I just think people should show more respect to the dead.