Oh muted I wish I had read this node last week - it would have saved me so much time and heartache.

It was last Friday, my husband was home with the kids and I was out with my crew for a night of bombing in the SFV. We had racked a bunch of the Martha Stewart Everyday Spray Paint, were blasting the hip hop and were scratch bombing bus benches on the way to Woodman and Ventura. Roberta (Zachary's mom) had her 9 mike in case we caught any disrespect from the locals and we had Sheila (Johnathan's mom) drive the g ride (because its a Honda Odyssey so we can all fit).

So we were right in the middle of throwing up this piece on the side of Guitar Center when my can of Martha jams on me! I shake, nothing...shake, nothing! My homegirls are giving me the red eye and I knew I better do something or they would think I was perpetrating!

I am down for mine but yo I had to look out for #1 so I decided to loc out. I yelled "pull!" and threw the can as high as I could into the air - quck as lightning I pulled my rambo gauge and shot the can - it exploded like a grenade and suddenly the entire parking lot was a gorgeous color of peapod!

Straight up, the girls laughed so hard as we punked back to the Odyssey - Phyllis (Kayla's mom) actually peed her pants! I was still upset though - If that Martha Stewart Everyday Spray Paint hadn't jammed, the side of Guitar Center would say "Did you do your chores today?". Dayumn.