Formerly the Programming Metanode
If you think something's missing, /msg me.
Also, visit the sub-nodes of this node:
Now for the node:
Ahh, all the types of programmers
Programming Styles
Culture and Self-Development
Evolution of a programmer
What it takes to be a good programmer
virtues of a good programmer, A good programmer is a lazy programmer
C Programmer's Disease
Why programmers should support same sex relationships
Now you're a coder. Dress the part.
Programmer Hell
A Programmer's Inventory:
Don't forget the Macintosh!
Assorted Things
For now, unsorted
- Program, Programming, Program Design, Computer Program, programmer, programming-whore
- shell, script, shell script, scripting, shell scripting
- Software, software design, software engineer
- hack, hacker, hacking, Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
- Evolution of a Programmer
- Computer programming - The ultimate power trip
- Obfuscated
- debug, debugging
- Hello World
- Free Software Foundation
- Rapid Application Development, RAD tool
- malloc abuse
- Direct X
- OpenGL
- Teen Programmers Unite, Teen Programmers' Union
- Programming in General
- The story of Mel, a Real Programmer
- Methods and Standards - Modular Programming
- My experience in programming (not mine)
- Getting old while programming
- geek extremist
- I'm at a programming roadblock.
- Everyday I Spend Writing Code
Thanks to these people for their help: