Wednesday, Sydney, 6:15pm

Early start to a beautiful Sydney morning, bright and clear. Woke at 5am, the sun was up and although I tried to sleep in, after 5 minutes I was up and alert.

Little politics affected me today, which is such an amazing relief. While not enjoying the gestalt, it was at least mostly technical and therefore fun. Today I brought up another new Mandrake host, dropped an additional 18Gb into it, got the spankin' new netatalk 1.4.99 package running, fixed some Apache configuration weirdness around a recent PHP upgrade. Was called to an all-agency meeting to meet a new PR woman who seems to be something of a technophobe. Then a nice meeting with a nice client designing a nice microsite campaign. Fully expecting the client's host to be IIS, it made my day to discover that they're a Linux/Apache site.

At the airport now, will be home by 8pm. Gemma and Molly are collecting me, looking forward to seeing my lovely family again.